Do You Feel Ready?

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Hizashi's home was cozy and tidy, family photos could be seen in any given room.
"Should we greet your parents first?" Shota suggested after they had taken off their shoes.
"Oh- uh about that. My parents are traveling right now, so they won't be back for a couple of weeks. Maybe you could meet them some other time!" Hizashi felt bad for accidentally leaving this detail out- was Shota even comfortable with being in a strange house with no one but Hizashi? What if someone broke in?
"Yeah, maybe. Could you show me the restroom?" Shota felt his nerves dissipate as he wouldn't have to meet Hizashi's parents just yet. He wanted to make a good impression, but wasn't sure he was ready for it yet. Hizashi pointed Shota to the restroom.

"Once you're done you can head to my room, it's at the end of the hall. I'm gonna go grab some snacks!" Hizashi skipped away to the kitchen.

Shota ran cool water to pat on his face, feeling his nerves start to build as the party grew closer. He took a few deep breaths, reminding himself he could do this and he had support. He exited the restroom and went to the end of the hall, dropping his bag beside the door and letting his eyes roam the room. He noticed first that there were very few photos on the wall, one of Hizashi with his parents and another of Hizashi as a toddler with drums. Next he noticed the bright colors splattered around the room- bright blue comforter, zebra print covers over the windows, and two neon pink rugs covering parts of the floor his style was just as loud as his personality.

Hizashi entered the room just as Shota settled on the rug beside his bed, legs crossed and back leaning against the bed. His arms held a multitude of snacks of which no two people could eat. He dropped them on the bed before settling beside Shota.

"I wasn't sure what you'd want, so I brought a little of everything!" Hizashi's smile was intoxicating.

"Thank you. I'm nervous." Shota blurted out without a second though, wanting to get it off his chest before he could overthink himself.

"Oh!" Hizashi blinked at him. "Okay so, the first part of the plan is that I think we should have a few signals. Either something we do or say that's like a "get me out of here" but for levels. So like, for a "get me away from this person" you could say "Oreos" or for "I want to go home" you could kick my foot."

"Okay, that sounds helpful. What about something like "I feel awkward" could you help with that?" Shota felt relived by the problem solving, giving him a way to communicate without having to say anything in front of others.

"Totally! What do you think the signal could be?" Hizashi munched on a snack and as they planned out the night, Shota grabbed one as well. Once signals were decided on, they came to the topic of talking to people.

Shota realized other people would be at the party but felt it was unlikely any would talk to him. Hizashi had encouraged him to plan for it anyway, just in case, so that he wouldn't have to feel caught off guard.  They practiced starting conversations, joining them, and how to work a signal in.

"Do you feel ready for a party?" Hizashi gave him two thumbs up as he nodded.

"It's just my first party, what could go wrong?" He said, nodding. Hizashi is as caught off guard, not realizing that Shota had never been to any party before. He was suddenly glad he had over-planned it and took every precaution.

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