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     BELLE SAT ON HER USUAL SIT NEXT TO HER TWERP BEST FRIEND, Anthony She wasn't paying attention at her class She just sat there staring in a empty space

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SIT NEXT TO HER TWERP BEST FRIEND, Anthony She wasn't paying attention at her class She just sat there staring in a empty space.Suddenly,an image crossed her mind,It was Her kissing her best friend.

A blush creep her cheeks,To be honest
The two pretend like nothing actually
Happened—Belle,She didn't knew it was
His first kissed. But still she didn't know
What to feel or reacted about it.

She shrugged it off and sigh,She
glance At her right,She saw Anthony sleeping. She let out a silent giggle.

Then the class was over,belle sigh at
Anthony—who was still asleep,Belle notice The boy suddenly turn red. She wonder why? Is he sick or something?

Probably no, He was dreaming. Guess
What his dream is? It's probably him and belle Kissing,like he couldn't believe the fact that They kissed. They both know, everyone in the Gang know—They all notice they pretend like The shit didn't happened.

"Oi curls,Wake up!"She said whilst shaking The boy.

"—huh?—what?—i wasn't sleeping
sir— I—"He stammer,Whilst Belle laugh at his Reaction. She held her stomach whilst she Laugh.

He finally realized the class was over when He saw her laughing. He sigh annoyed and Relief. "Stop laughing,
will you"

"—Haha,You should've seen y-your face Curls! It w-was hi-hilarious!"She
said between Her laughs.

"Yeah,Whatever,"He Glance at his watch He notice they were going to be
late for the Next class. "Shoot!"He took her hand as they Both went to their Quidditch Class.

Anthony loves quidditch,Mostly boys join Just to see their hot Quidditch teacher,Except From Anthony,Since he has a hot head best Friend,Anyways.

As he took her hand,A blushes spread
Their cheeks. Then they have arrived.
They both saw the gang (Maddy and Lottie) Since they both have quidditch class with The horned serpents.

"Sorry were l-late madam scott,"He pant. The teacher turn to them and sigh,But nodded. The two went to their friends.

The two notice,That the girls were giggling, Anthony and Belle glance at
each other with A confused look. "What are you two giggling At?"He question, Whisper.

The two stopped giggling. "Are you
two Sure that your not dating? Hmm?" Lottie Asked suspiciously,glancing at their hands.

"Huh?"the two said and follow lottie's
Gaze—it was their hands,They were still
Holding hands with their fingers intertwined.

The two stopped holding each others
Hand and turn red. "Wha—its not what
it Looks like—we swear—!!"

"Miss yaxley? Mr Jackson? Are you
two Alright? Your faces are red? Are you two Sick or something?"The teacher asked.Causing the students to smirk at them,Belle And Anthony were way to obvious —to their Thoughts—They thought that belle and Anthony like each other ; because of always Hanging out,Or act like a old married couples.

Many students had asked them.
' aren't You two dating?' Or they would say. ' you two Are so cute! You guys makes a perfect couple!'But the two denied them. They both denied Their feelings for each other. Ever since that Night,The two starts to feel shitty feelings But they ignore it.

Anthony—He was afraid that she won't like Him back,He was afraid that if he told her she Won't be friends with him again. He also knew That harry,Still love her. That Christmas day, He saw the look in his eyes,The way he look at Belle and him,Was full of hurt and jealousy.

Belle—She wasn't afraid of new love, She Way afraid of hurt. She was afraid, What if that Hurt was going to happened again. Not the Hurt of rejection
—The hurt that her parents Cause her, Anthony he was a muggle born or A no maj, She knew that if she fell in love with
Him,Her parents will hurt her and makes her Break up with him—Just like what happened To harry.

*·˚ ༘ ➳

THE NEXT DAY,the curly hair boy look Around back and forth,Looking for his red Head bestfriend. —He hadn't seen her at Class, Neither at breakfast.

"Looking for belle?"Kennedy said
with A smirk. Anthony turn to him and nodded Ignoring his stupid smirk.

"Where is she? I didn't saw her this
Morning—neither at the class—? Is their
Something wrong—? Is she avoiding
us?"Anthony asked the gang,Worriedly.

The girls giggle. "Maybe cheek her dorm?"They suggest with a giggle.

"—ohh—yeah—yeah—I'll see ya later!"
He walk away,Ignoring the boys smirk and The girls giggle's.

He rush to the common room and
went To belle's dorm. He knocked and press his Ears to the door.

"Who—is it?"Belle asked. Not caring

"Its me,Anthony!"He answered.

Be stand up lazily from her bed,She open The door with a angry look. "What. Do. You. Want. From. Me.?!"She asked angrily. Anthony flinched.

"I was just wondering—Wait are you mad At me or something?"He asked curiously and Furrowed his eyebrow. Suddenly the girl was Crying. She surprisingly hugged him.

"Cuddle me! Curls!"She sobbed.

"Belle? Why are you crying? Did Something happened?" He asked worriedly and hugged Her back.

"My tummy hurts!"She said

"Why are you acting like a kid?"

"Im not acting like a kid!" She
smacked his Head and turn away.

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