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My thoughts race through my head and burn my skull. I have so many questions and no one to answer them: What do I do? Why am I here? Am I actually in 19fucking59? How do I get back? Can I get back? Should I actually wait for them to come back? What if people are looking for me? What. The. Fuck. I carefully sit on the floor of the cave to save myself from falling and hold my head. 'This can't be happening. This can't be happening. This can't be happening.'

"Goddamn it! Pull yourself together!" I mutter under my breath the wise words of one Edna Mode. I turn to the stack of hardcover books and pick the one from the top. Five Centuries Verse... 'hm, sounds thrilling' I think and open to the middle and read the poem:

by Sylvia Plath

Clownlike, happiest on your hands,  
Feet to the stars, and moon-skulled,  
Gilled like a fish. A common-sense  
Thumbs-down on the dodo's mode.  
Wrapped up in yourself like a spool,  
Trawling your dark as owls do.  
Mute as a turnip from the Fourth  
Of July to All Fools' Day,
O high-riser, my little loaf.

Vague as fog and looked for like mail.  
Farther off than Australia.
Bent-backed Atlas, our traveled prawn.  
Snug as a bud and at home  
Like a sprat in a pickle jug.  
A creel of eels, all ripples.  
Jumpy as a Mexican bean.  
Right, like a well-done sum.  
A clean slate, with your own face on.

"Hm, thrilling." It's still only quarter to 6... 'God this is gonna be so fucking boring, wish I had my phone...' I decided that reading would be the best pass time until I get truly restless and leave, skimming through the delicate, worn pages and suddenly I'm forgetting where I am. I don't realise the changing time or my empty stomach til I've gone through all the books.

12:30 'HOLY SHIT'

"Wow, that was a great pass time." 'Now it's time to get out of here.' I crawled towards the mouth of the cave and took in its every detail and store it in my memory.

"I'll come back. Promise." I whisper to the stone and walk out into the open air, leaving the coat since it's no longer chilly. I wish I could just sit there and turn to moss but I have to at least try figure out what is going on. I started walking in the opposite direction of the school in hopes to get to the near by town and find my family friend Steve who owns the sickest bookshop, I'm sure can help me. Feeling thankful I hadn't changed before bed, I finally find the road leading to town and began following it. I hear a car coming behind me so I move out of the way as a small vintage looking truck rushes by. 'that's a... coincidence... totally.' The familiar town grows nearer by the minute and soon I'm standing in the middle of a not familiar town with gaping eyes. The stores, the roads, the cars, the music, the people, their clothes: not from this century.

"What kinda Back To The Future bullshit is this..." naturally I did what Marty did and fished around the nearest trash can and pulled out a newspaper, already a telltale sign I'm not when I'm supposed to be.

8th Aug, 1959. Shit, they weren't fucking lying. This shit is real. I look again across the square at the children playing hopscotch and on bikes, the women with their long shirts and curled hair, people smoking everywhere. I wanna scream but people are already staring since I look like a sore thumb, I start running to the only place I know, that is Steve's place. I round the corner and lo and behold there stands a fucking laundromat. I run to the next place I know, the park, and collapse onto a free bench and hold my burning head as thoughts start to blur my brain again, the sound of screaming children near by not helping. I look up and see the little shits running around and playing without a care. I don't know how long I sat there but by the time I checked my ass felt like it had fallen off.

"Who designed this fucking bench?" I groaned while rubbing my behind. The sky is now purple and the street lamps are on, I see husbands coming home from work and greeting their stay at home wife's,'yuck'. I figure if I'm to get back to the future I better go back to where it started, I start power walking back towards the school to avoid any creeps. By the time I'm out of town and with Welton on the horizon, I've lost all my energy and now moving at the pace of a slug.

"Shit it's 11:30..." I can hardly read the watch through the dark and with dizzy eyes, I let my body crumble to the floor in defeat. Unsure that anyone will look for me, I pull myself off the road onto the grass and look at the sky. I feel myself dissolve into the grass, and I wish i could always feel this way: every worry I have just leaves and is forgotten.

i just realized how much i hate time skips and how much i suck at them...
also please don't be shy to leave some feedback, i wanna know what u guys like and don't like <3

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