Chapter 6, Divided....

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*No one's POV*

It's bright white fur was running through the forest having a panic attack on the inside. He was getting too close to the people, they would know of him and turn him in for being a freak. 

He kept running until he got to the hiding hole, and wigged he's way into the den. He slid down the mud and landed on the ground slightly shaken. He stood up and shook off any dirt that stuck to him and limped over forgetting about his leg. 

"Did he do anything to you?" the little ball of fluff heard as he turned his head. A pair of yellow eyes were in the dark and moved so it was in view. A massive black wolf was now towering over the fox. "Answer me now."

"N-No...." the fox mumbled as the wolf sighed and started to transform. A human boy with black hair was now standing above the fox and leaned down to pet it. 

"Good! Now, you've been in that body for some time. Why don't you come back little brother?" the human asked and the fox started to think. It's body hurt as he started to change and his body stretch out. Finally, once it was done he fell into the other human. "Jiminie, did you get caught in another trap.

Jimin nodded his head as his brother ruffled his blond hair and helped him to sit down. He rolled up his trousers and saw it had be bandaged up and scowled. 

"Were they any needles? Did he feed you anything? Do you feel sick or-"

"Hoseok I'm fine. He gave me ham from the fridge and didn't do anything else," Jimin said and moved his brother. Every since the incident Hoseok has been extremely scared to let Jimin out on his own.

The older wasn't convinced and rolled up Jimin's trousers again. He took the bandage off and sniffed at it, nothing funky was there.

"Hm alright, but don't ever go out without my knowing again," Hoseok smiled while patting Jimin's head. While the youngers head was going through so many thoughts.

One of them, he was curious of this human. Night fall came with Hoseok holding his little brother as they slept, with the younger trying to wiggle free. Not succeeding, he thought hard and shrunk into his fox form and was free.

Running out of his home, he made his way back to the humans house and sniffed at the door. His smell was strong in here, he was still in there.

Jimin didn't want to go inside, he barely managed to get out before. So he settled for going to a low window and peaking in.

The human was sitting there on his couch, in a blanket and watching some sort of program. A woman was running around with a crossbow and arrows.

Jimin was content enough to just place his head on the side and watch it, a small part of the window was fogging up. This went on for about ten minutes not bothered until the human got up without Jimin seeing him.

Seeing the little white bundle back, he smiled and went to the front door opening it. Only the sound of a lock was enough to bring Jimin out of focus and looking at the door. He backed away, still weary of the human.

"Hey Foxy, nice to see you're back. Your leg alright?" Yoongi asked as he leaned down at the door. Jimin looked at the injured leg and shook it a little, to show it wasn't hurting as much anymore.

Yoongi smiled as he walked back in hoping the creature would follow but it didn't. He appeared back round the corner to see him sitting on the ground.

"If you come in, I promise to keep the door open. That way, you can leave whenever you want," Yoongi said walking away again.

Jimin had to think, as soon as his brother would wake up, he would hunt down his scent and hurt this human. But he was curious on others  so he followed the human in.

Yoongi smiled and went to his fridge again and got out some ham from the new packet he just bought and put it on a plate on the seat next to the window.

"Hungry little guy?" Yoongi asked as he got an apple for himself and sat at the seat closet to the seat at the window.

Since Jimin saw him take it from the fridge again he didn't think twice but to jump up and start eating, curling his tail around him. A red piece of fabric was placed in front of Jimin as he looked up.

"This would look cute on you, around your neck. It will also help me know it's you at my door," Yoongi said as he was smiling widely.

Jimin was lost in thought. From the stories his brother told him, he thought all humans were the same. Selfish pricks who only try and makes themselves feel better by hurting other things.

But a different vibe was given off of Yoongi, so he sat up and stretched out his head. The human got closer making Jimin shake a little as he put his hand out of sight.

A whimper escaped Jimin as he moved back trying not to bite him away. Yoongi then looked at him with the softest eyes he has ever seen, and wanted to try again.

Sticking his head out again, Jimin closed his eyes again and felt the fabric on him. Flinching when the human's fingers touches him, it was over in a minute and he looked down. It was really nice.

"There, goes well with your fur," Yoongi said going to pet Jimin's head. This was too much for the younger, as he showed his teeth and hissed at him. Yoongi just let his hand hover in front of Jimin and he sniffed at it. Apart from the ham smell, he smelled fine. 

Jimin was about to move his head close to Yoongi's hand, until a deep growl stopped him. Looking to the door, his brother was in his animal form and snarling at the human. Yoongi jumped away and ended up on the floor shifting back.

Hoseok was fuming with his little brother, and the fact he had something on his neck made him go over the edge. He was about to kill the human in front of him but Jimin jumped in front of him and hissed. 

'Brother don't hurt him, he's a nice guy!!'  Jimin scream into his thoughts hoping to get through to his brother's rage.

'You better move your ass right now. He could fucking know about us and kill us!!' Hoseok snapped back and showed his teeth to Yoongi. The human was scared of the thing killing him, but was mesmerized  by the animals in front of him.

A fox, a beautiful white fox was standing off against a wolf in front of him. Completely unaware of the argument going on to keep him alive.

'Please just leave and I'll follow! Just don't hurt him, he saved me from being killed by other people!!' Jimin yelled, almost of the verge of tears. Hoseok, although was a little over protective, wasn't heartless as he sighed and left but not before snarling at the human. 

Jimin was scared for if he stayed any longer, so he quickly ran to Yoongi and licked his face before running off after his brother.

Leaving a very confused Yoongi who managed to finally get up and look out the door. The wolf and fox were walking beside each other, snapping at each other from time to time.

"What the hell was that?" Yoongi questioned to himself as he slowly closed the door and tried to calm his heart rate.

Ah yes, we love a good fight between brothers don't we. Was it right for Jimin to just wonder off when his brother has been worried for him.

Will Jimin keep the red bandanna on?

Will it cause problems?

Can Hoseok trust his brother around Yoongi?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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