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It is true that there is nothing permanent in this world. Because for a moment, it may be lost or taken from us whether it is a things or someone that we care about. Just like in love, when the story of the two lovers ends, we can do nothing because that's what the destiny set for us. But it's up to us whether we choose to end the story like that or whether we choose to continue it even if we are no longer with the person with whom we developed that story.

It's like the two of us. For the past twenty years, I never wanted it to end like that. Skyler is the only reason why I chose to continue this story of ours. And I was happy with the decision I made because even though she was not by my side, I didn't felt loneliness.

I slowly opened my eyes. And hoping that I'll see her again. But as I continued to open my eyes, I did not see her. I only saw the trees, the lake, and the sun that is starting to rise.

I felt so much sadness. I already accepted the fact that she would never come back. But I don't understand myself anymore. My heart is still looking for her presence every time I come back in this place.

I immediately wiped away my tears and then looked around again.

Two decades have passed but this place has not changed. There were just shops inside and they even set up a concert ground to allow more people to come and enjoy this wonderful place. And the tree that we often climb on this hill was still here. And the top of the hill is even more beautiful because they put some colorful light on the tree that give more emphasis on its beauty.

I sat under the tree and get in my bag the most important thing in my life, and that is my journal. I started to read all that I have written on it from the beginning until the end. I almost burst into tears of sadness when I read my last entry. I took out a ballpen in my bag and I started to wrote again

It's been twenty years since you passed away. No days had passed that I didn't missed you. I miss you so much. I miss your smile. I miss your voice. I miss everything in you. And I hope that you'll miss me too. It's still hard for me to wake up every morning without you by my side. But instead of feeling sad, I still choose to be happy even though you're not here. Twenty years is enough for me to realize that whatever I do, whatever prayer I make. It will never change the fact that you will never come back to this world. But I never think that I wouldn't be with you because I knew you were always around me every time the strong wind blows. Even though you're not here with me, always remember that my heart will still hold you until the end of my life. You're still my star that always shines in my night sky. And no one can ever replace you. I love you so much Laelyn Taylor. Forever and Always...

I immediately stood up when I felt the strong wind again. I could feel her as I closed my eyes and embraced the strong wind. And tears started to flow from my eyes again as I heard her voice

"I love you, Mr. Xion Lance Carter." I heard her whispered. And my tears won't stop from falling because of that.

I immediately opened my eyes to look for her but I was so disappointed that I did not see her.

I sighed because of frustration.

I was surprised when someone hugged me from behind. I was hoping it her. But I was more surprised when I saw the person behind me. And my smiled appeared when I saw my daughter's face.

"What are you doing here?" I asked while she's still hugging me from behind.

"Because our maid told me that you left the house so early. And I remembered that it's mom's birthday and death anniversary today so I came right here because I knew I'd see you here. " She said. And I just smiled at her.

"So, have you already went to your doctor?" I changed the topic.

"Yep. And they said that I have nothing to worry about dad." I sighed a relief. "Let's go home dad, the sun already rise. We still need to prepare for mom's birthday. Lolo Luke is on his way to the house too. So we need to hurry dad."

"Okay Fine, Let's go." I said.

But before we could leave, another strong wind blew. So we stopped from walking. And turned my gaze at the top of the hill. And my eyes widened when I saw Laelyn's image at the top. My tears are starting to fall from my eyes again.

"I also see her Dad." My eyes widened at what my daughter had said so I stared at her and my eyes were asking if what she was saying is true. "Mom's waving her hands at us."

Again I looked up to the hill to see if Skyler is saying was true.

And she's right. Laelyn is waving her hands on us.

And I saw her pouted 'I miss you.'

"We miss you too mom..." My daughter suddenly said. I smiled

"I miss you more Ms. Taylor."

And for the last time. I finally get to see her beautiful smile again. The smile that makes my heart beat so fast...

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