Part Nineteen

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No Ones POV
A few months have pasted, Lili isn't sad anymore, Corona is gone (WEAR A FUCKING MASK. CORONA ISN'T GONE YET SO WEAR A MASK, SOCIAL DISTANCE, AND STOP PARTYING)
"Why do we have to go!!" Trinity whined, now that corona is gone they have to be back on set early again and Trinity doesn't want to get up "Baby, get up. Please" Chloe said softly "Kiss?" Trinity asked sitting up, Chloe kissed her girlfriend and they both got up and got ready.

"What are you going to do with Camila there with you two doing scenes together?" Madelaine asked her best friend "She has moved on and so have I, I want it to go back to before like nothing happened but I don't know yet. I guess we will see when we get there" Lili said putting on her shoes.

"Hey girlies!!" Casey said when they all got out the car "Hey boys" Vanessa said, they all exchanged hugs. "Miss us?" Chloe teases "Not one bit" Oliver told her smiling "I see you two got together. I don't like how I figured out from social media though " Oliver said offended "Sorry, we just wanted to get it all over with so we posted it" Trinity told him. They all go to their respective trailers to get ready for set "How many scenes do you have today?" Chloe asked her girlfriend who is on her phone "Not many why?" She asked "I wanted to hang out with you and Oliver today" Chloe told her "Okay, we can do that after I finish my scenes" Trinity said kissing her lips and leaving the trailer.

"Hey" Camila said making Lili turn around fast "Hi" she responded "I just wanted to say that I'm sor-" Camila was interrupted "It's over now, we don't have to bring anything of it up" Lili told the girl "Okay" Camila said "See you on set?" She added awkwardly walking out Lili's trailer.

"So we are going to start off with couples, so I want Choni to start off cuddling in bed and Bughead doing the same. Varchie already knows what they are doing" Roberto said, everyone agreed and they began to film.
"I'm done for today kids" Trinity said after her last scene of the day "Movie time!!!" Chloe said happily, the three teens sat on the couch and started the movie. A few minutes in and Trinity was fast asleep.

"Babe" Vanessa called out "Yes" Andrew answered "Shut up" she said pushing him playfully then wrapping her arms around her girlfriend "Hey sexy" Vanessa said "Hi baby" Madelaine said looking over her script with Camila, Casey, and Connor "Could you not do that near my script?" Connor teased "Suck my dic-" Vanessa was interrupted "Be nice" Madelaine said "Suck my toe" Vanessa corrected herself "So Toni is whipped for Cheryl and your whipper first Madelaine" Casey laughed "I'm not whipped" Vanessa complained "Sure your not" Andrew told her "Fuck all of you" Vanessa said playfully "Hey!! I didn't even say anything" Camila said "You ate my food before so fuck you" Vanessa laughed making everyone else laugh.

"Trinity" Chloe said "What?" The sleepy girl asked "We- Were you sleep?" Chloe asked moving away so she could see "No of course not" the younger girl told her. Chloe sighed "Your always sleep" she said "I can't sleep the one day I actually worked while you sat here with Oliver the whole time" Trinity said defensively "Whats that supposed to mean?" Chloe said standing up "That you sat here all day while I had to work for hours" Trinity told her angrily "You argue like an old married couple" Oliver said watching "Shut up" Trinity told him "Don't tell him to shut up" Chloe defended "Oh so you're on his side now!!" Trinity said angrily "There are no sides" Chloe told her "But you still picked his" Trinity said slamming the door of the trailer "That was the weirdest argument I've even seen" Oliver said.

Trinity stormed into Vanessa's trailer angrily and flopped into a chair "Whats wrong" Nessa asked with her arm around Madelaine "Nothing" Trinity told her getting on her phone "Okay?" Vanessa said looking at Madelaine who was also confused "My mom is picking me up from your house" Trinity said after a few minutes of silence "Your leaving already?" Madelaine asked "Whats really wrong?" She added knowing the girl wouldn't want to leave her girlfriend "Your sister" Trinity blurted out "Aww did you two get in your first fight?" Madelaine asked "It's not cute" Trinity said, Vanessa was laughing at the younger girl "Just talk to her but if you want to leave then you can" Madelaine told her "I miss my mom that's why I'm leaving" Trinity told them truthfully "Aww baby that's go cute!!" Mads said smiling "You're so weird" Vanessa laughed at her girlfriend.

"Where are you going?" Chloe asked when she saw Trinity packing up her stuff "Back home" Trinity told her "Is this because of the fight?" Chloe asks sadly "No, not at all. I just miss my mom a lot" Trinity told her "Awww babe that's so cute" Chloe said "You and your sister are exactly alike" Trinity laughed "How dare you offend me like that" Chloe said socked "Fine just leave now if your going to disrespect me like that" She added "Trinity your mom is here" Vanessa shouted from the bottom of the steps "Coming" She yelled back "Bye then" Trinity said slowly walking out the room "No I want a hug and kiss!!" Chloe said defeated "I thought you would" Trinity said smiling. The pair hugged and had a long passionate kiss, they walked down the stairs together hand in hand. Trinity hugged everyone good bye and gave one last kiss to Chloe before leaving.

When this book is over along with my other one, I will start two new books that I've already started writing. One is made up and the other one is a Cazzie from Atypical (Izzy and Casey) I love their relationship so much so I decided on that.

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