Part Twenty

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No Ones POV
Chloe was always on her phone texting Trinity since she left. She never really paid attention to anything the other three girls were doing. "Do you want to go on a date?" Trinity asks over FaceTime "Of course baby. When?" Chloe says smiling "Tonight" The girl over the screen questioned "Okay, I'll talk to you later" Chloe said "Okay bye babe" Trinity said hanging up the call.
"Chloe!!" Madelaine yells from downstairs "What!!" She yells back "Come here" her sister yells and she goes down the stairs.
"Movie night tonight" Lili says cuddling with Mads "I'm going on a date with Trinity tonight" Chloe tells them smiling "Oooh can we help you get ready" Her sister asks "Sure" Chloe tells them, then getting food.

"Come out!!" Lili says excited to see the final look, Chloe walks out her bedroom and down the stairs "Hot!!" Lili says "Ooh that my baby sister" Madelaine smiles "You look great" Vanessa says "Thank you" Chloe smiles liking the outfit they picked out. Chloe has on black ripped skinny jeans, light purple low-top vans and a light purple crop top with flowers on it.
"When will Trinity get here?" Mads asks "In a few minutes" Chloe tells her excited.
Trinity knocked on the door "Hi" she said when Vanessa opened the door "Come in their waiting" Vanessa tells her "Their?" Trinity asks walking in and seeing Madelaine, Chloe and Lili sitting on the couch together waiting patiently. Trinity smiles at how all three girls are smiling brightly "You ready?" Trinity asks reaching out her hand, Chloe grabs her hand and nods "Bye!!" Chloe and Trinity say at the same time before leaving.
"My baby is growing up" Madelaine says "Yes she is" Lili says back.

"What movie are we going to see?" Trinity asks "Ummm pets 2" Chloe smiles "You're a little kid" Trinity laughs paying for the tickets "Let's get a seat in the very back" Chloe smirks "I thought you wanted to watch the movie" Trinity says "We can watch some of it" Chloe smiles taking Trinity's hand and walking to their movie.

The lights went off and the movie started playing. They were in a dark corner in the very back of the theatre. Chloe reaches over to grab popcorn but Trinity pulls it away so Chloe kept reaching until her face is right in front of Trinity's "You said we weren't watching the movie" Trinity smirks, Chloe smiles and starts kissing the taller girl. Chloe was now straddling Trinity's lap as they make out, Trinity's hands roaming the smaller girls back.
The movie finally ended and they haven't seen a second of it "My place? My mom won't be home" Trinity smiles and Chloe nods.

Once they got into the house Trinity pins the redhead to the back of the door, Chloe wraps her legs around her waist and she carries her up to her room closing the door.  Trinity pushed Chloe onto the bed and pinned her hands down attacking her neck leaving hickeys.
*I don't do smut😂*

Madelaine, Lili and Vanessa were cuddling in the couch with Mads in the middle. "Threesome" Madelaine laughs "Ew" Vanessa smiles "Gross" Lili says playfully.
They just talked for a while until Chloe came into the house limping "Hey!!" Lili said excited "How was the date?" Madelaine asked. Chloe's face got red and she tucked her neck into the hoodie Trinity gave her "Looks like it went well" Vanessa laughs "It was good, we saw pets2 and uhhh went to her house to Umm cuddle" Chloe told them "How much of the movie did you even watch?" Lili laughs at the flustered girl "None of it" Chloe smiles giving in and sitting in the one of the living room chairs "Awww" Madelaine smiles "Do you need pain medicine?" Madelaine laughs at her sister "Yes please" Chloe sighs, Vanessa gets up and brings the pain medicine to Chloe. "So it seems like the date went the way you planned?" Vanessa giggles "Yea, it went better then expected" Chloe smiles getting up slowly "I'm going to lay down" She says walking slowly up the stairs.

"Babe" Madelaine cries "Yes" Vanessa answers from in their bathroom "Come here" Madelaine tells her, Vanessa finishes what she's doing and goes into the room to see Madelaine in tiny shorts and a laced bra "What's up" Vanessa smiled "Stop checking me out for one and two come cuddle with me" Madelaine said opening her arms which Vanessa happily went into. "You're wearing a lace bra and all you wanted to do was cuddle" Vanessa laughs "My clothing have nothing to do with if I want sex or not. I could be naked and not want sex" Madelaine tells her "Yes of course babe" Vanessa said trying to save herself "Now shut up and cuddle" Mads told her moving closer to her.

"Here" Lili said "Whats that for?" Chloe asked "Hickey all around your neck" Lili laughs "Thanks" Chloe said with a really red face now.

So I'm going to finish this book and my other one and after that I would be posting anymore. I did have 4 books lined up to publish but I'm not going to.
Idk how many more chapters this book will have.


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