Chapter 14: Nudist Beach

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It was days later. The Tri-City school trip had started and concluded and Ryuko and Mako were in Osaka with Tsumugu and Mikisugi and with other members of their organization known as Nudist Beach.

Mikisugi: I'm amazed you fought Satsuki Kiryuin to a draw. Well done. There is no reason to keep secrets any longer. But before I reveal anything to you... You can come over now.

Ryuko and Mako looked back to see (Y/N) walking over to them.

(Y/N): Yo.

Ryuko: (Y/N)?! What are you doing here?

(Y/N): Well...


(Y/N) was resting in his house for the past few days, waiting for his wounds to heal. He learned from visits from Mako and Ryuko that today was the Tri-City Schools Raid Trip. He didn't go since he was in much worse shape than Ryuko was. He then heard a knock at his door, it was Mr. Mikisugi... almost completely naked.

(Y/N):... Whatever you're gonna try, I'm still 17.

Mikisugi: No, no, no. I'm not trying that. I came here to check up on you.

(Y/N): In your underwear?

Mikisugi: That's besides the point. I see that you're still resting. Why don't you use that Alkahestry thing to heal yourself?

(Y/N): Alkahestry can't heal large wounds like this. It's meant for small, quick healing, not a pierced lung. It would also probably put a lot of strain on my body if it's something this bad. I should be back in action soon though. I can perform some basic transmutations but that's about it. Anything like my arms of creation and destruction being used at full capacity would be dangerous.

Mikisugi: I'll take that. Come with me. We need your help. Ryuko and Mako are on the Raid Trip and we need you as well.

(Y/N): What do you mean we?

Mikisugi: I mean our organization: Nudist Beach. Come (Y/N)! Our destiny awaits!

(Y/N): I need an adult.

Mikisugi: I AM AN ADULT!

(Y/N) then grabbed his bag and Mikisugi led (Y/N) to his car and they drove off.

*Flashback end*

(Y/N): I was resting in the car until Mikisugi told me I could come over.

Ryuko: Oh.

Mako: Mr. Mikisugi, I never knew you were an exhibitionist!

Mikisugi: Heh. Were nudi-

Mako: You've found a comrade-in-arms Ryuko!

(Y/N) was trying extremely hard to keep himself from laughing and was punched in the arm by Ryuko.

Ryuko: Don't lump us together!

Ryuko walked up to Mikisugi and turned to her two friends.

Ryuko: You guys should go home for now.

Mako: Huh?

Mikisugi: Mankanshoku, if you come with us you will hurl yourself into the maelstrom of battle. Do you have that resolve?

Mako: I do not.

Ryuko: Figures. Go home then.

Mako: I don't have the resolve to go nude yet!

Ryuko: That's what you were talking about?!

Mako: But what I do have is the desire to be Ryuko's friend forever! So I'll go with you!

Ryuko: And (Y/N)... I hate to say it but I don't think you can fight alongside us. You're still injured. You should go get some rest.

(Y/N) just started laughing. He then made a staircase and walked up to Ryuko.

(Y/N): If you think this is my limit, then you really don't know a damn thing about me. Sure, if it was my choice I'd probably stay behind. I don't like fighting all too much. But if it's for a friend, then I'd fight till I couldn't move. And then I'd get back up and keep on fighting. I'll go.

Mikisugi: Very well. Follow us.

Mako: Okay!

Everyone but Ryuko and (Y/N) jumped into the water in front of them.

Ryuko: Wait... why are you guys?

Mikisugi: Beyond here lies the truth you must learn. Let's do this. It's skinny dipping time.

They all went underwater.

(Y/N): Thank god my leg is waterproof.

Ryuko: Wait. Are you sure you want to do this?

(Y/N): Ryuko, the chance of me giving up and going home is lower than the possibility of you falling in love with me. And I know that isn't happening.

Ryuko didn't say anything but had a blush on her face while (Y/N) jumped into the water. Ryuko jumped into the water and the group emerged in the Nudist Beach base.

Ryuko: There was a place like this under Osaka?

(Y/N): I could probably fix this place up for ya.

Mikisugi: No need. There is more to this place than meets the eye.

The group walked deeper into the base to find a replica of a beach but it was underground. As they entered, a group of Nudist Beach troopers greeted them.

Mikisugi: I see this place was spared.

Nudist beach solder: We were right to follow your instructions and take refuge here.

Mikisugi: I guess being a worrywart pays off from time to time.

Ryuko: I see Nudist beach has quite a bit of funding.

(Y/N): I'd rather not know who invested into a nude army to fight clothes with an underground beach as a base.

Mikisugi: Well, the one who invested in this was Ryuko's father.

Ryuko: My dad?

Mikisugi: He was an amazing scientist, and with the help of another doctor who worked with us a while back, he created this organization.

(Y/N): Another doctor?

Mikisugi: Yes, you might know him, Dr. Tim Marcoh? He was against us being a nude organization but it was Dr. Matoi's choice in the end.

(Y/N): God dammit. He's a former state alchemist in my country. The Crystal Alchemist. I know him. Why the hell was he doing something like this?

Mikisugi: He said something about owing a favor.

(Y/N): Of course.

Mikisugi led the group into an unused, indoor pool without water. Inside, Mikisugi started explaining the truth.

Mikisugi: Now, how many organisms on this planet do you know of that wear clothes?

Ryuko: Just humans, obviously...

(Y/N): Does Guts not exist to you? And homunculi also wear clothes... Even though they're all dead. *Sigh*

Mikisugi: Out of countless species on earth, the only one to wear clothes are homosapiens. And why do you think that is? It's not that only humans wear clothing, but rather the creatures became mankind as we know it today! Life Fibers caused homosapiens, previously just one of the many arthropods. That's right. Mankind was chosen by clothing!

Ryuko: Clothing chose mankind? What do you mean?

Mikisugi: Life Fibers are an extraterrestrial life form! They came to earth during ancient times and incited human evolution!

(Y/N): Impossible. That goes against what science has been telling us for hundreds of years. Are you telling me the theory of evolution is wrong? That some aliens are the reason for humanity's existence? I've seen a lot. I've fought homunculi, I've seen the truth of the whole universe, I helped kill someone who had the powers of God. But that is something I won't believe. Explain your so-called extraterrestrial life forms.

Chapter 14 End

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