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"You joking aren't you?" I giggle while looking across at the three boys sitting in a line with amusement. I mean there's no way this shit is real?

"Why? what other year could it be?" comes the curt reply. Their faces remain solemn but I still refuse to believe what they're saying.

"Prove it." even though I know they really can't the words just slip out, I need some super solid evidence before I start freaking the fuck out. This could just be some super elaborate prank, right?

"We don't have time to prove it, we need to get you out of here." baret boy replies, I notice the sun is starting to peak through the trees on the horizon. The other two nod and start to quietly chatter thinking I couldn't hear them.

"She can't stay here,"

"Well where will she go?"

"Why can't she, she's pretty."

"Charlie, focus!"

"Should we tell the others?"

"The cave maybe?"

"Or maybe Mr Keating will help?"

"Yoo hoo, i'm still here and not deaf!" I wave at them, I mean seriously, we aren't even a metre away! They turn back to me and the unnamed boy speaks first.

"What's your name?" his voice is meek but slightly deep.

"Yours first." I reply.

"Todd Anderson, Neil Perry, Charlie Dalton." they gives their respective names and look to me.

"Y/n L/n." I said uncertain if I should be giving my real name but yolo ya know. They seem to buy it and with the sun quickly coming up I get a better look at their faces. Todd had soft masculine features to match his dirty blond hair, Neil's face was extra defined in the light and Charlie was a roguish kinda handsome, but only subtly.

"Well I think she should spend the day in the cave and we'll talk to Keating and she can come back tonight." Neil suggest. 'a cave? Keating? that sounds totally innocent.'

"If he agrees to take her." said charlie in a matter of fact tone.

"uh i'm sorry but I will not being going to whatever your cave-sex-dungeon thingy, thank you." I speak up since no one was acknowledging my existence.

"I-it's not a sex dungeon we promise!" Neil stutters out while blushing quite profusely making me and Charlie smirk.

"It's a cave we go to read poetry." Charlie explains carelessly.

"Oo good cover story, you must've done this before. Only problem is there aren't any caves round these parts." No way i'm buying this crap. Suddenly the clock tower chimes for 5:30, alarming us all.

"Alright no time to argue now, either you stay here and we all get in trouble or you come with us to somewhere safe." Neil stands and looks down to me. Just a little fyi, I'm terrible at making on the spot decisions so this is not an ideal situation; either i go with some strangers to a mysterious cave/possible torture chamber or face the wrath of whoever is in charge of the school right now. My chances of survival are slim either way, but an opportunity to get away while left at the cave is promising.

"Fine, sex dungeon." I stand but there is still a significant height difference between us.

"It's not a sex dungeon.." he groans while grabbing a long dark coat hanging in his closet, Todd doing the same.

"Could be if you wanted it to..." Charlie smirked and gave a wink. Kay so this guy is a certified horny person.

"Charlie stop scaring her and grab your coat. Should get one for her too." That shut Charlie up and he goes back out across the hall to the opposite room.

"Sorry about him. You'll probably meet the others later, Mr Keating too, he's our english teacher." Neil explains as Charlie comes back and hands me a long black coat identical to the others.

"Why would I stay with your english teacher?" I question while I put on the oversized coat.

"Cause he's probably the best teacher the school has ever seen." Todd replies, we start cautiously making our way down the hall; the architecture looking vastly different but also familiar. We creep through the back door of the hall and start jogging away into the woods. Doubt and worry flood my mind, 'this is definitely the stupidest thing i've ever fucking done.' Once we make it past the tree line and the schools no longer in sight, we slow to a paced walk. I'd obviously never even been in the woods since they're off limits so it was fulfilling to finally be exploring them. The slim sunlight breaks through the bare, spindly branches and casts the floor alight.

"Y/n keep up!" I break away from my thoughts and realise I'd fallen behind and jog to catch up.

"We're almost there." Charlie nods and checks his watch.

"Neil, what did you mean when you said I'd meet the others?" I asks.

"Oh! well we have a club called the dead poets society and we come to this cave to read poetry and there's four other members who you'll probably meet." he answers as the mouth of 'the cave' comes into sight.

"Ok so you really expect me to just hang around in this cave all fucking day?" I asks climbing in, following the boys.

"Well no, but you can go around the forest or even near town if you like but be here at 11:30 so we can take you back." the inside of the cave was surprisingly normal, no sex or torture devices. There was books, magazines, pipes, dead cigarettes and a small statue of a boy with a candle on his head, it was magical. The light leaked through an opening in the ceiling so you could see the dust particles float around, I'd never seen such a lovely place and i felt disappointed that I didn't know it existed. 

"Shoot guys we gotta go, y/n you'll be ok here?" Neil flicked his watch and turned from Charlie and Todd to me.

"Yea but uh, I don't have the time." Charlie quickly pulled of his watch and handed it to me and flashed a smile. They quickly said goodbye and I was left standing in the damp cave gripping a leather watch.

so like, when u guys image urself with your fictional crush is it in 3rd person or 1st person?

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