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    QUINN WOKE UP AND SAW The Clock,She's Late

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The Clock,She's Late. But she didn't
Care its DADA Class Hours anyways.
She Wear Her White shirt with her Slytherin Tie and Black skirt along
with High block Socks and Black
High heels.

She went out the Common room and
Went at her class peacefully,When she
Arrived She saw Harry Running Mad.
Harry burst in the Door,Dolores Took Points at the Gryffindor.

Then she Enter the class like nothing,
When she Enter,Everyone Turn their
Heads to her.

❝what?❞Quinn said While Chewing her
Gum.Dolores Look at her with a Fake
Smile,Quinn Blow her Bubblegum and
Make it pop.

❝Ms.Yaxley,your late.❞She says to her.

Quinn rolls her eyes and sat next to
Diane.❝I know that.Im not Brainless.❞

❝Five Points From Slytherin.❞Dolores
Said,The other slytherin Groans,
Diane And Elizabeth Just Giggle
and Quinn smirk.

❝Now,As i was saying before,Mr.Potter
And Ms.Yaxley interrupted me with
Their Antics,Your Defense against
The Dark arts education has been
Rather and fragmented and Disjointed
In your past classes hasn't it?❞
She pause and look at them with a
Fake Innocent look.

❝This is much worse than Lockhart.❞
Quinn said Rubbing her Temple.The
Two girls Giggle.Harry in her front
along with Ron Chuckled Quietly.

Dolores Wave her wand and Set the
Book at the students,Hermione and
Elizabeth look at the book they open
And Close it.

Hermione raised her hand,Dolores
Ignore her not until the whole class
Notice it.

❝Yes,Ms.Granger?❞She asked with
A fake sweet smile.

❝Is there something here,Using
Spells?❞Hermione asked Politely.

❝Using spells?❞Dolores says and
Giggle Devilish.❝I cant Imagine
Using spells in my classroom.❞
Dolores added and Walk closer
To Hermione.

❝So your saying we're not using
Spells?❞Diane and Elizabeth asked
In unison.

❝No dear,You will learn about Defense
Spell,In a secure Risk free way.❞She
Answer.Quinn Irritatedly Smack
Her face.

❝whats Good theory's in the Real
World?❞Harry asked Dolores,She
Turn to him and open her mouth.

❝This is School,Not the real world,
Mr.Potter.There is noting out there
To get you.❞She says Sarcastically
At him.

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