Not so bad

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Hizashi and Shota locked up the house, ensuring they had a key before beginning the walk to the party.

"So, just remember that I'm here to save you if you need me. Oreos, if you want away from someone. Mittens, if you feel awkward and want to go outside for some air. Just kick or nudge my foot if it's too much and you want to go home. Work them in however you want, maybe saying you have a cat named mittens or oreos. You can totally stay with me or go off on your own, whatever you're feeling. We got this Sho!" Hizashi's smile made him feel invincible. He felt he wouldn't need all of these signals and accommodations, but the lengths Hizashi had went to for him made him feel special.

"Got it, I have two cats- one named Oreos and one named Mittens." Shota nudged Hizashi's foot with his own, a small smile gracing his face.

"See, you don't even need me!" Hizashi laughed before checking the time on his phone. "Let's go, we're going to be late already." Hizashi's hand encased Shota's, pulling him in the right direction.

"W-wait, we're already late to a party?" Shota's face reddened, not from embarrassment of being late but rather the warmth surrounding his hand.

"Of course, if we got there on time then everybody would notice us. We're just going to slip into the crowd." Hizashi marched onward, taking no notice of the boy behind him struggling to control his breathing.

They walked for only 10 minutes before arriving to the right house.

"Last chance, sure you don't wanna go back to my house?" Shota pondered for a moment, before recalling the trouble Hizashi had went through for him. He squeezed Hizashi's hand before letting go and adjusting his sweatshirt nervously. They walked in the door together, music playing and the others not noticing them slipping in.

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