Chapter 7: Graduation

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“Young man! You have a lot of explaining to do!” Mrs. Oh shouted, storming out the house with Luhan trailing behind her.

Frowning at the shouting, Sehun stopped at the stairs to the door. “Explaining? For what?”

“How come you gave a piece of candy to Luhan!?” Mrs. Oh shouted. “Do you have feelings for him? Do you like him? Love him?”

His mother continued throwing nonsense about love, making the fake engaged couple blush in embarrassment. “Mom!” Sehun whined.

“Umma... Sehun didn't give it to me, I found it on a table and I thought it was a snack, so I took it.” Luhan lied, not exactly sure why getting candy from Sehun was such a big deal and he was sure that didn't want to find out.

Before their mothers can say anything, Sehun interrupted them. “Umma?! Since when do you call my mom umma?!”

“Ever since I asked.” Mrs. Oh replied.

Grabbing Luhan's arm, Sehun dragged him to the car — not wanting to listen to their nonsense. “We're going home.”

Before any of them could say anything, the boys stepped into the car and drove home. “Did my mom say anything weird?”

“No, she's really nice. We only talked. How about you?” Luhan asked, looking out the window.

Shrugging, Sehun practically repeated Luhan before they continued home in silence. Arriving at home, Luhan went inside first. “Do you want anything?” Luhan asked, rolling up his sleeves and walked to the kitchen.

Sehun stared at the older, it was Luhan's first time asking him if he wanted anything. It wasn't an act, it was a genuine and sincere question. “Can you make two cakes? It's for tomorrow's graduation.”

“Sure thing.” Luhan nodded. “Luxuan! I know you're home, I need your help!” He called, taking out the ingredients.

Luxuan came running down the stairs, followed by Hyomin. “Yeah? What do you need help for?” She asked and her sparkly eyes brightened when she recognized the ingredients were for a cake. “Cake? We're making cake?! Yay! Cake! What kind?” She asked, immediately grabbing an apron.

“Any requests? We have two cakes to make.” Luhan asked, looking at Sehun and Hyomin. 

“Vanilla! Vanilla! One has to be vanilla!” Hyomin shouted, jumping up and down childishly. “Don't bother asking Sehun, he wants chocolate.” 

“Yeah. What she said.” Sehun nodded, taking out his phone. “Let's take a picture, guys! Say cheese!” He grinned, taking a self-cam and angled it to fit everyone in the picture — the Xi siblings behind the kitchen counter with the ingredients and the Oh twins were more near the camera.

“Cheese!” All of them chorused, grinning as Sehun snapped a photo.

After taking the picture, Luhan took out the vanilla and chocolate. “Luxuan, you make the vanilla cake and I'll make the chocolate one.” 

Nodding, Luxuan started making the batter for the cake with Hyomin occasionally looking over her shoulder.

“Is it supposed to be like that?”

“When is it going to become a vanilla cake?” 

“Is that enough?” 

And the questions kept on coming. “Oh Hyomin, if you don't shush it, I'll never finish this cake!” Luxuan sighed, having enough of the questions. But Hyomin refused to stop, continuing to shoot questions out of her mouth. It was her sort of entertainment to annoy Luxuan. 

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