Chapter 18, His remedy...

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*Jimin's POV*

My heart is pounding, my head hurts. My brother doesn't even like Yoongi like so why was he so close? Yes, I have no right to do this...but....I can't help it.

We kept running for so long, until we got to a river in the forest and we stopped. I flopped to the ground wanting to catch my breath. I'm surprised Yoongi even came with me, I'm surprised he didn't try to take them back but he just sort of ran with me.

"I-I'm I- I don't know what I was thinking," I muttered out and felt my face begging to heat up. If I don't calm down my tail and ears will pop out again...

"It's fine, just know you will be the only one to ever make me run," Yoongi said a little out of breath but trying not to laugh at the same time. Then it happened, my heart skipped and they popped out.

Yoongi said he was fine with it, but it's still embarrassing. Someone else could see! Someone might have followed us! Someone might-!

Arms were were around my head and a front to my back. Yoongi was kinda back hugging me with his arms and head on my head.

"I said I would protect you didn't I? Plus the fear in your eyes, I didn't want to see it," Yoongi almost whispered to me. His chest, on my back. My tail is pressed up against my back, and with the pressure he is putting on me. It feels... weird. "No one will see this but me."

"Shu- shut up," I mumbled and slumped to the ground. Yoongi came down with me still holding me close. "You....can move if you want. If you're uncomfortable then-"

Yoongi moved his arms from my head, my ears springing up and moved them to around my waist. My heart is going so fast, it kinda hurts. "As I said, I will only see this. And I know you're not comfy with this so I will stay like this until they go away so get comfy Foxy," Yoongi whispered again and blew on my ears.

Shivers went through my body, I physically moved and I knew he felt it. Because he did it again and got the same reaction. 

"I wanna know something," he whispered and I felt a hand travel to my back. "Touching your ears, makes you calm. But what reaction will I get if I touch or stroke your tail?" 


"umm, h-how about we don't find out..." I mumbled and hoped he picked up on my tone shift. He did, as he moved his hand back to my waist and held me close. "Thank you Yoongi...I just. My brother told me-"

"Na don't worry about it, not gonna do something you don't like. I promise Foxy," Yoongi said and I felt him pulling me down. We were both lying down with Yoongi just looking at my head. 

He smiled, as he reached up and rubbed my fox ears. I couldn't help but to hum with it and rub my head more into the touch. My tail is exposed, but the grass around us was something long enough to cover it. 

My brother is the same, when he got mad a lot at people how tried to hurt me, I would stroke his ears and he would melt in the touch. 

The gap was small now, Yoongi had moved over to me to the point our noses were close to touching. Every person, I ran from in the past. I was scared of touch, the stories my brother told me I was terrified of other people.

I was scared to trust. 

But Yoongi, he eliminates all the bad feelings I ever had. The stories I got told seem to just be either made up or something else. Everything moved by itself, I moved forward and kissed the top of his nose.

He looked back in shock, but smiled and laughed at me. "Awe, little Foxy is being cute," Yoongi said popping the end of my nose. I didn't want to look at him, I hid myself on his chest and heard his breathing. It was fast. "Jimin what are you trying to do to me? Don't listen to my heart after you just did that to me."

"I-I'm sorry I-"

"Shut up and stop saying sorry to me. Don't be sorry," he said and made me look up to him. "For making me feel this way about you Foxy."

He kissed my forehead and placed my head back on his chest. Listening to his heartbeat, it's soothing. I actually felt my tail and ears go away, he has that power to calm me down. We lay there, hugging and not saying a word but listening to the sound of each others hearts. We both eventually got down and back to a normal pace.

Since he is the one that is slightly taller than me as well, when we lay down he moved himself up a bit so we could be like this. His hand was running through my hair, and I swear I could go to sleep. 

"Hey, Jimin. I have a idea," Yoongi said and I hummed. Whatever it is, I will say yes. After all, it's Yoongi. What idea of his could be bad? "We should go on a date."

"Wait what!" I yelled and shot up. My ears shot back up as well as my face went back to red. He laughed using his arms as a support to lean up and look at me. 

"Calm down, call it a mate date. A hang out. with the boys? But it's just me and- you know what just stick with date," Yoongi laughed rubbing his neck. His cheeks too, were going slightly red. "So, what do ya say. Want us to go out for a day just the two of us and have some fun? I promise to protect you."

I had to think, would my brother be mad if I went with him? But he is trustworthy. Even if something did happen, we can get away far enough to get help.

"Yes, I want us to go."

Is it sad that I am one, 19 years of age and never have been on a date? I want my first one to either a home movie with my partner or a fun little day out.

Has any of you been on a date? 

But anydoodle, how will the date go? 

Will things go smooth?

Can Yoongi keep his promise?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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