Part Nine😨

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No ones POV
Vanessa was going up the steps thinking about what she was going to say to Madelaine by the time she thought about it she was already in the room just looking at the red haired girl "Hey" Mads said "Can we talk?" Vanessa asked "Yea, of course" she said patting the bed, Vanessa crawled on the bed and sat there silently "So what's up?" Madelaine asked "What are we? Sometime you act like we're dating and then other times you act like we're just best friends and I'm confused because you say we were dating but then we don't act like we're dating" Vanessa said quickly "I act like we're only best friends?" Madelaine asks sadly "Yea" Vanessa signed "I want to kiss you and cuddle you but you act like nothing ever happened" Vanessa told her "I'm sorry Nessa" Madelaine scoots closer time the other girl "I never meant to hurt you, we never really talked about us after what happened in the trailer, so I was a little nervous" she added "Let's talk about us now then" Vanessa told the red head "I really want to be with you Madelaine but I don't know if you want to be with me" Vanessa tells her honestly "I do want to be with you Nessa. I like you so so much, since the day we met I knew I wanted to be with you" Madelaine told her truthfully "Really?" Vanessa asks "Of course" Mads said before leaning in to his the smaller girl. The kiss was tender but passionate at the same time, both girls missed it a lot.

"Hey" Trinity says looking up from her colouring book since Vanessa took her phone "Hi...Why are you coloring" Chloe asks amusingly sitting on the bed beside her "Vanessa took my phone for 24 hours so I needed something to do to pass the time" Trinity told her "Want to color with me?" Trinity asked sweetly "Of course" Chloe said grabbing some markers.
They were colouring in comfortable silence until Chloe broke it "Can I ask you a question?" She asked, Trinity nodded her head "Why are you always on your phone now? Like I'm always on my phone but your texting someone 24/7" Chloe said looking up from the book "People text me and I text back I guess" Trinity said shrugging her shoulders. Chloe is looking at Trinity, Trinity closes the book and faces Chloe "Why don't you ask what you really want to ask" Trinity tells the smaller girl (Fun fact: Trinity is 5'3 and Francesca {Chloe} is 4'9) "What do you-" Chloe was saying before Trinity cut her off "You know what I mean Chloe. Just ask" She says looking the girl in the eyes "Fine, who are you texting all the time" Chloe finally asked "Why" The girl challenges "Trinity!! I'm serious" Chloe whines "Tell me why you care so much" Trinity says "I don't know" Chloe lies "Then I don't know who I'm texting" Trinity smirks "Fine I'm maybe just a little bit jealous or whatever" Chloe says rolling her eyes and not looking at the younger yet taller girl "I was texting a girl named Lauren, we are childhood best friends and she's straight so there is nothing to worry about" Trinity tells her "So your not straight?" Chloe asks still a little frustrated that she just admitted she was jealous of someone talking to Trinity "I wouldn't like you if I was...I-I mean umm" The younger girl stumbling over her words, Chloe sits there for a second silently "I need to talk to my sister" Chloe said quickly before running out their room to her sisters room.
"She said she liked me" Chloe whispered yelled once she opened the door "Ewww" Chloe gags looking at Vanessa on top of Madelaine with their shirts off "Out I need my sister" Chloe tells Vanessa, she pulls up her shorts since they were down her thigh, puts a shirt on and leaves the room. Chloe picks up a shirt off the ground, crawls on the bed and gives the shirt to her sister. Madelaine's face is blood red "Thanks" Mads said putting the shirt on "Sorry...for that. What do you need to tell me?" She asked "She said she likes me!!" Chloe said excitedly "Trinity!?!" Madelaine said smiling "How. When" Madelaine asks "I admitted I was jealous that she was texting on her phone all the time and she said that she was texting this girl and I asked if Trinity was straight and she said if she was straight she wouldn't like me, then I ran out" Chloe told her sister smiling hard "Go back to her and tell her you like her back" The older read head says pushing her sister off the bed, Chloe takes a deep breath "Okay, I will" she says going to the door before she opens it she turns around to look at her sister "You might want to cover those hickeys, and wash your sheets they smell like sex" she laughed before she leaving, Mads rolls her eyes at her little sister.
"Hey" Chloe says opening her bedroom door to see Lili and Trinity talking "I'll leave you two alone" Lili says leaving the room "Hi" Trinity smiles softly "I'm sorry for blurting out I like you and I know you don't like me back in that way and I will sleep downstairs to make you more comfortable" Trinity says nicely. Chloe put her hand under Trinity's chin and lightly kisses her lips "Does that answer your question?" Chloe says against her lips. Both girls are smiling looking in each other's eyes. Trinity looks down at the smaller girls lips "I've wanted to do that for a while" Trinity told her "Then let's do it again" Chloe says leaning back in, the kiss is sweet and soon turns into them making out.

"Sup fuckers" Chloe says to Madelaine and Vanessa who are downstairs on the couch with everyone else "Chloe stop it" Madeline says rolling her eyes and turning red "Is everyone just fucking in this house now?" Camila laughs "This house is filled of homo's" Lili adds "7 gays in one house" Vanessa says "I'm not gay!!" Ashleigh says laughing "I still don't believe you" Vanessa tells her playfully "Camila didn't say anything" Chloe points out "Shut the hell up and go play with your toys or something" Camila says laughing.

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