
436 12 4

13th Aug, 1959

I was slowly waking up due to the unusual heat and weight of the covers, so I move the blanket but my arm hits something that's not a blanket or the bed. I touch it again and it moves closer this time and hear a deep sigh. 'who the fuck is in my motherfucking bed!? usually when Dimitri came in he'd wake me first.' I quickly sit up, heart pounding, the room is vaguely lit by the moonlight out the window so I can tell it's a male whom I don't recognise. Then he also start getting up making me shake slightly. I stay pressed against the wall behind me making as little movement possible, I mean there are so many creepy dudes in this school I don't wanna even start imagining what he's here for.

He rubs his eyes and rolls over and faces me, his surprisingly well structured face scrunches to see through the dark then contorts into surprise and shock once he sees me sending him leaping out of the bed and making a racket. Out the corner of my eye I see Franz slowly roll around too, except it's not fucking Franz!?! My heart is fucking exploding, the back of my neck is damp and i'm sure my face is matched to the cod fish lookin' rando standing in the middle of my room.

"Uhhhh, I don't know who you are... but what are you doing in my bed?" he cautiously whispers, voice still heavy from sleep which is only slightly attractive.

"Was about to ask you the same fucking thing! And what the hell'd you do with Franz?" I butt back slightly louder looking at the other random boy who was slowly climbing out of bed.

"Neil? Are you asleep?" he yawns before properly opening his eyes and getting a look of me pressed against the wall and 'Neil' gawking at me. He also quickly jumps up the same and his eyes are now very much open to the size of saucers, their staring burning all over me making me squirm.

"Listen I don't really wanna know what the fuck you're doing here but where the fuck is Franz!?" I almost yell causing them to almost leap on me and burst into shushes. They're cut off when the soft creaking is heard and we all stare at the door opening agonisingly slow to reveal another unknown boy in a beige sweater and a beret... The boys seem to physically relax when they see him but boy at the door seems starstuck.

"Well gentlemen, whata we got here?" he asks in a teasing tone while eyeing me which made me extra uncomfortable.

"I really don't know what's going on but please just get out of my fucking room and give back Franz." I plead not knowing what else to do, they turn and give my an estranged look.

"Your room?"

"Franz?" they say in unison looking confused and concerned.

"yes my room, yes Franz, for the love of god what's going on!!" again they erupt in shushes and frantically close the door as quietly as possible. They all take a seat on the opposite bed and look at me with unreadable faces. I'm so confused, I feel my limbs to shake and my eyes sting.

"Please just tell me what's going on..." I whisper for the first time not wanting them to freak out again. It's a three against one situation so ill have to try not end up getting assaulted.

"We don't know, how'd you even get in here?" asked the beret boy with genuine confusion.

"Ditto. Seriously why are you in my room, it's really fucking creepy." my answer seemed to confuse them even more.

"How is this your room? Girls aren't allowed at welton..." he said it slowly like he was afraid to say it, 'girls aren't allowed at welton? what kinda bullshit-'

"What on earth are you talking about, girls have been at welton for over 30 years now." that statement seemed to stun them. They looked at me like I was off my head. In the silence, I noticed the bulky, old fashioned typewriter on the desks and fancy fountain pens. 'that's... not normal...' I direct my gaze back at the dumbfounded boys,

"what year is it?" the simply question rattled the air and thickened the tension. The boys glanced at each other sceptically before looking back at me and answering.


lol this is a shit cliffhanger ik but deal with it...

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