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Ilvermorny. They both didn't have a
Choice but to obeyed their parents or
Worst,What happened to belle will happen Again. Belle sat in silence she
Haven't smile or laugh,After breaking up
With harry. No wonder,She's been
feeling Shit. Belle felt so bad- for harry,
She didn't even say goodbye properly.
She still love him,She felt incomplete
Without him. She's been doubting her
Self,-She has survived with out harry
Before,Why can't she survive now?

Whilst Belle was completely lost in her
Thoughts and Quinn was just sitting
next To her sister. A bunch of girls knocked on The door.

Quinn turn her head at the cabin door,
She saw a girl with blonde hair,A girl
With brunette and slight Bubblegum
Pink on her hair,Another girl with a
Redhead one.

She smile sweetly at them.

"Is it alright if we sit in here?
Everywhere is full,"The Blonde hair girl Asked politely. Quinn nodded and smile.

The blonde hair mouth her a thank you
Whilst the girls with her smiled back.

"Im Maddy,Madeline Lexington!"
The blonde hair girl said and held out
A hand.

Quinn shook it. "Im Quinn yaxley,And
This is my sister,"She bit her lip and
turn To her sister. "This is my sister Belle,She Don't talk to much."

"Oh. ."The girl said.

" Im Ivy,Ivy Goldstein!"The Redhead
Girl said. They Shook hands.

"And I'm Hannah Amulet!"The Brunette
With Bubblegum pink in her hair said.

Quinn smile at them,as she shook
Hannah's hand. Hannah turn her head
To Quinn's sister and back to Quinn.

"You seem familiar,"Hannah said as
She scan them.

"AHA!"She yelled making Them flinch.

"Right,Sorry! But! Your the girl on fire!"
She pointed at Belle. "The one from the
Daily prophet!"Hannah exclaimed,

"Woah! Really?!"The two girls asked
In excitement.

Quinn giggle. "Yup,That my sister."
She Said. Belle just stare blankly at the

" hi!"They Greeted Belle,She turn her
Head to the group of girls.

"H-Hello!"Belle said with a small smile.


Harry and his best friends sat on
the Train compartment,Harry has been down And sad ever since him and Belle Broke Up. Then Elizabeth and Diane
went to Harry's compartments- Looking for Belle and Quinn. No one knew The two Will be leaving,Since they weren't aloud To send letter's to them.

"Hey guys!"Elizabeth greet them.whilst
Diane just smile.

"Hey,Diane! Hey Eliza!"Hermione and
Ron greeted them,Harry was still
Spacing out thought.

"Erm- do you guys,Somehow- know
Where Quinn and Belle is?"Elizabeth
Asked worriedly. Harry suddenly look
At them.

"W-What do you mean?" Harry asked.

"I mean,She- they haven't sent us a
Letter or even join us!"


" haven't you seen her? Or quinn
Somewhere?" Diane asked and the
Trio shook their heads.

Harry just sat their worried for Belle
Even though they broke up,He still love
Her. And he hope wherever she is,He
Hope that she's alright.


Belle and Quinn had fun talking to
The girls they met at the train. And now
They're both going to get sorted with some First year. The headmaster has
Introduces them already. And now there
Stand in front of the Guardian knot into
The middle of the stone floor. Horned
Serpent,When it wants you,The crystal
In its forehead will light up. Wampus,
When it wants you,It will Roar. Pukwudgie,When it wants you,It'll
Raise its Arrow into the air. And last
But not the least,Thunderbird,When it
Want the You,he will be beating his
Wing in approval.

Now,Belle stand their,waiting. Then
It suddenly roars,She was put in
Wampus- Wampus house is sometimes
Consider to represent the body of a
witch Or wizard. It is also said that
Wampus favours warriors.

The Wampus has roar in cheer,As a
Boy with a curly hair whispers to his
Best friend. "This year wouldn't be so
Bad after all." He smirk whilst clapping
For the girl.

Belle saw the girl she met earlier from
The train ride as she Sat next to her.

Hannah grin at her. "Its good to have
You here Belle!"


Then now,Its Quinn's turn. Then
The thunderbird,Start to beating his
Wings,Thunderbird- the thunderbird
Houses is sometimes considered as the
Soul of the witch and wizard. It is also
Said that thunderbird house favours

The thunderbird birds house Roar
In cheer as well,Then a certain boy with
Curls in his hair as well,Mumble something on his bestfriend. As Quinn
Glances at her sister that gives her a
Thumbs up. She Grin. She went to her
Table and Sat next to a girl,She an
Black american girl,She's very pretty


𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊!

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𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊!

I have a new book name. "𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖊"
.That book will be,Ginny.X female original Character. And! This book
and that book will be Related or connected to each other.

Thats all! Bye!

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