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Avery's P.O.V

He's back. I have him back. Michael.

Someone coughs from behind us, I quickly turn around and my cheeks heat up. I hide behind my hair and bury myself into Michael's chest.

"So.... are you going to introduce us.." Rhiannon laughs with the boys as they patiently wait for Michael and I to have our moment.

"Oh sorry.." Michael and I say in unison.

We laugh at each other and I continue.

"Erm hi, I'm Avery and this is my best friend Rhiannon."

"Hey, I guess you already know our names, but we'll remind you anyway, I'm Ashton." he dad pulling me into a bear hug.

"I'm Calum!" Again I am embraced.

"And um, I'm Luke..." he blushes and keeps his focus on the floor, he bites his lip and crosses his feet over. he's so cute an dorky.

"We've heard a lot about you Avery." Ashton smirks.


"We know about the shower incident.." Calum explains before bursting into fits of laughter.

"How? What? MICHAEL YOU DIDN'T!" I exclaim.

"Sorry, it just kind of slipped out.." they all laugh harder while Rhiannon looks confused and out of place.

"Care to explain?" Rhiannon adds.

"Why don't we go back to our place, and we can tell each other everything from the beginning, and from the beginning, I mean from when I met Ave on the plane." Michael suggests.

The boys cheer and ramble excitedly, Rhi looks at me smiling and nodding confidently.

I turn to Michael.

"Erm, yeah sure, that sounds great."

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