Chapter 10, Saving him...

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*No one's POV*

Jimin thought of the saying, time files when you're having fun. And with Yoongi he was having a blast. From laughing so much he ended up on the floor with Yoongi trying to help him back up but on the floor as well.

Hoseok kept an eye on them with his own friend following him around and saw no danger was to come to his little brother with Yoongi. So at some point he went a different route and let them be.

Meanwhile, the pair had made it to a little fountain outside the school with a cherry blossom tree hovering over it. "I did not think someone would ever try putting that up their nose!!" Jimin yelled holding his stomach. Yoongi tried to get him to calm down but had tears in his eyes as well.

"Y-Yeah. We had to go to the doctors so they could pull it out," Yoongi giggled out wiping his eyes. He pulled out a tissue from his packet in his pocket and wiped his eyes. He got an extra out for Jimin and held it in front of him while the younger tried to get it but failed. 

Yoongi ended up decided in his head he would wipe his tears away, so he placed his hands gently on Jimin's face. 

The younger freaked out and swatted at his hands to keep him away, panic in his eyes. Yes he trusted the human to a degree but not enough to let him touch him in his human form. "S-Sorry, I just thought I could-"

"N-N-No it's fine. I'm sorry too. It's that...we-I mean me, I'm not used to be around hu-other people," Jimin said and rubbed his neck. He took the tissue Yoongi had in his hand and cleaned his face.

A silence took them as Yoongi now felt bad for making him nervous and wanted to think of a way to make it easier for him. But he didn't have enough time to think before a group of people walked near them. 

"Ooh? A riff rat has bonded with a new guy, poor kid," one of them said and Yoongi rolled his eyes while noticing Jimin beginning to ball up on himself. "Take a pointer from us kid, wanna back away from him before he tears you apart."

"Back off Ten, I'm just showing him around," Yoongi said while getting up and looking at Jimin. "If you want me then come around here and leave him alone.

Jimin watched as Yoongi gave him a last glance before he disappeared not too far from where they were. No longer than a minute passed and hitting sounds now echoed the place. Jimin was feeling guilt in him, stress that Yoongi was getting hurt. Angry because it was his fault. 

He already felt his ears spring out on his head, and his tail was trying to burst through. A final grunt from Yoongi made Jimin snap as he shifted into his animal form. He looked around making sure no one was around before going to the corner. Yoongi was on the ground, holding his stomach with blood coming from his nose.

Yoongi looked over, seeing Jimin in his animal form and being in shock. The same fox that keeps showing up, Hoseok saying he's a hybrid and his theory about Jimin. He was pretty sure this was Jimin he was seeing.

"Hey look boys, a white fox," one of the said and the rest turned their attention while Ten had a grip on Yoongi's outfit. 

'Brother, I need your help outside. Yoongi's getting hurt and I can't do this by myself,' Jimin called out but didn't hear anything as the boys started to get closer to him. He stood his ground and kept his back up and hissed at them. 

Yoongi tried to mouth something to him but ended up coughing up blood. Jimin growled at the boys as one came up to him and crouched down. 

"Awww does a wittle doggie want a treat?" he teased and Jimin went to bite him. The guy retracted his hand and went to swat at Jimin, but the fox jumped back and then onto the human's arm and clawed into him. 

He screamed and tried to throw Jimin off, but his claws were deep into the flesh now so the human resulted to bashing his arm and Jimin against the wall. He let out a yelp before he was close to the one holding Yoongi and let go of his grip. Landing on the one holding Yoongi he dug his claws into him, making him scream and let go of his friend.

Ten punched at Jimin who now was pissed and sunk his teeth into him. A deep growl came around the corner making everyone turn. Hoseok in his wolf form was standing there growling and showing his teeth. Jimin smiled, which made him lose some of the grip he had. Ten ended up finally getting him off and smacking him against the wall, knocking him out.

Hoseok went to jump on them, before Yoongi got up in the middle. "Ten you better get your ground and fucking run before he tears you apart," Yoongi said and watched as all seven of them ran off, one of them lingering before joining in running. 

The wolf 'sighed' as he walked over to his brother and sniffed him. He nudged him and Jimin groaned which made Hoseok happy. At least he was alive.

"So I was right then, this is Jimin," Hoseok heard and turned to see Yoongi standing there with a sad smile. "He risked his life for me, but why?"

'When he cares for someone, he'll do whatever to keep them safe. Risk his own life as well,' Hoseok said and grabbed Jimin in his mouth gently by his neck. 'Take us to your house, Jimin will feel safe there.'

"Why not your house?" Yoongi asked as he started to walk with the wolf beside him with a fox in his mouth. If someone saw him, they would think he was insane. Especially talking to the wolf.

'You wouldn't fit, it's only entrance is for animals to fit in,'  Hoseok said as his pace was now faster. 'Can we go a little faster, I'm worried about him and you. If you get any worse Jimin will have nightmare and I am not dealing with a stroppy Jimin.' 

Yoongi laughed at the animal as he picked up to be side by side with the wolf and ended up reaching down. He gently grabbed Jimin, gaining a growl from Hoseok at first but the wolf let him take his brother from his grip.

A smile to the pair as the house was in sight, Yoongi holding onto Jimin gently but with a grip, that he would never let him go of.

Yoongi is so soft I can't even. Thank goodness  Hoseok was there for them, or who know what I would've done. 

Will Yoongi tell Jimin he knows?

Will Hoseok tear apart Ten and his crew? 

Who put something up their nose?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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