Part Seventeen😢

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^^Shes the reason you didn't get smut^^
Read the bottom after you read the story
No Ones POV
"We should make some tik toks" Chloe begged Trinity who gave in. "I'm going to Hollywood" Camila said "We're coming" Chloe yelled putting on shoes "We'll stay here" Vanessa said "Okay let's go" Lili told everyone who was going, they grabbed their masks and went out the door.
"Hey" a random girl came up to the four "Hi" Camila and Lili said "I love you two on Riverdale" the girl said "And you two are so cute together" she added referring to Chloe and Trinity "Aww thanks" Chloe said "Can I take a picture with you?" She asked, they agreed and all took a picture with her "Thank you" she said walking off. "Oh my GOD!!!" Chloe said excitedly "What?" Lili asked "No one has ever came up to me and asked to take a picture before" she tells them "Well get use to it" Trinity said grabbing the her girlfriend's hand.
About a hour later they walked out a Starbucks and there was paparazzi outside waiting for them "Camila Camila Lili Lili are you two dating?" A reported asked "No we're not" Lili responded still walking, they followed "Chloe how does it feel to be with Trinity" another asked "Great" Chloe stopped and smiled "Let's go" Camila said pushing her to walk again "Hey!" Chloe said "We don't stop for them, they will never leave you alone" Lili told the girl, Chloe nodded her head and continued walking with the group "Trinity give her a kiss for the cameras" a reporter with a camera asked "Don't" Lili said quietly for only the four girls to hear "Just a little peck on the lips girls" the reported said again, Chloe was becoming visibly uncomfortable and Trinity could feel Chloe's hand get tighter and tighter around hers. Trinity flicked them off and got into the car "Seriously" Camila said laughing at the girls actions "Don't do it again, people aren't going to take it the right way since your young" Lili told the girl "Fine, but they were making her uncomfortable and I didn't like it" Trinity argued "I was fine" Chloe said "You sure?" Trinity asked, Chloe nodded and laid her head on Trinity's shoulder.

"Hey girlies" Madelaine says when they walk into the door "I see you flicked off the paparazzi" Madelaine laughs "How?" Trinity asked sitting down "It's all over Twitter right now" Vanessa said scrolling through her phone "Well ima take a nap" Chloe said tired from all the walking they did "I'll join you" Trinity said going up the steps with her. "Did you get anything?" Mads asked looking at the two girls with nothing in their hands "No we just looked and got Starbucks" Lili said "Here" Camila handed them their drinks "Aww thanks babes" Madelaine said giving Vanessa hers.

5 Hours Later
Everyone was in the living room on their phones when Lili saw a account for her and Camila's 'relationship' so she opened it and looked at what was posted, she scrolled all the way to the bottom and accidentally liked the last photo of an edit of the two kissing "Shit" Lili says "What?" Camila asks everyone now looking up at the blonde "Nothing" Lili smiles and goes back to her phone, she knows this is going to be bad, the person will get the notification and send it to the public and everyone will think their dating.

A few minutes later Lili and Camila's phone started blowing up "Fuck I'm sorry" Lili apologised before Camila even saw it "What?" Camila asked the girl "I liked an edit of us kissing from a few weeks ago because I was going through a fan accounts profile" Lili said in one breath. Camila started to look through everything she was tagged in and saw the edit of them kissing and sighed "Fuck Lili, really" She said "Whats the edit I wanna see" Chloe says looking it up "Not the time" Madelaine tells her sister "Come on" she says telling the girls to go upstairs to give the two some privacy so all four girls went upstairs. "Why were you looking at a fan account and most importantly why were you liking shit" Camila asks "I didn't mean to, my finger just slipped" She told her truthfully "Lili...I'm not out to anyone but the people in this house" Camila says semi-calmly "I didn't mean to" Lili repeated "Now people know we are talking or whatever the fuck we're doing" Camila told her "Camila, I'm so so soo sorry" Lili tells her "Sorry can't help the fact that you basically just outed me, when I wasn't ready" Camila says loudly "I'm sor-" Lili was interrupted "You're sorry yes I know Lili, but sorry can't cut it this time" Camila told her angrily "Cam..." Lili didn't know what to say "Fuck it" Camila says getting up angrily and going to their room.
Camila decided since she was pretty much already out she might as well confirm her sexuality so she tweeted 'Almost everyone has seen the screenshot or whatever but I just want to confirm so no one is guessing I'm omnisexual not bisexual'
(Omnisexual: It's like pansexual but with a preference; they like everyone no matter what they are but they have a preference of which one they like more. Pan and omni are NOT the same thing)
Camila started to pack her things in her suitcase "What are you doing?" Lili asked sadly "I can't this...I can't do us" Camila blurted out and stopped what she was doing to look at the blonde "Camila...I- what do you mean us" Lili asked sadly "I mean we can't be together. Sure everything was fun but that's all it" Camila tells her continuing to pack her stuff, Lili now had tears running down her face "Where are you even going to go? Your house is under construction right now" Lili asked trying not to sound emotional "I'll figure it out" She said grabbing her suitcase and backpack "Girls I'm leaving" Camila said loud enough for everyone to hear "What?" Madelaine said "Why?" Trinity asked "No" Chloe told her "I have to go, I'll see y'all later" Camila said going down the steps "Camila, you can't be serious. It was an accident" Vanessa says trying to reason with the girl "I'm sorry but I can't" Camila says grabbing her keys and going out the door. Once the door shut Lili broke down crying and they all went to her side and hugged her "Hey it's okay. We got you" Madelaine told her best friend who was sobbing on her shirt but she didn't mind.

Sorry to the people who actually liked them together but I'm going to tell you what my original plan was for this chapter. So you can thank this bitch ikidnappedurmom for keeping Chloe and Trinity together and is anyone else bothered by emojis beside my chapter names or just her???
Just so u know I wrote a whole chapter about Chloe and Trinity breaking up and I erased the whole break up and wrote a brand new one😭Before anyone wonders yes this is the same person from the very top of the book about the smut🤣

 So you can thank this bitch ikidnappedurmom  for keeping Chloe and Trinity together and is anyone else bothered by emojis beside my chapter names or just her??? Just so u know I wrote a whole chapter about Chloe and Trinity breaking up and I eras...

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