Chapter 5: Drunken State Sehun

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Sehun looked around for Luhan, but gave up after a few minutes. Feeling thirsty since the beginning of the photoshoot, he overheard the staff saying that they're were refreshments in the dressing room. Going to the dressing room, he found a table full with glasses of sparkling water and what he thought was ginger ale. Siding with the ginger ale, Sehun drank the whole glass in one gulp. Hmm... That's a funny tasting ginger ale. He thought, processing the taste and started to feel a little dizzy. Maybe the heat is getting to me. He untightened his tie and laid down on a couch, then he fell asleep.

After Luhan looked at the snack table with an empty champagne glass, he noticed a familiar tall figure passed out on a couch. Walking towards the couch, Luhan leaned his stomach against the backrest of the couch and gazed at the sleeping Sehun's face. He seems pretty peaceful and innocent like this. He suppressed a giggle, poking Sehun's cheek and traced the outline of his lips. He nearly fell back in shock when Sehun grabbed his wrist as he retracted his hand. He tried to wiggle his hand free, but he couldn't because Sehun held a firm grip on his wrist. Noticing Sehun's eyes were half lidded, Luhan waved his hand in front of his face to snap him out of it, but his free hand got cuffed along with his other by Sehun's large hand instead.

“Dear God...” Luhan groaned, balancing his body on the backrest of the couch with his stomach. Waiting for some sort of decision to release his hands, Luhan gave up. “Oh Sehun! I swear if you don't let me go, I'll get Hyo–”

Sehun tugged his hands, causing Luhan to fall forward and Sehun crashed his lips on his. Luhan's eyes widened and heat rushed to his cheeks immediately, he could taste a tiny bit of champagne from Sehun's lips. Elbowing Sehun in the face, Luhan summersaulted, so that he be sitting up straight on the edge of the couch; however, his hands were still being held behind his head.

“Hyung? Are you alright?” Jungkook asked, gazing at his red face.

“Y-Yeah... I'm fine.” Luhan said, pulling his hands free.

Helping Luhan up, Taehyung examined his face. “Are you sure? Your face is really red. Do you have a fever?”

“N-No. I-It's just... Just... A-Alcohol.” Luhan stuttered, looking at his shoes. “A glass of champagne.”

“Wait... I thought you were goo–” Luxuan frowned, but before she could finish her thought, Luhan clamped his hand over her mouth.

“Nothing! It's nothing. Just a little dizzy that's all.” Luhan fibbed, then jogged away from them.

Frowning, Luxuan thought of when was the last time she saw Luhan that flustered. “Now I'm curious... What happened?” She asked, her eyes following the fleeing figure.

“That's what I want to know.” Hyomin said, looking around. “Hey, Tae. Are there cameras?”

Taehyung looked at Hyomin confusingly before replying. “We're in a studio, of course there's cameras.” He said bluntly.

Rolling her eyes, she turned her attention to Jungkook. “Are there cameras?”

Jungkook nodded and walked to the security room. “Here it is. Now let me pull out the right clip.”

“I could've done that.” Taehyung pouted, following Hyomin as they crowded around Jungkook.

“Aha! Here it is, let's watch!” Jungkook grinned, pressing play.

The four teenagers watched the screen intently. They stifled their laughter when they watched Sehun wobble to the couch, then fell asleep. Then came Luhan, they switched cameras because the angle wasn't right, and they saw Luhan leaning over Sehun, tracing his features.

“Yah! That deer is molesting my brother in his sleep!” Hyomin accused, pointing at the screen.

“Sh! Let us watch!” The three hushed Hyomin and continued watching.

Hyomin piped down and watched along with the three. The next action that happened was when Sehun grabbed his wrist, then his other when Luhan waved his hand in front of his face.

“Omo!” Luxuan exclaimed in shock that Sehun pulled Luhan down into the kiss, pressing pause immediately.

“Yo, did Sehun get turned on by that?!” Hyomin laughed, taking out her phone and snapped a lot of pictures of the screen.

“Hey! Look at this camera!” Taehyung said, pointing at the screen of the camera in the studio. “It's Luhan and Sehun.”

They watched the screen and all of them, except Hyomin, frowned at the sight of Sehun giving Luhan a piece of candy. Candy? Wait... He only does that when... No way! Hyomin made a small squeak, but it was left unnoticed because everyone else was watching the screen.

Outside the security room, slightly-sobered Sehun woke up with a headache. “Ow... My head hurts... Internally and externally.” He groaned, massaging his head to ease the pain and feeling the urge to find Luhan.

Getting up and stretching, Sehun walked around and found Luhan sitting by himself in the studio, mumbling to himself. “Luhan.” He called, making Luhan flinch.

“Y-Yeah?” Luhan asked, standing up. “What do you want?”

Stepping closer to Luhan, Sehun took something from his pocket and gestured Luhan to give him his hand. Luhan held his hand out reluctantly and Sehun dropped a piece of candy in his hand while grinning childishly. That grin... Really reminds me of Baby Hun. Luhan thought, stuffing the candy in his pocket and ruffled Sehun's hair. 

Finding the gesture comforting, Sehun rested his forehead against Luhan's shoulder, making the older stiffen. “I'm tired.” He whined, pulling Luhan's sleeve and made him sit down on the floor. Nestling his head on Luhan's lap, Sehun mumbled. “Let me sleep here please, hyung?” 

“Do you become a whiny baby when you're drunk?” Luhan chuckled as Sehun was already asleep on his lap, playing with the fringes of Sehun's hair.

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