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13th Aug, 2019

"Students, what are the four pillars?" headmaster Elle Dobson's voice reaches through every corner of the vast hall. Children of all ages, genders and colours from around the room stood in unison at the question.

"tradition, honour, discipline, excellence." those four words had been echoed through the walls of Welton Academy for 160 years, obviously a few of the beliefs had changed over that time but the principals were basically the same.

"god this is such a fucking drag, i mean we really gotta do this shit every fucking time?" complained Dimitri from my side as we settled back to our seats, earning him a harsh shush from his mother. Mrs Dobson continued her same half and hour speech, welcoming new students and bragging about our reputation and history. As soon as she concluded, everyone rose from the uncomfortable seats and awkwardly waddled out of the room in a big, ugly mass. The wide courtyard was full of families saying their sorrowful goodbyes and reuniting friends, the enormous chatter was similar to that of a flock of birds.

"yo l/n! what the fuck is up?" yells Delilah from across the hall somehow over all the other voices. Her long legs carried her swiftly through the people crowding the hall to my doorway and scooping me into a bear hug.

"gee Dee, missed me huh?" I chuckled and hold my arms around her neck.

"hey! whata' bout me?" cried Dimitri from the door, he barrelled toward us and joined us with his slender arms. We giggled briefly at his goofyness and pull away, realising we're missing someone.

"damn, you guys seen Franz?" asks Dimitri which we both shrug at, on cue their small frame entered the room struggling to hold all their bags while swearing.

"aye watch yo profanities!" Delilah said in a mocking tone, quoting the vine.

"oh eat a dick Delia." they grunted as they hauled their bags onto the bed opposite mine, so I move to help them.

"wow, what a gentlewoman." they said with a saturated voice while glaring at the other two standing like watching statues. We finally all settled down into respective corners of the plain room.

"well alright gentlefolk, what are the four pillars?" barked Dimitri

"travesty, horror, decadence, excrement!" we choir with much more enthusiasm that earlier that morning. We'd all been friends since we came to Helton which was 7 years ago, 'shit, it's actually been that long' i think and pull out my phone to check my socials.

"so? how's things with Monte?" Delilah asked casually while looking at her nails. Dimitri rolled his head to look at her with a deadpan but she just raised her brows.

"fine. we're fine." he simply stated.

"fine as in he-fucked-up-for-the-tenth-time-but-we're-still-sleeping-together?" asked Franz not looking up from their phone. Delilah and I giggled while Dimitri scowled.

"no we're not!" he declared.

"oh so it over? great!" I pipe in, god I love Dimitri but this shits gotta stop.

"it's not over. we're fine. end of story." his tone turning more aggressive. We all looked at him with sadness and slight disappointment, wanting to pursue more, but we knew it was time to change the subject.

"but oh my god, did you guys see that Mr Ivan got a tiktok? it's fucking hilarious, lemme show you" Delia laughed and showed us the sad truth. We spent the rest of the day roaming the school grounds and arranging our dorms until dinner. The menu was the exact same as the previous years, which made me wonder how long they'd been serving this shit. When it came to lights out, I headed to my dorm with Franz and said goodnight to Dimitri and Delilah. I could hardly keep my head up by then which was weird seeing I hardly did anything all day, so I went straight into bed without even changing out of my uniform while Franz stayed up a little bit doing whatever reading or drawing. As soon as my head hit the pillow I felt my mind slowly dissolve and enter a deep sleep which almost felt like a coma, but I was too exhausted to care so I gave in.

so obviously this is just a super boring intro chapter, we will meet the boys next chapter, stay tuned!
and yes i just picked a random date, i have no idea if it's accurate to the school year,,

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