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           ❝DOES IT STILL HURT?❞Diane Asked Quinn while Holding her Not injured hand

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Diane Asked Quinn while Holding her
Not injured hand.Elizabeth were
Putting some bandages on Quinn's

They were on their way at the Magical
Creature class,Professor Grubby plank.
The New Professor or the one that
Will Teach whilst Professor hagrid
Is Gone.

❝Are you seriously Asking the girl
With the most Awesome Childhood?❞
Quinn Joked,Except for her to hear a
Laugh the two girls hugged her as they
Were about to cry. They do know
About Quinn's parent Punishing her.

Quinn Frown and she hugged them

Harry stand there with ron and
Hermione talking,As he Stare at
Quinn.He saw Elizabeth putting
some Bandages on her hands,He
feel sorry For her, she didn't
deserve it. It was his fault.Harry
Keep Blaming His self for Quinn
getting in Trouble.

Whilst he stare at her,He look at
Them Curious when they started
To hugged her.

was teaching them about,Niffler and
Bowtruckle.Quinn were next to
Elizabeth And Diane,On her other
Side were the Golden trio.Quinn and
Her gangs were called 'Silver Serpent'
Since silver were the color,Slytherin.

Speaking of group names,Quinn name
Liam,Leo and Lizzie as the L Trio.
Since their First name's were L's.

Professor Grubby plank clapped
Her hand.❝Now,You will be all
Partner up and take care of the
Nifflers and Bowtruckle.You'll
Be taking care of it in a week. ❞
She said.

Elizabeth Raises her hand.❝Are
We Going to pick our Partners?❞
Elizabeth asked.The Professor
Shook her head.

❝No ms.rosier,I will be picking
Your partners.❞She answers.
Elizabeth nodded.

❝Well,If isn't that great.❞She
mumble Sarcastically.

Professor Grubby plank Called
Name's as they Went to their

❝Mr.Potter. . . . ❞The Professor
Stop to look around the class,Its
Eye Caught Quinn's Direction ;
Who was not Listening and
Just chewing her bubblegum.

❝Mr.Potter,You'll partner up
With Ms.Yaxley.❞The Professor
Said causing harry to smile
Which the opposite of Quinn
Who shut her eyes and sigh.

Harry went over her not speaking
But smiling.Ron and hermione
Smirk at harry,They both knew
His affection for Quinn,Even though
She Avoided them and sometimes
Bully them.

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