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     "CHERRY HEAD!"A voice yelled ashe burst into the girls dorm—Good thingthe girls were gone home for Christmas,the yaxley sister stay for Christmas sincethere parents didn't want them homeBecause they have some 'business' todo,But the Twins did...

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"CHERRY HEAD!"A voice yelled as
he burst into the girls dorm—Good thing
the girls were gone home for Christmas,
the yaxley sister stay for Christmas since
there parents didn't want them home
Because they have some 'business' to
do,But the Twins didn't care about their
Parents,They were a-bit sad since they
Won't see their brother's.

     "Cherry head! Wake up! Wake up!
Its Christmas!!"He shouted whilst he
Shake the girl.

     Belle eye shut open,It turn into a glare
Anthony's eye widened—She give him a
look and he started to run,She run after
Her curly friend. They both run down to
the common room. However,He was tripped by a book,He gulp when he
heard Her footsteps.

     Belle pick up the book and smack his
head causing the boy to whine. "Thats
what you get when you interrupt a girl
On her sleep! You Baka!"

     He chuckled and look at Belle. "Seems
Like you and Alexander get along now
Huh?"He said with a chuckle,The girl
Rolled her light blue orbs. She offered him a hand. He gladly took it with a grin.

     "Heard that your loving some muggle

     "Well,Duh! I love those books! Their
Incredible! Brilliant and Fantastic!"

     The boy chuckled and rubbed his
neck, the girl crossed her arms. Then someone tackled them. "Happy Christmas everyone!"Elijah yelled whilst
he hugged His best friends. Anthony
and Belle laugh But hugged him back.

"Happy Christmas elijah!"The two
said In unison.

     "Hey guys,i'll just change my clothes
then we go to the village,yeah?"Belle
Asked her two boy best friends. They
both Grin ear to ear and nodded.

     After changing,they all walk out the
common room and went to the dining
Hall,Everything was beautiful. They all
Spot their best friends,Waving at them,
Shouting their names.

     They gladly run to their table and
greet each other. Belle sat next to her Sister. She kissed her cheeks. "Happy
Christmas sis!"Belle hugged her sister,
Her sister hugged her back.

     "Happy Christmas,Lils!"She whispers
to her sister's ears.

*·˚ ༘ ➳

     Belle stands in the fire place,She look
around and saw Hermione Granger
Holding her wand—Ready to attack the
Girl on the fire place,But stop and sigh in
Relief when she saw it was only Belle
She came out and hugged Hermione.

     "Belle! Your here!"Hermione yelled
Causing everyone to run to them.
Everyone was there,Grinning. She first
Spot her uncle Sirius. She let go of her
Girl best friend and Run to Sirius and
Tackled him.

     "I thought I wouldn't see you again,
Uncle!"She said whilst hugging her
Favorite uncle.

     He chuckled and hugged the girl.
"Im glad your here belle."He said and
Stroke her hair.

     She let go and saw everyone—The
Weasley,She saw that ginny wasn't looking at her,She was still scared and
Terrified at belle. Harry was there
Tonks and Remus. She smile at them,
They heard a thud on the fire place causing them to jump.

     She look at it and saw it was only
Anthony,She sigh annoyed and Relieved.
"Why the fucking hell are you here?"

     He look at her and facepalm. "Cherry
Head,I know how much you love being
Santa fucking clause but you can't be
Santa fucking clause with you're fucking
Damn gifts! Idiot!"He hold up the bag of
Gifts. Whilst Belle sheepishly smile and
Scratch her neck.

     "Right,Almost forget about that!
Hehe, Thank you,You Baka!"She said
with a Giggle and took the bag,He just rolled his Eye but smile in the same time.

     "Yeah,Yeah,Whatever. Just be hurry
Don't want to be late don't ya?"

     "Ofcourse! I won't be late baka!"She
Giggle as the boy smile and disappear.
Harry in the other hand—Was jealous he
Wanted for her to only giggle by his
jokes But now,Seems like someone already make her laugh,The same way
he makes Her. 

     She handed them the gifts,Without
Making eye contact to harry and ginny,
Since it's Christmas—She didn't have the
Guts to be mad at them.

     *·˚ ༘ ➳

      Belle went to the Black Forest to
Meet her friends. They were going to
Have some Bonding. She sat next to her
Favorite curly friend,She look at them
They were smiling devilishly whilst the
Boy on her side was blushing.

     "And what happened to you?"She asked Anthony. He look up,So did she
she saw a mistletoe. Belle just blush
When she saw it.

     "What? Aren't ya two gonna kiss or
Were going to L—! Woah!"Kennedy's
Sentence were interrupted when belle
Give Anthony a quick peck on the lips.

     'Its not like im cheating right? We
Broke up anyways,'She thought before
Giving him a peck on the lips. Then
Flash! They turn and saw Charlotte
Holding her camera with a smirk.

     "Charlotte! Give that to me you
Asshole!"She Run after the red head
Leaving a reddened Anthony.

     'My first kissed was my bestfriend?!'
He thought and touched his lips whilst
The gang was laughing.

*·˚ ༘ ➳

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