7 billion people on earth all with different fates and different lives. Human lives are like light rays always moving parallel to each other but every once in a while fate takes its course and two of these rays interacts and keep interacting until t...
Y/N POV The rest of the week went by pretty uneventful except the dress for the gala that my father sent and his friend's son who I now know as Liam texting me. BTS refuses to leave me alone and always make sure to have atleast one person around me.Hence explaining why I am sitting in the cafeteria with the trainess for food when I am not even hungry. The gala is tonight and I really don't want to go but everything is just set in stone and I can't do anything about it. Taehyung was being extremely weird and cranky the closer the date for the gala came. Jk was helping me deal with Liam. Today was the day of the gala so I had applied for an early leave. Atfer 30 minutes Around 3 pm I drive back bome to get changed and ready. I wear my peach ball gown and simple prom make up I then put my hair in an elegant updo with my sterling silver earrings.
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It is 6.30 by the time I am completely ready and Liam is picking me up at 7. I go into my wardrobe to look for my footwear when my bell rings. I open the door to find tae standing there with a box. He looks at me from head to toe like I am his next meal and whispers "Perfect." "What are you doing here tae?" I ask confused. "Oh ...Can I come in first?" He asks. "Yeah...is something wrong?" I ask concerned. "Well you said you had a dress but weren't sure about your footwear so I brought you something." He says before making me sit on the couch and kneeling in front of me. "May I?Princess?" he asks and I swoon. "Yeah..." He takes out the most beautiful pair of strappy heels I have ever seen and puts them on my feet.
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He then helps me stand up and stand in front of the mirror. "Call me when you want to leave the gala. Don't leave with him. I have something i want to tell you afterwards." he whispers in my ears while tracing the line of my collarbone making me shiver in delight and I watch as the perfect shade of pink taints my cheeks. "Always so beautiful. Our Y/N" he says making me blush more. The moment is broken by my phone ringing. Curse you phone😖. I answer the phone. "Ms.Lee? I am outside your house. Please come out if you're ready." Liam's voice sounds through the speaker phone. I am about to speak when taehyung hugs me from the back and starts tracing cicles at the side of my neck making me freeze. "Answer him Y/N. He's waiting." he whispers in my ear. "Hello? Ms.Lee?" Liam says. "He-Hel-lo Mr.Ba.-ek.I'm Re-ea-dy. I'll be right out." I stutter and hang up. Tae immediately lets go of me and smirks. OMG this handsome devil makes me want to kiss him and kill him at the same time. I give him an annoyed glare and pick up my phone and clutch. I leave my apartment and tae says "Have fun and be back before midnight princess." and winks at me. I blush before rushing to Liam's car and find him leaning on the car waiting for me. He opens the car door for me as I get in. "You look beautiful Ms.Lee." he says before going around the car and getting into the other side and I immediately stiffen. This is going to be a long night.
Liam POV I am annoyed as hell at my father for forcing me to go to some boring business gala on a weekend , that I was planning out, for a 'woman' who needs her parents to do everything for her including finding love. These rich family daughters are so annoying. All they ever do is lounge around all day and want a rich husband to be married to. And she is late. Could today get any worse? Then the door of the house opens and she steps out in a floor length gown that shows that she is a woman of dignity and pride looking incredibly beautiful. I am enchanted by her beauty as she walks towards me. She's gorgeous. I compliment her and take my seat beside her in the car and feel her walls rising and stiffening. Interesting. I close the sheild between me and the driver and she looks at me coldly. There is absolutely no emotion in her eyes that were warm and bright just a second ago. The blush from her cheeks is gone and her cute aura has been replaced by the air of complete elegance and dominance only. Very interesting. She starts the conversation. "Is there something you have to say Mr.Baek. Something that requires that sheild?" she raises an eyebrow at me. " Let's drop the formalities first shall we? Call me Liam. Besides, I have a feeling that we're gonna get along great together." "Let's not Mr.Baek. I don't know what you expect from today but I am only here because I have to be. I have no intention of so much as recalling you tommorow." " Ofcourse you don't that little boyfriend of yours back at your apartment won't like it very much if you do I bet." I laugh.
Y/N POV He saw taehyung. I instantly pale and as if noticing my reaction he laughs again and says. " Don't worry. I didn't see him but his presence does make things a lot more easy." I look at him confused. "Let me explain. My father set me up for this because he thinks that by setting me up with rich families annoying chirping birds he'll somehow correct me. You, are obviously different but there is no way I'd take an interest in you.Now before you get offended let me clarify. You are stunning and very gorgeous and I'm sure you have an amazing personality BUT...I am happily gay and in a relationship. So let's two people who don't want to be at the gala have fun in each other's company yes? Ms......?" "Y/N" I answer. "Beautiful name to a beautiful lady" he laughs again bringing a smile to my lips. "You're really gay?" I ask him "Yes and I have an absolutely adorable boyfriend." he says looking for judgement in my eyes. "OMG the boys are gonna laugh their asses off when they realize that they've been fretting over a gay guy😂😂". I laugh. "Does your boyfriend know that you like to laugh at others expense Y/N" he says with an amused pout. " He's not my boyfriend..." I answer. "Yet." he adds and I sigh. "Why? Is it just a crush?" he asks. "Yes. I mean there are signs and there's definetly chemistry but I love him and it's been only 1.5 months since we met and I'm not sure he feels the same way." I sigh. "Why don't you tell me how you met?" he asks. "It's interesting really. We met by accident but then it was like fate tied him to me. We kept meeting and running into each other at the most random places and then before I knew it he just happened like Bam! And then he's everywhere. All my life I've looked for this pace to fit in and I feel like I've finally found it and it is beside him..." I sigh again. "But?" He says again. "But he's so loved and if something goes wrong then I'll lose all these people around me because they're his people." I say. "Y/N that isn't your call to make. These people around you love you right? and they love you for who you are not just because you are part of his life. So stop being so hard on yourself and enjoy fate's course." he says smiling gently. "Why am I telling you all this anyways?" I laugh "Maybe because we're strangers with similar lives." he smiles. We arrive at the gala and I have a ton of fun with Liam. We dance to the ball songs,stuff our faces with food and sit in a corner judging all the money hungry snakes in the room that are trying way too hard to impress. We crack jokes and have fun. At around 11 I tell Liam that I am tired and wish to go home. I then remember tae's request and call him. Liam decides to wait with me until tae arrives.