Part Twelve😝

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(I GOT A NEW PHONE!!! Just wanted to tell you, on to the story)
"Good morning!!" Trinity, Chloe, Lili, and Camila yell waking up Vanessa and Madelaine "Happy birthday" they all say to Vanessa "Thank you" Vanessa says in a sleep voice "Happy birthday baby" Madelaine says kissing the birthday girls lips "We made breakfast" Camila said eager to get to the food downstairs "We'll be down in a few minutes" Vanessa tells the girls.
"What are we doing for Vanessa since we can't go anywhere?" Trinity asked "I bought some gifts for her, did y'all buy any gifts?" Lili asked "I did" Camila said "We did too" Chloe and Trinity both said "Good I didn't want to have to share my presents" Lili jokes with the girls "I bet my present is better" Camila says "I doubt that" Trinity says "Yea ours is better" Chloe adds "Are y'all really sharing a present" Lili laughs "It's not a present because it won't let us wrap it" Trinity tells the blonde "What did you get her?" Lili asks concerned "You will figure out in a hour" Chloe tells her.
Everyone was watching a movie downstairs when there was a knock on the door "I think our presents here" Chloe says excitedly "What?" Vanessa asks "Well it wouldn't let us wrap it so we had it knock" Trinity tells her "Happy Birthday Nessa" Oliver says walking through the door "Oli!!!" Vanessa screams loudly running into his arms, Oliver is laughing at his older sister "Our present is better" Chloe says cockily "Not even fair" Camila says "Giving presents isn't a challenge" Lili says patting Camila's head while she pouts "I have to go in two hours because the boys and I have a serious game of pool to play" Oliver tells everyone as he sits on the side of the couch "Is that all you boys have been doing this whole time?" Trinity asks "Yea, we have a tournament tomorrow" Oliver says like it's the most obvious thing in the world "So what have y'all be up to?" He asks everyone "Nothing much" Madelaine says "Did Ashleigh leave?" He asks looking around "She went to her moms house to help her move" Chloe says.

Ik it's extremely short but I'll write a new one soon. I'm finally doing drivers ED this week (Virtual of course) and yes I'm 14 and in 10th grade leave me alone, ik I'm young😂. Have a good day!!

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