Chapter 18: Kaboom

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Ryuko was staring wide-eyed at the sight of her own heart in front of her. The fact that she was Ragyo Kiriyuin's daughter. The fact that she was part Life Fiber. It was all too much for her.

Ragyo: Together at las-

Ragyo was cut off by her head literally being cut off again by some kind of unnatural blade. The blade was made from (Y/N)'s metal foot. He then punched Ragyo's body so hard that she flew to the other end of the arena. He then punted her head over to Rei and fixed his leg.

Rei + Nui: Lady Ragyo!

Ryuko's heart then began to go back into her chest.

Ryuko: Ah! Ah!

Senketsu: Ryuko get a hold of yourself!

Ryuko was still in shock as to who and what she was. She completely ignored Senketsu and started having a panic attack. She then felt the warmth of an embrace and began to calm down. She looked and saw that (Y/N) was the one who hugged her.

(Y/N): Ryuko...

Ryuko then hugged (Y/N) back.

(Y/N): Calm down... It'll all be okay.

He could feel her heartbeat slowly going back to normal.

(Y/N): I'm sorry for getting pissed and leaving the other day... I... I wasn't thinking straight, the Philosopher's Stone requires human sacrifices to make, just looking at it makes me so angry. I didn't mean to snap at you.

Her heart rate settled.

(Y/N): You feel better now?

Ryuko: A little...

(Y/N): I know what you're feeling right now. "Am I really human?" Let me tell you something. You're one of the coolest, sweetest, and best humans that I've ever met. Your fierce determination and passionate personality is something that's super inspiring... How about this? Let's make our own equivalent exchange. You give me your word that you will never doubt the fact that you're a human, and I'll give you my word that we will all make it through this. Everyone on our side. Promise?

Ryuko: I promise.

(Y/N): Good. Now, go help everyone escape the stadium.

Ryuko: But what about you?

(Y/N): I'll hold them off. I promised you we will all make it through this, and I will make sure of it. Besides, your bestie needs your help.

Ryuko: All right, you better come back.

Ryuko then let go of (Y/N) and jumped down and ran over to where the COVERS were attacking. (Y/N) watched her run off.

Shinku: You two care about each other a lot, huh?

(Y/N): Yeah. Ryuko's been one of my only pals since I got here. You never have cared about anything have you?

Shinku: No. I was made not all too long ago. Watching things around me told me not to care about a thing.

(Y/N): How's this? I'll show you what someone who cares about things can do. But I know you're not helping me all the way. Show me your true power and help me kick their ass. Life Fibers and Alchemy!

Shinku: Alright, let's do this, kid!

(Y/N) turned around and could feel new power surging through him. He put both of his fire gloves over his hands and jumped down from the center of the stadium. He then ran at Ragyo who had just put her head back on. Rei had tried to stop him but before she could do anything, (Y/N) had snapped, setting her on fire and then knocking her unconscious. Next up Nui slashed at him a few times but he was able to dodge with ease and put his arm of destruction on her face and went full blast. Blood came spewing out of different parts of her body. Seemingly dead, (Y/N) tossed her corpse at Rei.

Ragyo: Very impressive. But that won't be enough.

(Y/N): I know, that's the plan. I know a mere Alchemist like myself won't be able to do much to someone like you. I can't say the same about my fire though.

He then snapped with both his hands, creating a huge pillar of flames. Ragyo got up and regenerated herself and (Y/N) proceeded to continue using his Flame Alchemy. This sequence of events happened a few more times.

Ragyo: Are all Alchemists this persistent?

(Y/N): I'm just a copycat. I'm acting like an old friend. If you want I could switch it up a bit.

He then clapped his hands to set off explosions onto Ragyo. Without him noticing, Nui had gotten up and was about to sneak attack (Y/N). As she was about to cut him, he put his left arm on the ground and a pillar came from under Nui, hitting her in the gut and knocking her in the air. She was then hit with a flurry of punches from (Y/N).


With one last punch, she was sent back down onto the pillar that sent her up. The pillar was destroyed with the force that Nui was launched at. He then noticed the helicopters taking people away and gained a small smile.

(Y/N): Well, that seems to be my que to leave. Arrivederci.

Before he left, he noticed Satsuki underneath some rubble. He transmuted some chains to hold the trio as he went over to retrieve Satsuki from her stone prison. As he was removing the final bits of debris he heard something cut the lower part of his metal leg off. He fell to the ground and saw that Nui had cut his leg off from the calf down, immobilizing him. Ragyo appeared next to her.

Ragyo: Your not going anywhere~

Satsuki: Not... yet...

Satsuki had pulled out a detonator and pushed the button. The whole area had exploded with a loud kaboom.

Chapter 18 End

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