He got 10

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Hizashi slowly greeted everyone at the party, floating from group to group with Shouta in tow. Shouta nervously smiled, saying hi to others and engaging in small conversation but mostly just sitting back as Hizashi brightly conversed with others. With those that knew Shouta, he made a few snarky comments to remind them that he indeed was the same Shouta from class.

Hizashi asked Shouta if he wanted to join in on a game, letting him know that if not he could watch. Shouta chose to watch as the others gathered around, Hizashi making sure that Shouta was in the front with a clear view. Someone explained the rules- Shouta heard pieces of the instructions. Something about hands tied behind your back and getting 10 gummy bears before anyone else.

Hizashi handed the short rope to Shouta asking him to tie it. He tied it before Hizashi excitedly bounced over to the table full of plates of whipped cream. Shouta watch as someone said "go!" And Hizashi's face disappeared in the mountain of whipped cream, grabbing gummy bears and tossing them quickly into the cup beside him. Shouta counted them, hoping Hizashi won for enthusiasm.

"Ten! He got ten!" Shouta shouted just above the noise of others cheering people on as he realized Hizashi got his final gummy bear, the others groaning and pulling their faces from their plates. Hizashi's glasses, hair, face, and shirt were covered in whipped cream.

"I got ten!?" He exclaimed happily, turning to the general area of Shouta's voice.

"It's ten!" The person counting had poured them from the cup to make sure. "Here's your prize!" Hizashi was handed a large plush cat.

"I need help, Sho" Hizashi reached out, hoping to catch his arm "Shota, I mean." Shouta felt heat creep up his cheeks as he led Hizashi to the restroom and helped him scoop whipped cream off his face. Hizashi splashed water on his face and hair before using a towel to pat it dry. Shouta patted his shirt around the neckline to rid him of large dollops of whipped cream.

Hizashi met Shouta's eyes, a smile spreading across his face.

"What?" Shouta's blush was still faintly present.

"Just that we've been here for, like, over an hour and no signals. You're doing great." The honesty in Hizashi's voice made Shouta's heart beat faster, feeling as though he had done well. "If you need it, don't be afraid to use it. I would never be mad at you for it okay? We're going to leave in about another hour." Shouta nodded with a small smile.

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