Chapter 12: Sudden Death

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The trio were eating their lunch in another part of the school. Ryuko was eating more than usual in preparation for the fights against the Elite Four.

Mako: Here Ryuko! Have some tea!

Ryuko: Yeah!

Mako: Eating mom's lunches gives you one million horsepower! You do it too (Y/N)!

(Y/N): I'm good.

Mako: Your loss. You'll win for sure Ryuko!

Mikisugi: What a pickle this is.

Mr. Mikisugi had appeared and was walking towards the trio.

Mako: Did you come to cheer on Ryuko and (Y/N)?

Mikisugi: Of course. After all, I am their homeroom teacher, more or less.

Mikisugi then threw a needle at Mako's head, freezing her. He then took off his glasses.

Ryuko: You bastard! What did you do to Mako!?

(Y/N): Relax, it's a freezing pressure point. She's knocked out until he pulls out the pin. So what do you want?

Mikisugi: Correct. What I want is for Ryuko to drop out of the fight.

Ryuko: Say what?!

Mikisugi: They are on an entirely different level then any of the club presidents you've faced so far. If you're crazy enough to face all four of them, then I don't know what will happen to you or Senketsu.

(Y/N): That's what I'm here for. I will take on every other one. While I fight, Ryuko can take a breather. My alchemy and alkahestry is so radically different then anything anyone has seen in this country. I will make sure Ryuko gets through this.

Ryuko: Thanks, (Y/N)... Now get the hell out of here. Talking to my friends makes me feel a whole lot better than talking to you.

Mikisugi then put his glasses back on and removed the pin from Mako's head.

Mako: I'll be cheering my friends on all the way!

Mikisugi: Yes, of course. Don't push yourselves too hard, okay?

He then walked away.

(Y/N): Weird guy.

Ryuko: Yeah.

(Timeskip to 1pm)

The schoolyard was now a massive arena with the whole academy watching in preparation for the fight of Ryuko and (Y/N) vs the Elite Four. (Y/N) was sitting on his tower, reading.

Satsuki: Begin!

Ryuko and Gamagoori entered the central tower and stared each other down. Ryuko transformed and so did Gamagoori. (Y/N) looked up to see Gamagoori's Shackle Regalia and just looked back down and flipped a page in his book. He wasn't paying attention to the fight that had escalated very quickly. He heard the sound of whips hitting Gamagoori himself then Ryuko and him calling out his second transformation of Shackle Regalia, but he never looked up. When he finally looked up he saw Ryuko burst out of his uniform with spikes all over her body. He finally put his book back in his bag and stood up, knowing the fight was over. Round one victor: Ryuko Matoi.

(Y/N): Good work. I suppose it's my turn.

Ryuko: Thanks and good luck.

(Y/N) jumped over to the platform and Inumuta also made his way there.

Satsuki: Begin!

(Y/N): So I'm fighting you? So what's your gimmi- I mean Goku Uniform.

Inumuta: I'm glad you asked. Behold my Three-Star Goku Uniform: Probe Regalia!

He transformed himself and started typing on the many keyboards he had on his body.

(Y/N): Ah, I understand. You're collecting data on me, correct?

Inumuta: Precisely, your alchemy is most interesting.

(Y/N): You want to see something even cooler? Then look at this!

He threw off his jacket and showed off his arms.

Inumuta: The arm of creation and arm of destruction as you called them? This is a perfect opportunity to collect data on them!

(Y/N) ran at Inumuta and as he was going to punch him, he vanished.

(Y/N): So you can turn yourself invisible? I thought you were smarter than that. Didn't you hear what I said to Sanegeyama? I don't need my eyes in a fight.

He turned around and punched the air. What everyone thought was air was Inumuta's gut. (Y/N) walked up to Inumuta after his invisibility dropped and he was clutching his gut. He then grabbed his face with the arm of destruction.

(Y/N): You got any more tricks to show to the class before I break your toy?

Inumuta: I have just one more. Houka Inumuta hereby forfeits this battle!

(Y/N): Excuse me what?

Inumuta: If this fight were to continue, the data I gathered on you would be damaged. What I want is data, not victory.

He walked off with a smirk on his face.

(Y/N): *Sigh* Whatever. Oi Ryuko! I'll be back in a bit. I got something that I need to take care of. If I'm not back before the final round just fight in my place.

(Y/N) then made a staircase downwards to the ground and walked off after putting on his jacket. (Y/N) seemed to be searching for something. He finally found what he was looking for. He was in the slums when he found a girl in a pink dress and a matching umbrella. He jumped down to where she was.

(Y/N): Hello there. This girl seems dangerous. I sense the same thing with her when I sense Ryuko. A lot of Life Fibers. Could she be a kamui user?

???: Oh hello. You must be the Alchemist I've heard so much about!

(Y/N): You got that right. Who are you?

???: I'm Nui Harime! I'm heading up to go see the match with that kamui girl.

(Y/N): I'm sorry Ms. Harime, but can't let you do that. Ryuko is my pal and I can't let you go see her.

Nui: That's too bad. I wish I could stay and play a bit but I can't. I can tell you are going to get in my way so...

Nui suddenly appeared behind (Y/N) and stabbed him through the stomach with a purple scissor blade. She removed it and started walking away. (Y/N) collapsed on the ground. He then remembered something. He left his bag with his alkahestry equipment on the tower. He then realized he had a single kunai in his pocket and gained a smile.

(Y/N): I'm not dying yet.

Chapter 12 End

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