Prologue: Flashback

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"Hyung! Hyung! Let'th go buy loth of bubble teath! (Let's go buy lots of bubble teas!)" The 4 year old, Oh Sehun, pleaded cutely whole flailing his arms in front of his hyung's face.

"Argh... Not now Sehun..." 8 year old Xi Luhan groaned. He was trying to beat his record in his newly bought video game.

"Hyung!!!!!" Sehun whined, tugging the elder's sleeve.

"Fine! Come on, I'll ask dad." Luhan sighed, ruffling the younger's hair.

"Uncle! Me and Luhan-hyung want to go buy bubble tea!" Sehun cheered, running up to Luhan's father. Dragging Luhan with him.

"Of course, Hun. Let's go." Luhan's father smiled.

"Atha! (Asa!)" Sehun cheered happily.

Oh Sehun is the youngest among everyone in the daycare. Oh Hyomin, the younger twin, has a very weak health while Sehun has a perfect one. Their father is always busy, so the mother sent Sehun to daycare to be able to take care of Hyomin. Being the youngest, Sehun often played alone. Until Luhan, being the very sociable cool kid he is, came up to the younger and asked if he wanted to play. Hence, their friendship was formed. And Luhan, the oldest in the daycare. He's originally from China, his father came to Korea for business but, his mother stayed in Beijing to take care of Luhan's younger sister, Luxuan. The two kids played together until, after a few weeks, Luhan's father's trip was over and he has to move back to China.

"Hyung'th (Hyung's) going back to China?" Sehun asked with a sad tone.

"Yeah... I'm going..." Luhan confirmed, patting the younger's head.

"Andwae! Luhan-hyung hath (has) to thtay (stay)!" Sehun protested, stomping his feet.

"Sehun, honey... Lu has to..." His mother persuaded.

"No! Luhan doethn't (doesn't) have to!" Sehun cried.

"Hey... Come on, Hun. Don't cry, don't you want to grow up to be a man like hyung?" Luhan asked. "A manly guy, like me, doesn't cry."

"O-Okay... I won't cry!" The younger sniffled, wiping his runny nose. His face red in attempt to stop crying.

"Good. Now, here..." Luhan said, unzipping his bag and fished out a Rilakuma bear. The bear was dressed in a pink rabbit suit and Luhan handed it to Sehun. "A present from hyung. What are you going to name it?"

"Pinku pinku. Hish (his) name ish (is) Pinku pinku." Sehun replied immediately.

"Okay... So, Pinku pinku will take care of you and you'll take care of it, alright?" Luhan asked, patting Sehun's hair.

"Alright!" Sehun grinned confident, pumping his little fist in the air.

"And Hyomin?" Luhan said, his attention shifted to Sehun's younger twin. "Make sure he doesn't do anything dumb, okay?"

"Neh, oppa! I promise!" Hyomin grinned.

"Luhan, come along. We're leaving." Luhan's father ushered to him to the car.

"Annyeong, oppa!" Hyomin waved.

"Annyeong..." Sehun said unenthusiastically.

"Aigoo, don't be sad Hun-ah. Hyung will definitely come back, don't worry. Just think of me whenever you see Pinku pinku." Luhan smiled. "Annyeong!" He waved then, closed the window and left to the airport.

14 years later...

"Luxuan! Yah! Xi Luxuan! Wait up!" Hyomin shouted, running up to Luxuan who was oddly eager to get home. "Why... are you... going home... so... fast?" She asked, trying to catch her breath.

"My ge is coming here!" Luxuan replied happily, checking her phone and smiled gleefully at the text she received.

"Ge? Like brother?" Hyomin asked and Luxuan responded with a vigorous nod. "Cool! What's his name?"

"Luhan. Xi Luhan! Omo, I haven't seen him in so long! Well, physically. I chat with him all the time on the phone and Weibo." Luxuan smiled.

"You sound more like a lovesick teenage girl than a sister." Hyomin teased.

"You wouldn't say that if I took Sehunnie away for 3 years." Luxuan retorted, pouting at Hyomin.

"3 years? Yes, please! Getting that bubble tea maniac brother away from me would be the best! I'm already happy that he missed school today!" Hyomin laughed.

"Aish! You're so heartless!" Luxuan exclaimed, slapping her arm.

"Ow! That hurts!" Hyomin said, rubbing her arm. "How does he look like anyways? He sounds familiar."

Raising an eyebrow, Luxuan asked. "What? Are you interested?" But, brought out her phone anyways. "Isn't he handsome?"

"No, he looks like a Disney princess stuck in a male's body." Hyomin shuddered in disgust.

"You're so mean!" Luxuan pouted.

"Wait... His name is Luhan... Is the 'Lu' in his name stand for 'deer', too?" Hyomin asked and was answered with a simple nod. "He's Bambi! Ahahaha!"

"Yah! Bambi is a deer, not a Disney princess!" Luxuan protested.

"So, you agree he looks like a princess?" Hyomin asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No! Well... I mean, he does look girly... But... Ok, fine. You win." Luxuan sighed. "Ah frack! I'm going to be late!"

"Late to what?" Hyomin asked. Luxuan barely ever has after school activities.

"Some important family dinner thing, I need to get ready! Dad says they're going to announce something special! He even sent a chauffeur to fetch me!" Luxuan explained, clapping her hands in anticipation. Hyomin sighed at her and was about to make one of her stingy comments but, stopped to check a text.

From: Bubble tea Maniac Pabo Thehun

Yah. Get home already! Dad and mum are babbling about some special announcement, they're getting us dressed up for the shit. And you know how much I hate this sort of stuff, I want to get it over with it. Arraseo? So, get your girly ass back home!

"Aish, this kid." Hyomin hissed, shutting off her phone screen. She adjusted her backpack strap and noticed that her family's butler came to pick her up. "Turns out my parents have something to announce, too. What a pain."

"You too, huh? Well, see ya tomorrow! Can't keep my chauffeur waiting." Luxuan waved, running towards the car parked outside the school gates.

"Yeah, see ya." Hyomin nodded, walking to the car her parents sent.

​From: Eyeliner obsessed delinquent PaboMin

Arraseo... Calm your balls (if you have any ㅋㅋㅋ) I'm coming home now. What's this Oh-so-special announcement they want to make?

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