
294 10 2

9th Aug, 2019

I'm brought to consciousness by a bright light and soft muttering. Someone shakes my shoulder and says my name but I just roll over deeper into the covers. Wait... I'm in a bed? I didn't fall asleep in a bed? Pulling myself up I look and find I'm back at Welton but this time it's Franz next to my bed.

"Hey, you ok? You were moving like crazy in your sleep..." They hold their hand on my shoulder and look at me with the most comforting worry. 'I was moving in my sleep?' Then it all hit me; 1959, welton, those boys, the cave, 11:30. I quickly throw off the blanket and lunge onto Franz who huffs at impact.

"Im sorry if I scared you but that was the craziest fucking dream. I'm so glad to see you." I whisper into their hair, small tears block my waterline. Quickly wiping them as I pull back and get another look at them and their smile.

"That's alright, but come on we gotta get ready for breakfast." I nod and jump out of bed and realise I'm already dressed.

"well ok then..."


After breakfast was first period trig, the most painfully boring subject to every exist. Not that I even paid attention, I was too busy remembering every single detail of last night which was odd since it's nearly impossible to ever remember a dream. Walking from class to class just made everything feel more real, finally plopping down next to Delilah at lunch I continue to zone out, ignoring her saying my name.

"Huh? What?" Everyone looks at me with concern.

"I said, would you like to come to the library with us?" repeats an exasperated Delilah standing up from her seat.

"Ok sure." quickly polishing off my plate and exit the hall with the others and follow them towards the library.

"Hey, you good? You've been out of it all day, is it something to do with last night?" Dimitri walks up next to me and holds my shoulder.

"Yeah all good, just the wildest back-to-the-future themed dream no biggie." I smile up and grab his shoulder as well. He nods and opens the library doors for us.

"Holdon, are there school annuals in here?" I asks as I gaze at the shelves and shelves of old and new literature as an idea hit me.

"Yeah they're all near the back. Why, you interested in some dead dudes?" he jokes but I stiffly force a laugh.

"I am actually, mind helping? Great let's go." not even bothering to hear his reply I pulled him through the shelves back to the annuals. I start skimming my finger down the spines scanning for the right year.

"Does this have something to do with your wacky dream?" I don't reply just pull the book off the self and begging flipping through pages desperate for a familiar face.
'Todd Anderson. Charlie Dalton. Neil Perry. Todd Anderson. Charlie Dalton. Neil Perry. Todd Anderson. Charlie Dalton. Neil Perry.'

"Y/n?! Hello?"

"Yes it is alright!" I cried, quickly realising my mistake.

"SSHHHH!" ironically yelled the grumpy old librarian. Returning to the book, Dimitri looks over my shoulder at the pages.

"Who are you looking for?" he whispers very close to my ear making me shiver.

"Neil Perry, Charlie Dalton, Todd Anderson." I respond without missing a beat. Flipping to the individual students page, the first one we spot is Anderson. His face was exactly as I remember; solemn and somewhat lonely. Charlie is easily recognisable with his large smirk and Neil looking just as beautiful.

"Shit, they were real." I mumble as I collapse to the hard wooden floor.

"These dudes were in your dream?" Dimitri kneels beside me and looks at the page with Todd and Charlie with a quizzical look.

"So what exactly happened in your dream?" he asked softly and shuffled closer so we had our backs against the shelf and legs out in front of us. I begin briefly explaining the events that may or may not have occurred the previous night.

"...and the town was completely different like, diners and drive ins, so I left and before I could make it back to the school I collapsed on the side of the road. Shit, do you think I'm going crazy?" I looked over at his calm face while I felt like exploding.

"Well it's not like you weren't before..."

"not helping..." I sighed and looked back to the book, their faces stared at me mockingly.

"well, I don't think you're crazy. I really think you visited the past and met these guys who took you to a cave in the woods." he sounded sincere but the bullshit he was saying wasn't very buyable.

"don't fucking patronise me..." I muttered and began flicking through more pages trying to imagine who could be the other members of the club they told me about.

"Hey I'm not! but that doesn't even matter, what matters is if it'll happen again..." 'shit I hadn't thought about that.'

"Do you think it will?" my nervousness evident in my voice, Dimitri notices.

"Who knows. But if it does, you know that there are people there who can help you and you can come back by falling asleep right?" he tries to reassure me. And it works.

"That's a good point. Thanks Dimi." I relax and lean my head onto his shoulder.

"And you can talk to me or the others about it yeah?" I nod my head.


It's the end of the day again and I quickly get through my homework in the student lounge, anxious for the night ahead. The ruckus of the room became to much with my already overloaded brain, slipping out without a word back to my room to Franz who is happily working at their desk with Frank Ocean playing from their phone.

"I told you that place is horrendous." referring to when they told me not to go to the student lounge to study.

"Yea yea, you were right." I grumble and drop my things onto my desk, they turned and smiled.

"Am I ever not?" I only roll my eyes in response and lay across my bed.

"You alright?" I only hummed in reply and continue to stare and the blank ceiling. I hear them move and sit on the bed beside me.

"Are you sure honey?" their hand is gently placed over mine and they look down with the sweetest care. Franz could put every 'mom friend' to shame.

"Promise I'm fine Zaz. I'm ready to go to bed."

"Ok well you should probably change tonight though..." they point out and gesture to my uniform. I get up and change into the flannel button up as Franz faces the other way at their desk. I begin to feel more at peace knowing what might come it's also slightly exiting and before I know it I'm lulled to sleep by the sound of Franz's pen and Godspeed.

i'm back at school and i've already got lots of assignments so updates will be slower and i'm getting writers block, but thank you all for your continued support <33333

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