Part Eleven😁

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"I like big butts and a can of logs" Camila sings "What?" Chloe asks "Thats the words" Camila told her "No it's not" Trinity says "It's I like big butts and I can not lie" Madelaine tells her as she cuddles with Vanessa "Are you sure?" Camila asks thinking she's right "Why would it be can of logs?" Trinity asked "Sit down before you hurt your self" Vanessa tells her laughing, Camila sits beside Lili and starts to cuddle with her "How come everyone in this house is dating?" Madelaine says "I'm not dating anyone" Lili says "Neither am I" Cami adds "I'm technically not either" Chloe says "Only Madnessa" Lili says "Wait y'all aren't dating?" Madelaine asks Chloe and Trinity "Not officially" Chloe says giving her sister a look "Okay" Madelaine says getting the signal and leaving the subject alone "You and Camila might as well date" Trinity says to them "Or hook up, no one is judging" Chloe says "Chlo watch it" Madelaine warms her little sister "Fine" she said "What makes y'all think we even like each other?" Camila asks as she's still cuddling with Lili "Well for one you are cuddling right now" Trinity says "Lili and Madelaine cuddled and no one said anything" Camila said "True okay" Madelaine said "Call her beautiful Cami" Vanessa told her "You're beautiful" Camila said smiling, Lili start blushing and tried to stop her smile "See you can't even hold it in" Vanessa says "We're not dating" Lili says "But you like each other?" Chloe says "Uhh...Remember when Trinity and Chloe had sex and now they are talking and sleep in the same room?" Camila said trying to change the subject "Don't change the subject Camila" Chloe said "And fuck you for trying to throw us under the bus" Trinity says playfully. Camila's arm was over Lili's shoulders and Lili's head was on her chest "Movie?" Lili said after it was silent for a while "Yea" They all agreed. Chloe and Trinity cuddled on the couch with Vanessa and Madelaine who were also cuddling and so were Lili and Camila.
They decided to watch a scary movie and Lili kept jumping so Camila kept kissing her head to make her feel better, by the time the movie was over Lili was on top of Camila but she wasn't complaining. Chloe and Trinity kept making out the whole movie and Madelaine saw that.
"I'm hungry" Lili said, Camila agreed with her "Then eat each ot-" Vanessa was about to finish but Madelaine covered her mouth "Your almost as bad as my sister" She sighed "Sorry" she apologised. Camila and Lili got up to find some food while Chloe and Trinity were still randomly kissing "What's the about?" Vanessa whispered to the red was "I don't know but I don't like where it's going" Madelaine whispered back "Are you going to talk to Chloe or do you want me to talk to Trinity?" she asked "You talk to Trin and I'll talk to my sister?" The red head said and Vanessa agreed "Chloe follow me" Madelaine said "Trinity come here" Vanessa said "Um okay" Chloe said following her sister up the stairs and Trinity scooter over to sit beside Vanessa.

"Did you like the movie?" Madelaine asked her sister when she got in her room "Yea it was great" Chloe told her "What was it about?" Madelaine asked "Umm a clown with a red balloon of course" Chloe said nervously "We didn't watch IT" the older red head told her "You didn't watch it because you were to busy putting you tongue down Trinity's throat" Madelaine said, Chloe's face quickly turned red "My tongue wasn't down her throat" Chloe said quietly "Yea it was, the whole damn movie" The oldest said "What am I supposed to say?" Chloe asks "I know we didn't watch the movie and I know what we were doing during the movie" she adds "Why was there so much sexual tension between you two?" The older red head asks "I honestly don't know it just happened" Chloe said to her sister "I don't know how or even when all I remember is we were kissing and I liked it" The youngest red head told her sister "Are y'all having sex?" Madelaine asked seriously "No what the fuck Mads" Chloe says "I'm being serious" Madelaine tells her "I am too" Chloe responds.

"So what's up kiddo" Vanessa says to Trinity "Nothing" Trinity tells her "Okay I'm going to cut to the chase, you and Chloe what's that relationship status" she asks "What do you mean" Trinity asked genuinely confused "I mean are y'all just hooking up, are y'all together are y'all talking or just making out during movies for fun" Vanessa asks "I guess we're talking, I don't really know to be very honest with you" she said running her hands through her hair "I want to be together" Trinity tells her "So your not just hooking up or anything like that?" Vanessa asks "No, we haven't done anything since that time at my house" Trinity said honestly "Okay good" The oldest says "Give me a hug" Vanessa says "Ugh you sound like my mom when I told her I was Bi" Trinity joked "Wait you told her?" Vanessa asked "Yea" she responded "When?!" Nessa asked eagerly "Two weeks after what happened with me and Chloe" Trinity told her "Congrats babes" Vanessa says hugging her again but tighter.

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