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       QUINN'S WERE WALKING Then she saw luna love good sitting onThe carriages whilst reading her bookUpside down,Its actually interesting For someone who can read a bookUpside down

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Then she saw luna love good sitting on
The carriages whilst reading her book
Upside down,Its actually interesting
For someone who can read a book
Upside down.Quinn smile and walk
over To her.Quinn's Friends were
Gone already so it doesn't matter.

❝Hey luna,Mind if i sit in?❞She
Asked Politely,Luna Turn to her
With her dreamy smile.

❝Sure,I don't mind.❞Luna said in
her Dreamy tone.Quinn smile and
sat Next to her.Then Quinn notice a
Black thingy like a horse but it has

❝Whats that?❞Quinn asked.

❝Those are Thestrals.❞Luna said
Looking away from her book and

❝Thestrals? Hold one,I think i
heard 'Bout those. .❞She stops
to think For a second.❝Wait,
They said on The books,They
are only visible When you
witnessed a death. . . ❞Her
voice suddenly faded,Luna
Only nodded.

The two started talking about
Other things.Quinn Compliment
Her ; how interesting she was
That she can read a book upside
Down.Luna thank her and told
Quinn it was normal for her
Reading a book upside down.

Then harry and his Friends along
With Neville exits the train,Harry
Turn his head to the carriage and
Saw the same thing Quinn saw.

❝ What is that? ❞Harry asked
Walk towards the Thestrals.

❝What? ❞Ron Asked confused
As his best friend were still staring
At the Thestrals.

❝That!❞Harry Point at the Thestrals.
But Ron and the rest saw nothing.

Harry had witnessed a Death.Cedric
Diggory's Death.

❝There's nothing there harry.❞
Hermione Said.

When Quinn saw them arrived,
She suddenly curse under her
Breathe and look at the other way.

❝You're Not going mad. ❞ Luna
said and look away from her
book.❝We can see them too,
Harry.❞Luna said and smiling
At Quinn,they Turn their head
and saw Quinn sitting Besides

❝Yaxley! You can see them too?!❞
Ron asked with his voice a bit

Quinn rolls her eyes ❝Will she
be saying 'we' if I can't,Weasley?❞
She said Crossing her Arm.

Ron shook his head.Harry and
His friends ride the carriage.
Everyone Except Quinn,Give
Hermione a question look ;
Who luna is.

❝Everyone this is Looney-❞

❝Luna!❞Quinn Correct Hermione.
Causing them to look at her.

❝Right. ❞Hermione clears her
Throat.❝Everyone this is Luna
Love Good.❞Hermione said

Luna smile at them and turn
To Quinn.❝I hope there's Pudding.❞
Luna said,Quinn Just nodded with
A smile.

Harry Stare at her with a small
Smile,It was his First time to see
Quinn smiling to others,Her smile
Didn't seem to be fake,It was a
Friendly one. She didn't care if
someone Was seeing her smiling.

Whilst harry was staring at her,
Quinn Look around and Catch
Him staring.She Glared at him.

Harry Quickly look away from
Her blushing.Quinn Rolled her
Eyes,She had ignore,Avoid and
Denied him he still wanted to
Make friends with her.

She Found it Quite Annoying
though,He wouldn't leave her

Quinn sigh and Smile at the
Castle and mumble something
In her breathe.When they
Arrived Some Second years
Went over and tackle her Into hug.

The trio Were shocked When
the saw some kids were Hugging
Quinn.She smile and Hugged them
back.They hadn't seen her so
Friendly,Well Maybe to Kids shes
Nice. Not To Adults.

Then a small redhead girl,
A Gryffindor jump on her and
Wrapped its legs on Quinn's

❝Gosh Lizzie!Your Getting
Heavier!❞Quinn said With a
Giggle.The little redhead giggle
As well.

❝We miss You Quinnie!❞The
Kids said,Then Elizabeth and
Diane went to Quinn.

❝You look like a mom,Quinn.❞
Elizabeth said to her,Diane
Were Chuckling.

❝Yeah,I feel like a mom with
Dozens of children's!❞Quinn
Joked and Ruffle Lizzie's

Then they went inside the Great
Hall,Even lizzie were a Gryffindor.
She went to sit with Quinn.She
Was sitting in her lap and Giggling
With her.

Whilst the sorting ceremony,Quinn's
Eyes were Focus to Liam and Leo.
; The two Get sorted in Gryffindor.

The twins went to Hugged and
Thank Quinn First,And went to
There Table.

To Quinn, Every Kids on Hogwarts
Were her Friends,She was Quite
Closer to Lizzie.Because of her,
Saving her From Some Bullies.

The headmaster of Hogwarts,
Albus Dumbledore.He made
Some announcements and and
Told them about the humors
Experts,Who else could it be;
The one and only Fred and George
Weasley,Quinn Give them a
Playful salute,The two Does the
Same with her.Quinn Notice
Fred were Looking at Elizabeth,
Quinn nudge her and Gesture
Fred,He smirk at Elizabeth.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes,
Quinn and Diane Wiggled her
eyebrows At her and Giggle.

Whilst Professor Dumbledore's
Were Still announcing some
Things,Someone Interrupt him.

A woman in pink clothes,Some
Professor glare at her,I mean
Who Would wanted to interrupt

Professor dumbledore introduces
The woman in pink,As their
New DADA Teacher.

The woman in pink look
Scary,She Fake her smiles
At the Students.She seems
To hate childrens.

well,Seem she and Quinn
Won't get along.

Quinn sigh and feel that
This Year won't be so good.

Quinn sigh and feel that This Year won't be so good

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