Chapter 23: The Calm Before the Storm

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We find (Y/N) is one of the rooms inside the ship, resting. The rebound of the Philosopher's Stone plus how much alchemy he used tired him out significantly. As he was waking up he noticed an extra set of his normal clothing plus his jacket on a chair next to his bed. He got up and grabbed his jacket.

Shinku: I understand if you no longer wish to wear me.

(Y/N): No... I still want to wear you. Hats just aren't my thing.

Shinku: What?

(Y/N): I may hate him, but I did learn a little from the Sewing Life Alchemist.

Out on the deck of the ship. Sukuyo had just brought out her croquettes for everyone right before the final battle.

Sukuyo: Now that everyone's made up, let's eat!

Ryuko: Woah! Ms. Mankanshoku's croquettes!

Everyone started sitting down and eating. That was until they heard footsteps approaching.

(Y/N): Are you really going to start eating without me?

They all turned to see (Y/N) approaching with his old outfit but slightly different. His jacket now had the same set of eyes that were on his hat. He sat down next to Ryuko.

Ryuko: (Y/N)?! I thought you were resting. And where's your kamui?

(Y/N): First, I was but then I smelled croquettes. Second, I'm wearing her now. And third, her name is Shinku.

Satsuki: Wearing her?

Shinku: I'm his jacket now.

(Y/N): I was able to fuse the Life Fibers of Shinku with my jacket. I'm still able to transform into my Life Fiber Transmute mode.

Ryuko: Are you sure about this (Y/N)? We don't know if we can trust it.

(Y/N): If I thought we couldn't trust her I wouldn't have done this.

He said as he took a bite of a croquet.

(Y/N): Damn, these are good.

Ryuko: If you say so.

They all continue eating croquettes while discussing.

Satsuki: (Y/N), I have a question. What do you think you're going to do once this is all over?

(Y/N): That's a good question. I think I'll head back to Amestris. I'm still a State Alchemist after all. Though I did enjoy teaching Alchemy and Alkahestry. I might do something with that.

Ryuko: That reminds me. You never told us about your arms.

(Y/N): Oh yeah.

He then took off Shinku to show off his arms.

(Y/N): So, basically, this is a mixture of Alchemy and Alkahestry called a Transmutation Array. It's similar to a transmutation circle in that it is used to gather energy used in a transmutation. Transmutation arrays are often found as full body tattoos on alchemists due to the shape of the human body, but I have a much more condensed version. It is also possible that the non-cyclical nature of transmutation arrays amplifies step two of alchemy, destruction. This Array stops at the destruction stage and this uses creation. That's basically it. There's not very much else I could teach you but once this is over I can help put it into practice. If you so wish that is.

Mikisugi: You could make a pretty good teacher (Y/N).

(Y/N): You think? My alchemy has many stories behind them. If you want, I could share some.

Ryuko: I can tell that you have a ton of stories from Amestris. Come on, tell us some.

(Y/N): Alright. Let me tell you about the time I helped kill god.

Ryuko: Excuse my French, but what the fuck did you just say?


Hours later our heroes were on the main deck, preparing to head into the eye of the storm. (Y/N) was just looking off into the distance by himself.

(Y/N): Looks like I'll have to save the world once again. Now that I think about it, her plan is similar to that dwarfs plan from a while ago.

Shinku: Dwarf?

(Y/N): Sorry, just thinking out loud. Hey Shinku, I've got a question. Can you give me different transformations like Senketsu can?

Shinku: That I can do. What did you have in mind?

(Y/N): Well, can you fly?

Shinku: I can make it happen. Anything else?

(Y/N): I do have one other idea. I had this friend named Greed.

Ryuko: Hey (Y/N)! Come look at this!

(Y/N): Alright! I guess another day.

(Y/N) ran over and looked at Inumuta's computer. It showed an image of Ragyo standing on top of the Original Life Fiber.

Inumuta: The Original Life Fiber is headed toward Honnouji Academy. Our prediction was right on the money.

Ryuko: Honnouji Academy?

Satsuki: That's right. Once the Original Life Fiber attaches itself to the massive transmitter at Honnouji Academy, it'll send out the signal that will turn all of humanity into Life Fibers.

(Y/N) then sensed something and turned around.

(Y/N): Incoming!

Suddenly, large spears made from Life Fibers stabbed the ship.

Satsuki: Mr. Mikisugi.

Mikisugi: "Mr.?!"

Satsuki: I will go with Ryuko and (Y/N) to stop Ragyo. Someone who battles on the front lines is not fit to be commander.

Mikisugi: I see.

Satsuki: Did you get that, Elite Four?

Elite Four: Yes!

Mikisugi: All right! We'll focus on destroying the transmitter at Honnouji Academy. Satsuki, Ryuko, and (Y/N) will keep Ragyo and the Original Life Fiber at bay. This will be a two-pronged operation! Battle stations, everyone!

Ryuko: There you go again, ordering people around.

Satsuki: Aren't you going?

Ryuko: What about you?

Satsuki: I have no choice but to go.

Satsuki goes off and changes. When she comes back, the kamui trio prepares to take flight.

Ryuko: I just realized. How are you getting over there (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Shinku told me that she can fly. I'll be fine.

Soroi: Lady Ryuko, please take care of your sister.

Ryuko: I gotcha. Let's go, S-S-Sis.

Satsuki: You don't need to force yourself to act like my sister. Your blood's flowing through Junketsu right now. That's enough for me.

(Y/N): Heh. How sweet.

Ryuko: Shut up. Life Fiber Synchronize: Kamui Senketsu!

Satsuki: Life Fiber Override: Kamui Junketsu!

(Y/N): Life Fiber Transmute: Kamui Shinku!

Ryuko: Alright! Let's go! Senketsu Shippu!

Satsuki: Junketsu Shippu!

Senketsu: So you've gained my abilities as well?

Ryuko: Awesome!

(Y/N): Now it's my turn! Shinku Shippu!

After a flash of light they saw that Shinku had grown one black angel wing and one white angel wing. The back was on his right and the white on his left.

(Y/N): I flew too close to the sun with my wings before. I won't make that same mistake again. Ragyo Kiryuin will die tonight.

Satsuki: Indeed. It's time to face our real enemy.

Chapter 23 End

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