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To say the group the group was shocked would be an understatement since they've never heard about Mark.

"When did you meet? Who asked who out?" Jin asked.

Jungkook giggled and grabbed Marks hand. "Well we've been talking for around three months and we got together two weeks ago." Jungkook says.

"Wait so you didn't tell us at the sleep over?" Yoongi asks. "I wasn't ready to tell you guys," Jungkook responds.

"Hey it's fine, at least you're happy with Mark," Jimin says pointing at Mark who's just talking with Taehyung.

"Yeah he's the best," "If he breaks your heart I'll break him," Jin says with an innocent smile.

Mark heard this and I got a little nervous but he knows he can't bring himself to do anything bad to Jungkook. Ever since he met the boy he's been really happy.

"Anyways why don't we get to know him better," Jimin says as he sits next to Taehyung.  "Hey Mark do you have any friends?" Taehyung asks.

"Oh well I have some friends who have been with me for a long time," Mark replies. "They're really nice I already met them," Jungkook joins in.

"Do we know them?" Yoongi asks. "Maybe? They go to our school their names are Jackson, JB, Yugyeom, BamBam, Young-jae, and Jin-young."

"Wait Jackson?Jackson Wang?" Namjoon asks shocked.  "Yup he's one of my friends," Marks says confused.

"Wow what a small world, he's one of my buddy's too but I haven't seen him in awhile." "We should all hang out," Jimin says.

"Great idea, I mean well might as get along with them since their friend is dating our little baby," Jin says pinching Jungkooks cheeks.

"Hyung I'm not a baby," Jungkook says with a pout. 

The group including Mark coo at Jungkooks cute behavior.


The group have been hanging out for a while but it was almost late so they were getting ready to leave and rest for the day.

"It was great meeting you Mark," Hoseok says shaking Marks hand.  "Likewise," Mark replies.

They all said their goodbyes and were walking out, before Jimin and Taehyung could leave Namjoon tapped on Taehyung's shoulder.

"Tae I need help," Namjoon says. "What happened?" Taehyung asks as he and Jimin turn around.

"Tomorrow is my anniversary with Jin and I don't know what to plan," "Hyung last minute planning reall?" Jimin says.

"Ive been busy and I didn't know what to do." Namjoon says a little stressed out.  "Hey it's alright Jimin and I can plan something, I'll send you the address." Taehyung says with a thumbs up.

"Thanks I owe you guys one," "No problem but you get going before Jin hyung goes crazy," Taehyung replies.

Namjoon nodded and left.


Planning a anniversary date the day before isn't a great idea but Taehyung and Jimin managed to set up a movie date for the couple. It wasn't something big but it was something.

The couple decided to arrange the date outside and made it look good for something that was planned last minute.

Soon enough Namjoon and Jin arrived. Jin was happy with the result saying it looked cute.

"Namjoon did you plan this?" Jin asked looking around. "It was all Taehyung and Jimin," Namjoon says, giving Jimin and Taehyung thumbs up.

"We hope you guys enjoy your date!" Jimin and Taehyung say.  "Thank you and maybe you guys can also plan our wedding," Jin jokes making them giggle.

"You can count on us hyung." Jimin says. "Well we should get going!" Taehyung says taking Jimin with him.

"This is beautiful Joonie," Jin says holding Namjoons hand.  "I'm you liked it, you deserve the best Jinnie," Namjoon replies kissing Jin's cheek.

"I love you," " I love you too,"

The couple smile and share a nice and slow kiss.

Short chapter today.



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