Chapter 44: Planning war

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I must tell you my dear homosapiens! That for now. Quiet a while! We are gonna focus on Egyptian gods only. They are gonna do lot of things in short amount of time and that is much more important than hearing every meeting of Lucifer to angels or casual love/ annoyance of Medea and Daniel and Asteria spending time with her cousins.

Tag- A little Mature

Let's continue right where we left so without wasting any more time.

                  9th January,2017.                                 
"Tell me! Please tell me it isn't true what I am hearing?" Nepthys walked into chamber of Set at night.

"I am afraid it is, my love. Skhemet really blew up a nation" He sighed.

"If things go awry like that, nobody would listen to you." She looked anxious.

"Oh! Don't you bother about my problems." He waved them off.

"How can I not? They are mine too. I have waited thousands years for you to return and each moment was so hard to spend and now you tell me that I can't worry about your problems." She looked with heavy eyes at him.

"Don't worry! My dear! The only thing that kept me going to stay alive when I was binded to sand was seeing you again one day. I just knew I would." He replied leaning closer to her.

"Is it true? " She asked blushing as their forehead touched.

"Have I ever lied to you ?" He chuckled. She looked warily as if to indicate yes and he hastened "yes! But not about this."

They stared at each other and then quickly hopped on the bed hugging each. Set pushed her down and started to kiss her.

"Just like old times huh!" She moaned.

"Except you have gone more appreciate of my schemes now." He grinned.

"Sh! Don't overstate now." She giggled.

"And why not?" He smirked before kissing her neck as she squirmed. Soon both were moving on one side and other wrapped in white sheets and fell asleep.

The light of Ra marked the morning as Set groaned waking up and chuckled remembering last night. He saw Nepthys still smiling and kissed her on forehead before coming out from bed.

"Not trying to have a quick peak, are you ?" She teased.

"Never! Besides now I got a war to plan." He chuckled and quickly started to wear his armour , took his pitchfork and wearing crown got ready to hail the council of gods. Set was in a good mood as he walked through the tower today

All gods bowed their head as he came. He stepped up the stairs made of Persian marble (courtesy of King Midas) and sat on throne.

"It is nice to see you all three back to health again. We would need all of us in this war." Set told Horus, Khonsu and Anubis which nodded.

"Now is there any matter that someone would like to tell?" He asked moving his fingers restlessly.

"Your Grace!" Thoth came in front of him.

"Speak! What is the matter ailing you?" He asked him.

"Yesterday, we heard the news of a mortal nation being blown up between talks of Skhemet and Lilith. How can we be sure that this will not happen again and risk telling our presence in a place to our enemies?" He asked.

"You are right. But Skhemet was quite adamant on fact that it was an accident. Lilith did that when she made her angry . If this happens again, that God or goddess shall never come out of Duat again." He announced and Thoth went away.

"Now if there is not anything else , I would like to hail the Elder Five." He started walking down the stairs and all gods and goddesses started to go.

Only Horus , Khonsu, Thoth , Isis were left.

"Now how do you think we proceed?" Set asked Thoth.

"I have found the map of world. At least according to mortals. Now Greek gods are in Greece. Romans are in Cyprus and from what I know, they are little threat since they have been sleeping for pretty long time. Lucifer is in heaven. He will not risk himself involving in our war in fear of losing his throne. Lilith is consummated with her own feelings. We are threatened by no outside force if we attack one." He stopped taking a breath.

And that is why it is right time to attack the Central kingdom of Sea Realm." He finished.

"And that is.." Set asked

"Many Greek gods reside in Greece only but many have their kingdoms spread across world scattered into parts so they continue visiting it time to time. Zeus don't need to because sky is not scattered , Athena doesn't need to. But Poseidon's water is divided by parts of Earth or lands. And this time of month , he will arrive at Mediterranean Sea alone." He stressed on last word.

"That is very good work, Thoth. So now listen up! Horus, you are war commander of our army. Khonsu, you are special element because you have time, Anubis , be sure to bring your spear , we will send him so deep into waters of Duat, he will regret ever calling himself King of seas and oceans." He told them and they smiled.

"There is just one other problem." Horus chimed.

"And what is that?" He asked.

"We have currently 100 mortal soldiers. We are gonna need more to conquer Nine Realms." He shrugged.

"Alright! Tell you what. When is Poseidon coming?" He looked at Thoth.

"My sources say 13th January." Thoth sighed.

"Good! So we have two days to collect mortals. You and Khonsu are going to go in Egypt and recuirt them." He looked at them.

"Do I look like thirsty for war or a bloody appointer." Horus flared.

"Fine! You get so angry, kid. Not good for you. Anubis and Khonsu! You are going together." He announced and then all started to go.

Khonsu glared at Anubis as he went away. This was a bad idea. But anything for Realm.

Amicis vale! Keep thy self posted for next chapter

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