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     GINNY GLARE AT QUINN,WhilstQuinn glare back at her whilst she held the girls collar more tighter

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Quinn glare back at her whilst she held
the girls collar more tighter. Ginny slap
Her making everyone gasp. Quinn let
her collar go and touch her cheeks.

"Did you just slap my Quinnie?!"
Alexander said,Coming our of nowhere.

Belle and the two came out of the
joke shop,They all saw Ginny slapping
her Sister. It pissed her,Belle's eye went
Dark. As she went over Ginny and slap
Her as well,Everyone's widened as belle
Place her hands on her neck. —She was
Literally Choking ginny to death,
Somehow,she stop when the girls called
for her and ginny make some choking
Sound,Ron was horrified at was his
seeing—Everyone was scared as hell.

Belle let her go,Ginny was about to
attack belle but punching her—Belle was
way to strong to get beaten,everyone
Amused and shocked when she caught
Ginnys fist.

Belle's hands start to turn flames
as ginny watches her fist burning.
Suddenly,Good thing he was there to
Keep her calm.

"Belle,this isn't you,"Anthony said
to her and carefully place his hands to
her shoulder he wince a little—Belle's
whole body was burning.

"You don't know anything about

"Belle, i know you too well even if
you just join us this year,I knew it when
you lie,i knew it when your sad,i knew
It when you mad or excited,worried.
your my best friend,and its bullshit if
I don't know you that well. we may not know each other that much but i know you aren't like this,you won't kill anyone.
Please cherry head,Don't let it come to
you." Everyone stare in awe,at Anthony's
Speech. Suddenly,the girls were quite
Proud. "And if you really have the guts
Killing her,not on public please." He
added causing everyone to face palm
and belle let out a chuckled —He
Suddenly smile,she was finally back to

Belle let go of ginny's hands,But she
Took the girl's wrist and lean over to her
Ears. "Don't even think that you can compete with a Yaxley,Weasel. Because
yaxley like us,has a good and innocent
Face. But in the second thought,there
evil as hell."She said as the last part send
Shiver down ginny's spine,Ginny was
Terrified of Belle's words—But she was
Most terrified at what could the girl do.

Belle lean back and Quinn place her
Arms around her sisters neck. "Their
together now,ya know."She Whispers
At belle."I know."

The two sister turn at their backs,So
Did the ilvermorny students. Suddenly
The two sisters stop and glance at their
Shoulder. They both smirk—A terrifying
Smirk. "Anyways,Congratulations harry,
You too hoe,His all yours."The two sister
Said in unison. —Harry was hurt but it
Was his fault from the beginning,If he
Didn't dated ginny,it wouldn't be like
this. He watched the two sister left.

*·˚ ༘ ➳

The ilvermorny students went back
to there train,belle and quinn wave goodbye to their beloved old friends, Elizabeth and Diane. Belle was sitting
next to Anthony as usual.

She smile and turn to him. "Thank

"For what?"He Question her,Belle
Playfully rolled her eyes.

"You know,what you did back there.
It was awesome honestly. Your such a
Great best friend,Ya know."She smile
Sweetly,He was a bit of hurt the word
'Best friend.' But he shrugged it off and
Smile back at her.

He lay his head on the top of her
Head(she was quite small though.) he
Smirk. "No problem shortie. You owe
Me big time,Alright?"

"Yeah i get it im small,So shut up
Already curls."She pouted.

*·˚ ༘ ➳

Everyone was back at ilvermorny,
Now,they were eating and laughing at
Each other. Belle smile. "This is my
Home."She mumble at the beautiful

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