7 billion people on earth all with different fates and different lives. Human lives are like light rays always moving parallel to each other but every once in a while fate takes its course and two of these rays interacts and keep interacting until t...
Y/N pov. Over the last week i have gotten really close to almost whole of bts. I even became friends with Eon jin's friends. Jisoo, Jennie, Lisa and Rose. I start work in two days and i am super excited. I am currently in my study trying to figure out my initial health plan when my phone rings. I answer without looking. " Hello?" " Y/N get ready, i am coming to pick you up." tae's voice sounds through the system sending shivers all over me. Somehow after the incident one week ago being around taehyung really affects me somehow. I am acting like a school girl. " Why?~" i ask him. "I have something i wanna show u. I'll be there in 15 minutes. So be quick" he says. "Okay .Bye"
I leave my study and go to my room and raid my closet. I change to a simple sweater and white jeans.
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Satisfied by my look i call tae. "Where are you?" "I am outside your place. Come out." "Okay. Wait a minute." I hang up and go out. "Hi princess...you're looking as pretty as always". "Where are we going?" "Where magic happens." "What?" "You'll see.Just get in the car." After about 30 minutes taehyung stops in front of a one floor apratment that looks very modern and pretty. We enter the apartment find an art stidio with all white walls and furnitures. A gasp leaves my lips upon seeing how pretty it is. Tae picks up a big roll of paper and unrolls it. "Y/N, come here and help me." he chuckles I tie my hair up and help him gather all the supplies. We play some light music and taehyung start working on his painting. Watching him concentrate draws me in and i get lost once again in the man named Kim Taehyung.
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"If you keep staring at me like that I can't work princess" taehyung teases snapping me out of my zone. "Sorry" i mumble lightly. " Don't fret i like when your attention is on me" he says and i blush. "Come here i'll teach you how to do this." he says. I walk to his side of the table and grab the picture frame. Taehyung steps behind me and holds my hands like when teaching a child how to write.He uses my hand to dip the brush into the paint and slowly drags it across the frame. Then he pushes us towards the table and gently makes me bend to keep the coloured frame on the cloth. Then he takes a different colour on the brush and swipes it across the frame again. He then lifts the frame. He does all this while standing behind me and using my hands to to do everything and having him that close to me messes with all of my senses i can't seem to focus on what he is doing at all. I feel the butterflies in my stomach when tae whispers in my ears from behind me "Pretty isn't it? Think you can manage on your own now?Or were you being a bad student and not listening at all." That just pushes all my buttons and my legs become jell-o. Just before I hit the floor he lifts me up and puts me down on the small couch at the end of the room. " You alright?" he asks concerened kneeling in front of me. "Umm...yeah...ju-ust give me a min-minute please." i say. My face ia hot and i'm pretty sure as red as a tomato as well. He laughs at me walking to a drawer and pulls out a bandana . He purs it on around his forhead and adjusts his hair.Then he gets me a glass of MUCH NEEDED water. We spend the rest of the day just talking and having fun. We run around like children and just sit down and laugh. I am genuinely laughing and enjoying myself after a long time. We're just sitting there looking at our work on the wall. There is comfortable silence. Taehyung sighs causing me to look towards him. "Is everything okay?" " I am just thinking how we won't be able to hang out as much once work starts and it makes me sort of upset....Y/N ....you and me.... we've got a connection and i know you've felt it too. You make me happy and content...with you...it's different...you fit in with my family like you were born to be in it...my mom loves you almost like she loves me....my friends and family accept you like we've known you forever and it's been less than a month...with you...i don't have to try and be careful of my next step. I can just be me.Free and no criticisms. My fans love me. They love me a lot and i can never ever break their heart but i have been on the recieving end for so long. I want to give as well.I want to know you more. I know there's a bond here and i want to give it a try. I am naturally drawn to you. You're like this bright light that i can't unsee anymore. I am just so confused now." he says bringing tears to my eyes. "OMG! did i say something wrong? Don't cry please princess." he babbles. "Tae...thank you." i sniffle. He looks at me confused. " No one . I mean no one has ever expressed such genuine feelings for me. My family only exists for names sake. We've never had a single meal together unless it wasn't a formal dinner or at some party. It's always been work and expectations to no extend. Even my friends. I only ever made friends that needed something from me. No one just wanted to be with be because it was fun and I've always felt like there was something wrong with me. Even with you i was happy but I was scared. Always having to be careful and always working to stand up to peoples expectations. I was just so exhausted. Thank you. Thank you so much." I say with tears of joy streaming down my face. Taehyung pulls me into a hug and lets me cry into his chest. We stay like that for a while and i slowly let go of him breaking the hug. "Umm...what should we do now?" i ask shyly " How about we let fate takes its course?" he says. "Alright" That night taehyung drops me home with a kiss to my forhead and a comforting goodnight.
Taehyung POV Today she finally opened up to me a little. I saw the small hint of loneliness and sadness behind her eyes today. I heard her cries for help today. As I drove home I promised myself that she'll never ever be lonely ever again.That night i went home and talked to jin, jimin and jk about everything. They're people i relied on most afterall. "I never would've guessed from how happy she looks all the time" J-hope says from the door. " You heard everything didn't you? " I ask and sigh. " It's not just him." Suga and RM say as they enter the room. All this while Jk is completely quiet and doesn't say a single word. "What's wrong?" i ask him. "She's like my sister..." Jk says before becoming silent. We all know what happened with his sister weighs greatly upon him and he blames himself for it. "Kookie...it wasn't your fault.There was nothing you could've done. You didn't know." jin says to him. "That's the problem. I didn't know. She was my baby sister. I was supposed to protect her but I didn't know." he says. He wipes his eyes and says " Don't worry V hyung . What happened with jungeun will never happen to Y/N. I will be her family and protect her. I promise." he says. "Make sure you keep that promise then" I say and pat his back.
☆☆☆~~~~~~~~~☆☆☆☆ Hi readers I uploaded the song tae and Y/N listened to while painting . Do enjoy♥️