Part Fifthteen🤕

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⚠️There is mention of suicide and homophobic slurs⚠️
No Ones POV
Chloe has been reading her comments on her posts for days and there is a lot of love but also a few hate comments, she hasn't told anyone that it's affecting her "Everyone downstairs. Family meeting" Lili yelled for everyone to hear, they now try to do a family meeting once a week because Lili said it would be good for the group. Everyone gathered downstairs on the couches, Chloe was still reading all her comments while she sat down "Anything new?" Lili asked "I want to cut my hair again" Trinity says "How short?" Camila asks "Really short" Trinity told her "and I want to slit my eyebrow" she added "Your going to have to ask your mom on both of those" Vanessa tells her "I will" Trinity told her "Hey Chlo get off your phone" Madelaine said trying to get her sisters attention "Chloe" she repeated, her sister looked up "Get off the phone for a few minutes, what are you even doing?" Madelaine asked "None of your business" Chloe says "Are we done yet?" Chloe asks ready to go back upstairs "You didn't even listen to your girlfriend" Madelaine said "I don't need to" Chloe snapped "Leave" Mads said knowing if she made her stay it would be worst, Chloe got up, went to her room and slammed the door "Whats wrong with her?" Vanessa asks "I don't know" Trinity says and Madelaine just shrugs her shoulders. "Well the puppies need to be taken for a walk so you all go and I'll stay here with my sister" Madelaine says wanting them all to leave the house "Okay come on Truffle" Camila says grabbing the leases and handing them out to Vanessa and Lili. As soon as the girls left Madelaine went upstairs.

She opened the door to see her little sister crying on the bed "Chloe what's wrong?" Madelaine said going to her sisters side "Nothing" Chloe said between tears "Tell me" the oldest said, Chloe sat there for a while then handed Madelaine her phone "Read the comments and DM's" Chloe mumbled. Madelaine went through the comments of the latest post and her DM's. The first thing that caught Madelaine's eye was the comments that Chloe already scrolled down to which all said 'f*g' and 'd*ke' and 'Your going to hell' 'Sinner' 'Go kill you're self f*g' "Chloe" Madelaine said looking at her little sister crying "Why are you reading these" she asks "Because there true" The redhead said "No their not" Madelaine sighs "Maybe I should just...die" Chloe said quietly but loud enough for her sister to hear "Hey, don't ever say that. Okay?" Mads told her making her sister look at her "You have so much to offer this world, these people have nothing better to do with their life's" she added "But I am Madelaine, I am a sinner and I'm going to hell and I'm a stupid fucking lesbian who needs to die" Chloe cries louder "No your not, don't ever talk about my sister that way again" Madelaine says "Your not a sinner, your not going to hell and your not a stupid lesbian" Madelaine told her little sister "Don't listen to people who just want to bring you down because their sad and miserable in their own life" the older redhead tells her "They told me to kill my self" The smaller girl told her sister "And I actually thought about it Madelaine, I wanted to because they made feel like I was worthless" Chloe says "Your not worthless" her sister reminds her "Never and I mean ever harm your self in anyway. Promise me that" Madelaine said now crying, Chloe just looks down "Chloe promise me...please" Her sister said with a breaking voice "I promise" The youngest said quietly, Madelaine hugs her sister for a long time, they just sit there crying in each others arms. "I'm sorry" Chloe said "What?" Her sister asked "I'm sorry I made you sad, I'm sorry I started letting the comments get to me" Chloe told her "You don't need to be sorry, I get what it's like, I had a hard time at first too when people started leaving hate comments on my posts when I started Riverdale, but Vanessa was there to help me through it and I'm here for you, and so is everyone else in this house. I thought about hurting my self too but then I realised I have things I've never done, if I did then I wouldn't be here right now helping you, I wouldn't be dating the love of my life, I wouldn't have seen you grow up" Madelaine said smiling "I love you" Chloe told her older sister "I love you too" she said kissing her sister's forehead.

"Hey is your sister okay?" Vanessa asked when they went to their room "Yea" Madelaine said getting closer to Vanessa "What are you doing?" The smaller girl asked "About to kiss you" The redhead said before gently putting her lips on Vanessa's. Their kiss was sweet, passionate and loving all in one "I love you, Vanessa Morgan" Madelaine said for the first time "I love you Madelaine Petsch" Vanessa said smiling brightly "Your cute" Madelaine said referring to how the smaller girl was smiling "Your cuter" Vanessa said "I know" the redhead joked "What made you say you love me at that moment?" Vanessa asked now laying on the bed "When I talked to Chloe I realised you have helped me through a lot and I'm so grateful for you and everything you've done for me and my sister, I remembered that life is short and full of dumb shit that no one should go through but I have you to help me through it" Madelaine told her "I love you so much" Vanessa said smiling "I love you too" the taller girl said kissing the smaller girl's forehead.

"Are you okay?" Trinity asked coming into the room "Yea I'm fine thanks to my sister" Chloe said "What was wrong" Trinity asked "I was in a dark place and Madelaine took my out of it" she said running her hands through her hair "What do you mean?" Trinity asked sitting down beside her "I just listened to mean comments on Instagram and thought they were true" Chloe tells her "Oh, well there not true, no matter what it said it's not true" The taller girl told her "Thanks Trin" Chloe said kissing the girls lips "I missed this" Trinity told her "What do you mean, we kissed yesterday" Chloe says laughing "That was so long ago" Trinity said leaning in again and kissing her longer this time. Trinity crawled on top of Chloe as they continued to make out "So you're a switch" Chloe teased "Shut up and kiss me" Trinity told her.

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