Alexa meets first day of school (P1)

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"I'm fine." Alexa said.

I'm fine was an all too familiar saying for Alexa Peters. And it was almost never true. Alexa Peters hadn't recalled a time she was fine since elementary school. Elementary school: when there was more than just Kate and Taylor, her best friends. When there was more than just assignments and homework. When there was the innocence and bliss of early childhood.

That feeling had long been gone. Especially now that there was no Kate and Taylor. Still schoolwork and assignments but now it was a new school. A school full of unknown teachers, students with unfamiliar faces, and no friends, well yet.

"Remember to grab your bag when you walk out the door hon. And I'm sorry... I have work. Can you take the subway today?"

Alexa wasn't surprised. This was a classic Nick Peters moment. Saying he would do something... and not following through. Their New York move a downsize from their home back in California. Nick Peters had already lost his third job this year.

"I'm sorry honey. But this is what is best for the whole family." Nick had said last summer while telling the family about the move. Alexa couldn't quite place the moment in her life when her dad turned over to alcohol to solve all of lives problems. She knew it was somewhere between the end of fourth grade when she would find cans of beer all around the house in the mornings before school and the middle of grade 5 when Nick had lost the job he had been in since Alexa was born. It was all a blur since then.

"Yeah. That's fine I guess." Alexa said, trying to hide her sadness behind a blank expression.

"Remember not to talk to any strangers" Nick began "And remember to sanitize!" He handed me a small bottle of hand sanitizer, that she put in the pocket of her jeans.

"Thanks Dad." Alexa said with a smile. Alexa grabbed her bag and walked down into the street. That was about the moment she realized she had no idea where the subway was.

She had gone on it twice now, once with her mom to go first day of school shopping and once to go grocery shopping with dad. But she had never once gone alone.

Alexa just wanted to sit on the pavement and cry. She hadn't even gone to school yet that year and she had already managed to mess up her first day.

"No Riley! The subway is that way!" said a girl about Alexa's age with blonde hair blowing in her face.

Alexa realized this was her chance to bring the day together. She looked up and headed in the direction of the two girls... in the most "Not a stalker" way possible while following their every move.

Her head was still raised high when she walked into the shuttle. She stood right next to the girls she had followed. As the subway started, Alexa attempted several times to start conversations with these girls, to no avail. To be fair, she only tried once, and it happened to be the minute a freight train passed by.

Alexa had not been having the best luck today.


They jerked in their seats. The girl standing next to her, a brunette wearing a long, flowy dress, fell down and hit the wall like a ping pong ball and fell right into someones' arms, like destiny.

When Alexa saw this boy... the boy, with beautiful eyes and dirty blonde hair and a very confident attitude.

Maybe this year won't be so bad after all.

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