Alexa meets school project

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Alexa was certain that she didn't want to go back to school today, or even at all this year. She knew it would be another day of pointless information being stuffed into her brain, another day of seeing Maya Hart and Riley Matthews but being afraid to talk to them. Another day of seeing Lucas Friar, and not being able to talk to him.

"You need to open up at school this year." said Opal, Alexa's mother before school had began.

"I know... and I will. It won't be like last year! I promise you. Seventh grade in New York will be a new start for me."

Alexa wasn't sure she was going to keep that promise. It was quite unlike her to be so confident and talking to so many people, frankly, she was impressed she made it through her talk with Farkle the other day without sounding like an idiot.


Alexa stretched her arms and checked the clock: 8:15 AM.

Oh shoot, she thought, I'm SO late for school

Alexa was very lucky, because her mom had left her lunch on the kitchen counter and she had packed her schoolbag already and it was right beside her bed. In fact, Alexa didn't even have time to change out of her night clothes, she just grabbed a hoodie and put it over her purple pajama shirt. Her hair had been in two long braids the previous day so she just kept them that way. She looked messy and careless, but she didn't have time to care about her work.

Alexa knew she should probably just take the subway, it was faster than walking to school anyways. But she was too tired to remember that so she just continued her way to school on foot, arriving ten minutes into her first class period.

Alexa shoved her heavy backpack into her locker and ran as quickly as she could to Mr. Matthews class, exasperated as she pushed the door open.

"Ms. Peters" Mr. Matthews began "You are late to class."

Alexa wasn't sure what to do. After all, she didn't have a good excuse other than oversleeping, but she knew Mr. Matthews wouldn't believe it regardless of if it was true or not.

"I'm sorry sir I..."

"You are excused Alexa, since you are a new student. But remember what time class starts for the future."

Alexa took her seat, very uncomfortable knowing the class was looking at her while she looked like she had just gotten out of bed... because she had.

Mr. Matthews pulled out a phone and began on a rant about how kids have no social connections... which Alexa simply tuned out, not wanting to hear them anymore. That was until Lucas said something. She stared right at him, trying not to look too desperate.

"I use my phone to video chat my old friends from Texas, so I know what is going on." he said.

Alexa wasn't sure what came over her at that moment, she never spoke in class back in California but she finally said SOMETHING in Mr. Matthews class.

"I agree with Lucas, Mr. Matthews" Alexa began "I would only be able to send my friends from California letters, which wouldn't be the same as getting to see their faces talking to me, whether it was through a screen or not."

"Interesting thought, Ms. Peters." said Mr. Matthews.

Then Maya made a sarcastic comment and during that, Alexa started tuning out again and grabbed Peter Pan and began reading. She was almost finished, so she would probably complete the book by the time class was over, assuming there were no additional distractions.

That was until Alexa heard Mr. Matthews say "Split into teams." Alexa felt a chill go down her spin. She hated group work. She liked to be the leader, the one in charge of everything about everything. But that was nearly impossible with group work.

And then the worst part came. "No technology." Mr. Matthews said "You will do your research at the New York public library."

"Give me your phones." said Mr. Matthews. Alexa sat in the back, so she handed hers over to the person in front of her, eyes full of anger."

The class bell rang. Alexa went to pick up her binder when she heard someone yell from behind her, but this time, it wasn't Farkle. Someone even better: Lucas.

"Hey? You're Alexa, right?"

"Yeah, I am. And you are..." said Alexa, trying to act like she had not been analyzing him in class for the past 3 days.

"Lucas. Friar. I just wanted to say thanks for sticking up for me in class, I really appreciate that!"

Alexa blushed. "Oh yeah, no problem. I guess I will... see you around?"

"I will!" he said, walking away.

Alexa was so flustered by the conversation that twice while walking to her next class, she tripped and dropped everything. No one helped her pick it up.


Lunch. Again. Something Alexa had never once looked forward to and didn't think she ever would. For the third day in a row, Alexa took a seat at the trashcan table, alone. She was now... content in a way with this seating. After all, not getting noticed at all was better than negative attention, right?

Alexa was struggling to unzip her lunchbox when she heard a crash followed by a "Hey".

It was Maya Hart, but Alexa had no idea what she was doing there.

There was no way she actually wanted to talk to me, Alexa thought.

"Hey Maya." said Alexa, trying to sound chill but not too carefree.

"Can you do me a favor?" she asked.

"Sure." Alexa said, very intrigued. She never really expected to ever end up getting a chance to talk to Maya Hart, but she certainly didn't think it would be Maya making the first move.

"Can you join my project?" she said "I am working with Farkle and it is going to be a NIGHTMARE.

"But Maya" Alexa began "Mr. Matthews has already assigned the groups. I am working with someone else"

"Remember there is an uneven number. So your partner can join a group with one of the people who were supposed to be in the group of three and then poof! We are all good."

"Ok then! Sure." said Alexa. Alexa was trying to hide all of her excitement about the project, working with people who actually ASKED to work with her. It was unfortunate for Alexa back in California, as she was in a trio of friends. Kate and Taylor would much prefer to work just with each other than Alexa, so she was always left out with no partner, sometimes even working with the teacher.

Maybe New York would really be different for Alexa.

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