Chapter 14: Betrayal

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"It is good to be back, Anubis." She beamed.

"Of course!  We missed you." Anubis bowed his head.

"We?" Daniel questioned.

"Yes! Osiris too is eager to meet you . After all you finally got ride of his Set problem. And now he can finally spend time with mother Isis" He told them.

"Oh! Great. I was wondering if you could provide us with a place to stay. Because we are pursue by Lucifer and I really don't wanna take any part in his war." She asked him.

"You are always welcome here . You can stay in adjoining chambers. My jackals will take you there " He beamed.

"They don't eat humans, do they?  Daniel asked wary of them.

"Not generally." He said and Daniel froze in his tracks. Not generally. Life is not something which can be betted . But right now he had no choice but to follow Asteria. For underworld, it was pretty impressive. The throne room itself where Asteria and Daniel had arrived was filled with light and all was in gold.

Anubis eyes were golden like it was built. As they followed the jackals through the side passage , they saw that different inscriptions and staff were nailed to wall . All the walls were filled with memories of rich

"Wow. It is so cool." He jumped in excitement.

"Yeah! You should start taking notes." Asteria teased but Daniel didn't pick that . He took out his notebook and started writing to which Asteria just shook her head..

"Can't you just write in mobile ." She chimed.

"For immortal goddess out for millenia , you are quite quick on picking things up. But no! I prefer notebooks and pens. Makes me feel like some ancient magic guy " He chuckled .

"Thanks! And I can't exactly picture you as a  master of magic or sorcery." She commented.

" Of course you can't. Coz you haven't actually seen it happen yet." He retorted grinning and then went back to writing.

There were twelve doors each marked with signs of summoning different gods. Jackals pointed to a door marked with " Horus" one.

The room was lit in fire and there was   water on the ground on which a boat was floating.

"What the hell?" Daniel looked at it disapprovingly.

"It is not real.  It is illusion created by Isis." She told him.

"Well! It looks very real and I don't  think I can get any sleep here ." He expressed his worry.

"Well! That is your anxiety problem." She grinned and consorted to bed sleeping as quick as she hopped on.

"Wow! I can't believe it. That was highly rude " He talked to himself and then slowly advanced ahead but nothing happened. He sighed relieved and then retired to bed too for he was tired now.

Time skip
" I really envied the way you were able to bind Set into sands ." Anubis smirked eating pork.

"Oh! It was nothing after I knew that he was just scaring me with fake Ra's staff.  " She giggled.

"Yeah! Even after being a great magic mind , you forgot about the possibility that Set can also befool you." He grinned.

"Ya! I kinda miss using my magic like old days. Unfortunately , right now I can only use it to teleport myself and others. Other uses are still gonna take time to get back in practice." She sighed.

"Well! That is a good news. Perhaps now things can go more calmly than I had expected." He laughed.

"What do you mean?" She squinted her eyes.

"Let's just say that I support Lucifer's claim to throne." He shrugged and then in a second , there was a spear pointed at Asteria while Daniel was surrounded by jackals.

"What are you doing, Anubis?" Asteria asked not understanding at all what was going on.

"Ya! Answer the question, jackal head." Daniel spat.

"Jackal head! That is a good one. I will give you that . " Anubis grinned and then punched Daniel in teeth making him bleed.

"What the hell , Anubis?" Asteria yelled picking up a fork to attack him but was stopped by him.

"Honouring my oath unlike your gods." He said and then there was darkness and familiar figure with horns appeared.

"Hi Asteria! I told you . This is not over." Lucifer smiled devilishly.

"Oh great! So much for love." Daniel sighed in exasperation.

"Quiet that mortal, will you?" Lucifer chuckled looking at Anubis. Anubis quickly struck the spear in Daniel and he fell unconscious.

"No! How could you ? You betrayer." Asteria looked at him with anger.

"Betrayer. That is rich coming from you . You binded Set to sands. Evil but nonetheless an Egyptian gods by entering in our own territory. You Greeks are biggest jerks in history . Your king Zeus had thousands of children illegitimately . He himself break a scared oath.  You swear on River Styx and then manipulate words to feed your own desires. At least we don't play with mortals just because they displease us. Zeus flooded whole earth coz he was angry. You Greek are egoistic , self centred gods and we don't need any relations with any of you." He spat. Asteria gnashed her teeth.

"Oh really! You are one to talk about honour. In your territory , brother kills brother to take throne . You bind your own gods whenever you fell threatened. At least we don't betray our kind like you . And you pissed about flood? Why? Didn't this god of Devil flooded earth too." She gritted her teeth.

"That's why Lucifer should become King . He will rule this world justly and also spread our culture among mortals. Soon we Egyptians will grow with Lucifer and then decimate you Greeks and Romans."  He stated.

"Go to hell." Asteria spat on Anubis.

"You took the words right out of my mouth." Lucifer laughed evilishly and a moment , both were gone from earth .

Amicis vale! Keep thy self posted for next chapter.

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