Chapter 12, Another...

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*No one's POV*

The next day and Yoongi was sure enough to get up first even though he didn't want to. Luckily it was the weekend. So he left the brothers to sleep, but not without checking on them. Jimin was wrapped around Hoseok on top of the covers.

Yoongi smiled as he closed the door quietly and went down stairs, looking at what he had to make.

But because he was tired and stroppy he just went for cereal and sat down to eat. Not too soon after a door opened and a messy haired Jimin wondered down.

Yoongi thought he looked adorable.

"Sorry Foxy, did I wake you?" Yoongi laughed as Jimin waddled over to a seat and flopped down.

"no.... I was awake when you came in," Jimin mumbled and rubbed his eyes. He was lying but he was half asleep and the squeak of the door woke him up.

"Ah oh well, want something to eat?" Yoongi asked but Jimin shook his head. He felt awkward eating in someone else's house, when he was a fox that was different.

The two sat in silence as ten minutes passed before a slam came from the room Hoseok was in made Yoongi jump.

The door opened and there was the older brother, in his wolf form and fur all sticking up.

'I swear that bed was so comfy I wanna move here,' Hoseok said as he trotted over to Yoongi and looked him. Then without warning jumped up and covered the human.

"Do you fucking mind?" Yoongi let out but since he was basically a dog there was no way Yoongi could move him.

His senses came back to him as he jumped off, and out of his animal form standing without a shirt on in front of the others.

"This never happened...." Hoseok let out before escaping out the room. The other two were left in a laughing spree as Hoseok came back red faced and a shirt on. "You two will burn in hell."

"Wolfy you'll follow us so join the cult," Yoongi laughed as he unconsciously threw his arm around Jimin. The younger didn't flinch.

The three now sat watching t.v, a news channel had caught Jimin's attention.

'It appears that a white tiger has been seen walking around and entering a house. Whenever this lose animal has hurt anyone is not clear but-'

Yoongi shut it off.

"Hm, that's interesting," Hoseok said as he got his phone out. "I took this photo in the school, the tiger was there as well. I kinda forgot that the head said there was hidden hybrids in the school."

"Maybe we could find and talk to them!" Jimin let out and Yoongi gripped his shoulder slightly. "What's up? Something bothering you?"

"You....don't need to search for him, I know him," Yoongi said bringing up his phone. The older brother stood up and looked at the screen. A photo of a red haired boy was standing with his friend, but he chose not to tell them he knew Jungkook. "I've helped the peach hair kid a little so I can get him to message me and meet us."

Jimin was getting excited, he always wanted to meet other hybrids and know he had the chance. A white tiger, the person in the photo looks like he isn't as intimidating as the animal he is infused with.

"Can we meet him tomorrow? It's still the weekend and I wanna know him before we go to school again," Jimin said and Yoongi let out a nervous laugh.

"Y-Yeah sure. Look I need to go the shops, you two wanna stay here and I'll be back soon," Yoongi said and shot up running to get his jacket and shoes without a word from the brothers and out the door.

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