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     QUINN WAS SITTING ON THETrain compartment,With her best friends

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Train compartment,With her best friends.Elizabeth and Diane,They were talking And eating chocolate's.

Elizabeth had told them that their will
Be another new,Professor for their
DADA Class.

Elizabeth,Diane and Quinn,Were best
Of friends ever since they were kids.
Their mother's Were best friends,
So they wishes their daughters the

Quinn stands up and told them she'll
Look around the train.She pick up
Her bag and went out the door.

She began to look around.Whilst
She was looking around she found
Pansy and her goons,They were
Bullying a first year.

Quinn yelled at them,She threatened
Pansy and her goons,Then she rub
Her forehead.

❝Damn,They never learn!❞Quinn
Breathe,She turn her head to little
Two boys they were twins.

She sat on her knees and wipe the
Two's Tears.❝Its alright,They're
Gone.❞She said with a warm smile.

The two boys look up to her,They
Tackled her into a hug causing her
To fall on her bum.❝Th-thank you. ❞
The two boys mumble.She rubbed
Their heads.

❝Your welcome.❞She said softly.
The two boys Let her go and Give
her a sweet smile,Quinn smile back
At them.

They sat on the floor.

❝Im Quinn.❞She said lending them
A hand.

❝Im Liam and this is my twin
Brother Leo.❞Liam said,The two
Boys shake her hand with the
Same grin.

She grin at the two,Quinn took her bag
And took out some sweets.❝Sweets?
she asked handing them chocolates's.
The two boy's Face lit up and took
It. They both shove the chocolate.

❝Thank you!❞The two boys said

Quinn giggle at them,They just sat
On the floor talking.Quinn told them
Jokes and things about hogwarts.
Leo and Liam told her that they were
Muggle-Born's,She didn't despise
Muggle-Born's Even if shes a slytherin
Pure blood.The two boys began to
Open and warm up to her,Quinn
Is Quite good at kids,Especially boys
Since she has Three brother's
Michael and Matthew,They were
At Dumstrang,Whilst James
His still ten and waiting for
His eleven birthday.It wasn't
hard for her. She and her brother's
Get along so much,Even though
They didn't went on the same

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