Chapter 5, Bubbles...

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*No one's POV*

Yoongi didn't want to sleep for the first time. The fox was staring outside for the entire time it was at his house, and he thought it would be better to let it go. But with it's hurt paw, the poor thing would get hunted down.

The pair of yellow eyes that he caught before, Yoongi kept seeing it every now and again outside knowing now he was being watched. 

"Hey little guy, you might wanna sleep soon," Yoongi said getting up and grabbing a blanket from the back of his couch. He had decided to sleep on the couch to watch over the creature better.

The fox looked to the human, then back to outside. 

"You miss your friends huh?" Yoongi asked and watched as the fox bit the cover it had on before and covered itself. He smiled to the fox and covered himself. "Well when you get better, you'll be back out in no time."

The fox let out a whimper, before putting it's face in the cover and falling asleep. The human not that far behind him. 

Tha next day.......

A wet feeling was on Yoongi's face as he started to wake up. He saw white in front of him, the fox was licking him. 

Once the creature saw the human, it darted off the couch and curled up in a corner. "You show affection in weird ways," Yoongi said as he stretched out. His couch was extremely uncomfortable, but for an animal he was willing to do it. 

He got up and looked at the time. 6am. He would have to get up for school in an hour but he was planning on calling in sick and getting Jungkook to take extra notes for him and visit him later on in the day.

"Can you walk foxy?" Yoongi asked and the fox nodded it's head, the human started to walk with the fox trailing behind. He took it upstairs and to his bathroom, he started to fill up the tub for the fox to have a bath first. 

Unwrapping it's leg, he scoped up the fox with it struggling a little with human's touch and placed into the water. Yoongi  got a sponge and soaked it, wetting the small creature in front of him. It shivered a little and went into a ball but after the second soak it relaxed and spread out in the tub.

The human laughed as he got it covered with bubbles and rubbed it into it's fur, watching as the dried blood had rolled off it's leg and was now just wet white fur. After the whole bath, Yoongi got it wrapped up into a towel and sat down with it drying it off. It made a squeal when he rubbed it's ear.

A while past and it was now a white fluff ball, mostly dry and wagging it's tail. "Alright little guy, let's see if you can walk fine," Yoongi said as he stood away and crouched down. "Come here."

Yoongi was clapping his hands to the fox as it stood up and wobbled a little. It started to make it's way to Yoongi, a little wobble but it did reach the human as it collapsed into him earning a chin rub. 

"Hmmm, I think it's still to early to let you out in the wild yet," Yoongi said as he picked it up and walked down stairs. The door bell went and Yoongi looked at his watch. 7am, no on should be here. 

He peaked through the peep whole and saw it was Jungkook bouncing on his feet with a new hair colour. He was a peachy colour. "Yoooooongles! Let me in!!" Jungkook screamed out as the fox tried to back away and jump off of Yoongi. 

"Err, give me a minute. I'm.....naked and in a towel," Yoongi called out as Jungkook whistled from the other side. The human took off upstairs to his room and placed the fox on his bed throwing himself into his draws and ended up choosing a pair of shorts and a sleeveless shirt. "Sorry little guy but you have to stay up here until my friend is gone."

The fox whined as it turned with Yoongi getting changed and laid down.  

Yoongi gave it a little pat before he went downstairs and put on his worst 'I look sick' face. He opened the door and was engulfed with a hug and the smell of hair dye. "A-Ah....get off me, I'm gonna collapse," Yoongi mumbled as Jungkook moved back and saw his face.

"Oh damn you alright? Your face is red," Jungkook said as he put a hand behind Yoongi's neck and moved their heads forward so their forehead were together.  "You're burning up slightly, I don't think you should come to school."

Jungkook ended up taking a arm to Yoongi's waist and took him into his living room and placing him on the couch. He looked at the seat next the window and noticed something, going over to it and picking up something.

"Hey Yoongi, did you get a pet?" Jungkook asked as he turned with the thing in his hands. A chunk of white fur. Yoongi had started to freak out on the inside.

"E-Er my friend...ya know. Renjun? Yeah he stopped by yesterday with his white dog and it was shedding a lot. Must of missed that bit," Yoongi said and Jungkook made a o with his mouth. 

Dodged a bullet there Min Yoongi.

After half an hour, Jungkook took off saying he was gonna walk to school which would take longer. Once he was gone, Yoongi sighed as he climbed the stairs to his room and opened it. "Alright little foxy, you can come out no-"

The fox was gone.

Yoongi made sure to check anywhere it could be hiding; under the bed, in drawers, even in shoe boxes. But there was no sign. He checked the rest of the house, in case it got out but nothing. he shoved his shoes on and raced outside, on the outside of the house.

But his little fox friend was gone. Which made the human worry as it was still injured, and could get itself killed.

Jungkook almost found out Yoongi's little secret, but now his secret has ran away from him.

Will he find the fox? 

Is the fox alright?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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