Chapter 3: Alchemy

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Today was an ordinary day for our protagonists in Honnouji Academy. Mako was sleeping, (Y/N) was reading an alchemy book and Ryuko was glaring at the teacher. Wait what? Anyways, class had ended and Ryuko started chasing the teacher, only for him to disappear. (Y/N) was following to see where this goes. He then notices something, rather someone, rapidly approaching from behind him and moves out of the way.

Mako: RYUKO! (Y/N)!

Ryuko catches a flying Mako, spins her and sets her down. She then noticed a note on Mako's back.

(Y/N): "See me after school where we met before -Aikuro Mikisugi." My, my what do we have here?

Ryuko notices (Y/N)'s presence and backs away with an embarrassed look.

Ryuko: S-shut up! I-it's not like that!

(Y/N): Seems like I've uncovered something very interesting.

Ryuko: N-never mind. I'm leaving!

She said before storming off

(Y/N): How amusing. Well, whatever.


(Y/N) was just mindlessly wandering around until...

???: Hey (Y/N)!

He turned around to see Ryuko and Mako.

(Y/N): Hello ladies. What do you need?

Ryuko: Hey, I was thinking about the other day and realized something. What the hell even is alchemy?

(Y/N): Oh boy. That's a loaded question. Let's see, let's see... Well, to put it in simple terms, Alchemy is a scientific technique where you understand what something's made of, destroy it, and put it back together how you see fit. The best of the best can do some wild things like making gold out of lead. Though, there are some things that are very important to consider, such as the main principal: Equivalent Exchange.

Ryuko: Equivalent Exchange?

(Y/N): Yeah, you can't create something from nothing. Come with me, I'll show you.

He brought the two to an open field outside Honnouji. He then plucked a sunflower growing nearby. He handed it to Ryuko, clapped his hands together and moved one of his hands over the flower and changed it into a rose.

(Y/N): This is an Equivalent Exchange. I took one flower and changed it to another. You get it?

Ryuko: Yeah, I see.

(Y/N): Doing it requires performing a transmutation. It can be broken down into a basic 3 step sequence. First, knowing what the object is made of. Second, destroying the object. Third, reconstructing it into something else. We alchemists get the power to do this through the shift of the tectonic plates.

Ryuko: Alright. Are there any other types of transmutation?

(Y/N): Yeah, a few actually. There is human transmutation. It can be broken up into several different categories. Resurrection, artificial humans, human soul binding and human chimeras.

Ryuko: Resurrection?! You can revive people?! (Y/N), please revive my dad!

(Y/N): No.

Ryuko: Why not?

(Y/N): Human transmutation is strictly forbidden. There are two important rules when it comes to alchemy. The first and most important is do not, under any circumstances, attempt human transmutation.

Ryuko: Oh come on! Now you're being selfish. Why not just keep it a secret? You can do it and we won't tell anyone. Right Mako?

Mako: Yeah! I promise not to tell anyone.

The Alchemist of Honnouji (Kill la Kill x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now