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❝ Falling inlove with yourBest friend is a bad thing

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Falling inlove with your
Best friend is a bad thing.
Either you'll be happy forever or
A stranger later.

𝖚𝖓𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖓 𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖊𝖗,

✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚.

"HEY GUYS!"Maddy Greeted us, as we arrived at the black forest. I look
Around and saw two tents,Its silly since
It was blue and Pink on the inside,The
Boys give maddy and the others a annoyed look,As she just shrugged with
A playful smile.

     Seems like the boys Wasn't a big fan
of 'blue'. They all groan and put their
Things inside,Me and girls does the
same. The girls were still inside whilst i walk out Our tent and look around the forest,I look Up in the sky a smile. I love how bright the stars are.

     "Hey Cherry head!"A male voice said i
Look at the direction,Curls was smiling
at Me.

     "What do ya' want curls?"I asked and Cross my arms. He smirk at me.

     "Jeez! Cherry head! No need to be
Annoyed!"He said as he walk over to me.

     "Whatcha doin' here anyways? Aren't
You suppose to be 'doing girls stuff,' before we start the camp?"He Quotes
As i stare at him.

     "I'm not a big fan of doing 'girls
stuff,'" I Quote as well and scoff.

     He chuckled and the gang went out
the Tent and sat near the fire. "Hey love birds You two need to be here as well! Or else  You two will be probab—"

     "alright! Alright were coming
asshole!" I shouted interrupting his sentence. I just Shouted enough for the
all of us to hear  Since we don't want to get caught by Williams, The Pukwudgie that was guarding the castle. His just like mr filch But mr filch is more scarier than a pukwudgie

     Now,I was sitting next to my sister
and Hannah—Hannah's sitting next to ivy— Ivy's sitting next to her boyfriend; Mateo's—Sitting next Elijah—Elijah's  Sitting besides Curls—Curls is sitting next To His cousin Lottie—Charlotte is sitting Next  to Maddy and maddy's sitting next to kennedy.

We all talk stuff and things we likes
we All get along,Our laughter makes me
Remember my friends. Its like the same
Laugh I shared with them,I miss them a
Lot. I miss how me and Diane do a stubborn thing then Elizabeth's going to
Scold at us and Hit us by her book.

Even if it was stupid,To me it was the
Greatest memories i have with them,
They Were my first friend—The first person who I shared my secrets with,
The first  Person who actually care (Except from  Quinn,Since she wasn't with me after her Fake death.)

I laugh at the jokes they were talking
About,Then i felt eye's on me. I look Around the group and spot Curls,Staring
At me. I raised my eyebrow at him then
He look away. But i sworn i saw him blush.

After that,We all went to our tent. The
Girls were asking Questions about themselves. Whilst i just lay on my bed
Staring at them.

"Soooo,"Maddy said as her eyes land
to Me. "Belle,Have you ever have a boy friend?"She asked with a smirk.

I stare at her and look away from
them. "Yes,Why?"I asked—Still not looking at the girls who—Fake gasped.

Bullshit. I thought

"Whats his name?!"maddy asked,
More Like squealed.

"None of your business,"I said with
no Emotion.

"Aw c'mon! Please!"The girls Plead
me But My sister stay Quiet.

I sigh. "His name is harry alright?"I
Breathe. Then the girls squealed.

"What is he like?!"

"Where does he live?!"

"Are you still together?"

"Shut up hannah! All you say is negative vides!"

I sat up and look at them. "First—
His a nice guy. Second— He live somewhere far from America. Third—
We broke up."I said—Not showing any
Emotion and Lay back to the bed.

"Oh,Were sorry Belle!"The girls said

"Its fine."I breathe

"But,Is it alright if you tell us why you
Two broke up?"Ivy asked nervously as i
Look at Quinn who sigh as I nodded.

"Well it happens when. . ."Quinn started to tell them why. as i just stay on
The bed. Little did we know,That the
boys Were eavesdropping.

✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚.

✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚.

Sorry if I haven't updated,
I've been busy though.

✧∘* ˚.

𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒  ━━                𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒑𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 Where stories live. Discover now