Part Fourteen💔

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⚠️There are homophobic words⚠️
No One POV
Trinity and Chloe are ready to come out to everyone about them being in a relationship, they haven't told the girls at the house but they pretty much know, they need to tell Trinity's mom and they want to tell social media. "What are you going to post?" Chloe asked nervously "A picture of us, with the caption 'Mine'" Trinity said trying to find a good picture "Can I post one of us kissing?" Chloe asked "Yea" Trinity told her "Are you okay?" She added "Just a little nervous for what your mom says about us dating" Chloe tells the younger girl "She already loves you" Trinity told her trying to cheer her up "Yea but as a friend of yours, dating is totally different" Chloe reminds her "I've been talking to her about how I really like you for a while. She would have said something if she wasn't fine with us" Trinity said reassuring her "You talk to your mom about me?" Chloe says smiling and blushing "Not if you think it's weird" Trinity said "I think..." Chloe says climbing on top of Trinity's lap "It's cute, your cute" Chloe adds, The taller girl says leaning down to kiss her lips.
"I want to post this one" Chloe says showing them a picture of the two kissing "Who took that?" Trinity asked "I think Lili or Camila did" Chloe told her "Can I post this?" Trinity asked showing a picture of the two cuddling on the couch "Yes I love it" Chloe says "Babe" The younger girl said softly, the redhead nodded signalling for her to continue "Can I get an undercut, if you don't want me to I won't but I really want one" Trinity said kind of fast "Yea, you don't need permission from me cutie" Chloe said kissing her girlfriend.

"Let's go get puppies!!!" Chloe said screamed jumping down the stairs "I'm going to the hair salon" Trinity said excitedly "Did you ask your mom?" Lili asked "Yes she did, I made sure" Vanessa said "Let's go then" She added since she was taking Trinity to the hair salon "Bye" Madelaine said kissing Vanessa's cheek "Bye baby" Trinity said kissing Chloe on the lips, now Chloe is a blushing mess "Get a mask" Camila told everyone. (WEAR A FUCKING MASK)

"Vanessa is going to be pissed" Chloe says holding the dog in the car "I'll make it up to her" Madelaine told them "Ew" Chloe gagged "She should be fine, it's not that many puppies" Lili said laughing "We have three puppies" Camila reminded them "Yea but one for each of us" Chloe said "She's going to kill you Mads" Camila told her "Close your ears Chlo" Madelaine ordered "Wha-" Chloe tryed to ask before Camila closed the girls ears with her hands "Once we have sex she'll be fine" Madelaine giggled "Thats my girl" Lili says high-fiving her "I'm nervous" Chloe blurted out "Why?" Lili asks "I'm meeting Trinity's mom" Chloe says letting out a deep breath "You've met her a million times Chlo" The oldest redhead says "I've never met her as her daughters girlfriend" The youngest redhead whines "She loves you and she'll love you even more" Lili tells her "I guess so" Chloe says leaning on Camila's shoulder "Does Vanessa's parents know about you two?" Lili asks Mads "I don't think so" Madelaine says thinking "I keep forgetting we haven't told anyone but you all and the boys" She adds "Weren't you going to do it when the next episode of Riverdale came out?" Camila asked "Yea" Madelaine anwsered "Time to see Trinity's new haircut and for them to see the puppies" Chloe says happily.
They walk into the house with all three puppies "Babe, we're home" Madelaine yells holding her dog "Hey ba-" Vanessa stopped and Trinity started laughing "What the fuck" Vanessa says "One dog for each of us" Chloe says, Vanessa gives Madelaine a look "They were just too cute to not get" Madelaine says the her girlfriend, Vanessa sighs "Okay" is all she says before sitting on the couch "Let me see your hair" Chloe says excitedly, Trinity turns around and lifts her hair "I like it" Lili says "It's hot" Chloe tells her girlfriend "Really" Trinity says in a flirty way "Yea" Chloe smirks "Gross" Madelaine says fake gaging "What did y'all name the dogs?" Trinity asked as they all sat on the couch around Vanessa "Ours is named Oliver" Chloe says "Mine is Milo" Lili said petting her puppie "This is Truffle" Camila told her "Babe at least pet one of them" Madelaine says, Vanessa looks at her and gives in and pets Oliver "I guess we can keep them" Vanessa says "I didn't need your permission" Madelaine teases. Soon Chloe and Trinity's phones start to blow up "Who's texting y'all so much" Camila asked "It's Instagram, we posted the pictures of us" Chloe said nervous to open her phone "Everyone is supporting me!!" Trinity says already looking at her phone, Chloe opened her phone and most of them were positive but there was a few comments that said 'Why is the whole Petsch family fags' 'Just die you sinner' 'You're going to hell' 'She hasn't found the right guy yet' 'It's just a phase' 'Kill your self' "Me too" Chloe lies, Trinity hugs her and kisses her cheek "I'm so happy for you two" Camila says looking at Lili who wouldn't keep eye contact with her "I guess we could come out as dating too?" Vanessa asked Madelaine "Sure" she responded grabbing her phone and tweeted 'Yes Vanessa and I are together and have been for a while, we were going to tell you sooner but things came up @VanessaMorgan' Vanessa smiles receiving the notification. Vanessa posts a picture of the two kissing and captions it 'Babygirl❤️' "Your cute" Madelaine says looking at Nessa's post "I know" she said, Mads rolled her eyes playfully. Chloe kept looking at the rude comments and messages instead of focusing on the good ones "Whats wrong?" Madelaine asked her sister "Nothing" Chloe said smiling "I love you" the oldest redhead said "I love you too" the youngest responded.

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