Part Ten🤯

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Ashleigh went back home and the rest of the girls stayed. Camila, Chloe, and Trinity are eating something in the kitchen, Lili and Madelaine are cuddled up on the couch and Vanessa is coming down the stairs "Lili don't try and take my girlfriend" Vanessa jokes "Try? I already have her" Lili says kissing Madelaine's check "You will always have my heart Lili Reinhart" Madelaine said pulling the her closer "Mine" Vanessa said taking Madelaine's hand off Lili's ass and smacking Lili's butt "Ow" she said still not getting up "I'm comfortable" she added "I am too" Madelaine agreed "Fine" Vanessa shines going to the kitchen and taking some of Camila fruit roll up "If I can share my fruit roll up you can share your girlfriend" Camila laughs. Trinity throws away her trash and wraps her arms around Chloe's back and kisses her cheek, Chloe starts blushing and smiling a goofy smile, Vanessa and Camila look at each other then start laughing "Whats so funny?"
Madelaine asks "Your sister almost pissed her pants when Trinity wrapped her arms around her" Vanessa says laughing "Awww" Madelaine says getting up and taking a picture of the two girls "Fuck you all" Chloe says flicking them off "Stop cursing so much" Madelaine tell her sister "Stop fucking Vanessa so much" Chloe says back, Madelaine sighs "My room" Madelaine says going up the stairs but Chloe doesn't follow "Now!!" She said a little more stern, Chloe followed her up the stairs. "What?" Chloe says when her sister shut the door "Why are you act like that" she asked "Like what" Chloe said "Like a brat. Ever since you saw Vanessa and I you have been meaner to her, you won't stop cussing and you keep bringing up that we..did it" Madelaine told her "You think about what that did to me! Seeing my sister having sex with someone knowing you history with bad relationships! What if Vanessa is the same way" Chloe finally said "So your more worried about her hurting me or us having sex?" Madelaine asked her sister "I'm worried about her hurting you. You seem so happy with her and I don't want her to break your heart" The younger red head said to the older red head "I am happy with Vanessa and I don't want you to worry about me okay? I'm so sorry you saw me and Vanessa we should've locked the door" Madelaine told her little sister "Yea you should of, your bed has sex juice on it" Chloe says getting up "It doesn't have sex juice Chloe" Mads said laughing at her baby sister "Ooohh so Vanessa isn't good at it?" Chloe says laughing hysterically "Oh my god!!! Get out" Madelaine says throwing a pillow at her "Vanessa!!! Come here!!!" Chloe yells, Vanessa runs up the steps and comes into the bedroom "Chloe!! No!!" Madelaine said "My sister said you suck at-" Chloe was about to finish until Madelaine lunged towards her and tackled her onto the floor "No!!" Mads yelled at her "Fine, get off of me" Chloe says pushing her sister off and going to the door "She said you can't make her cu-" Madelaine throws another pillow at her "Get out!!!!" She yells, Chloe runs down the stairs. Madelaine sighs and flops down on the bed "Is it weird that she knows that word or is it weirder that she called it sex juice?" Madelaine says laughing "Sex juice for sure. She did have sex with Trinity so like" Vanessa said crawling on the bed with Madelaine "Don't remind me shes isn't my little innocent baby sister anymore" she sighed, Vanessa laughed and kissed Madelaine "Lock the door" the red head demanded, Vanessa got up, locked the door and went back to the bed "Now you can continue" she smirked.

"Cami, want to watch a movie?" Lili asked "Sure" she responded as she went to the couch with food in her hand "Are you sharing with me or no?" Lili laughed "I guess you can have some" Camila said playfully "Cuddles?" Lili said opening her arms, Camila got closer to Lili and laid her head on Lili's chest while Lili put her arm around the small girls waist, Lili looked down Camila and smiled "What are we watching?" Camila asked "Whatever you want" Lili responded.

"Do you know where my phone is? I need to send streaks" Trinity says looking around the room "The charger" Chloe told her "Thanks" she responded. Trinity sent her streaks and got onto the bed with Chloe "Whatcha doing" Trinity asked Chloe "Nothing I'm bored" Chloe told her "Movie downstairs?" The younger girl asked "Camila and Lili are downstairs and Madelaine and Vanessa are in their room, and I want it to just be me and you" Chloe told the girl "Movie up here then?" Trinity asked, The red head nodded and got the tv remote. Chloe sat on Trinity's lap and watched the movie.
The movie ended "I'm tired" Trinity said yawning "Are you going to sleep right now?" Chloe asked, Trinity nodded her head. Chloe got off her lap and looked at her "Goodnight kiss?" She asked shyly "Of course cutie" Trinity told her leaning in to kiss her, the kiss was passionate then became a little heated. Chloe was now cradling Trinity's lap, they stop making out and Chloe put her head over Trinity's shoulder and they both fell fast asleep.

"Good morning" Vanessa said to Madelaine who was just now waking up "Morning" she responded "I'm hungry" she said getting up "I'll go make breakfast for everyone and you wake up the girls" Vanessa said going downstairs. Madelaine got dressed and went into Lili's room and no one was there so she went into Chloe's room and she stood there shocked that her sister was on top of Trinity and they actually fell asleep like that, she took a quick picture to show everyone later "Good morning girls" She said hopping on the bed, Chloe hummed in response "Get up and off of Trinity" She told her sister poking her side, Chloe instantly shot up forgetting she was on Trinity "Hey" Trinity said as Chloe looked in her eyes. Chloe's face became really red and she quickly got off the girls lap "Get up" Mads said pulling her sister off the bed to stop the awkwardness.
They finally came down stairs to see Vanessa cooking breakfast and Camila and Lili still asleep on the couch with Camila on top of Lili and her arms wrapped around her waist "Awww" Madelaine said taking a picture "Okay wake them up I want to show them how you two slept" she added, Chloe rolled her eyes at her sister and woke up the two girls "What?" Lili said in a sleepy voice, she was about to sit up when she felt a Camila on her "Cami wake up" Trinity said. Lili couldn't even get her arms from around the girl, Camila stirred on top of her and opened her eyes to be met with Lili's eyes "Good morning beautiful" Camila said smiling at her "Morning" Lili said back, her eyes wondering from Camila's eyes to lips "Okay!!" Madelaine said to cut the sexual tension "Look at this photo of Trinity and Chloe" she said sitting on the couch, Vanessa came over there to see the photo.

 Lili couldn't even get her arms from around the girl, Camila stirred on top of her and opened her eyes to be met with Lili's eyes "Good morning beautiful" Camila said smiling at her "Morning" Lili said back, her eyes wondering from Camila's eyes ...

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