Chapter 21: A Losing Strategy

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(Y/N): You know, I wish you didn't run away from the fight down below. I really did just want a good fight. Too bad it had to end so soon.

(Y/N) said as he slowly walked towards Ryuko and Satsuki.

Satsuki: Ryuko, we have to evacuate immediately.

Ryuko: But-

Satsuki: Now, Matoi.

Ryuko: I'm not leaving without (Y/N)!

She said as she ran at (Y/N) with her Scissor Blade pointed at him. (Y/N) easily dodged and punched Ryuko in the gut, dropping her to her knees.

(Y/N): Sorry. Jobs come first.

He then kicked Ryuko in the gut. He then turned to Satsuki.

Senketsu: Satsuki's right. We need to retreat.

Ryuko then stood up as she watched the brutal beat down of (Y/N) vs Satsuki. With each attack from Satsuki, (Y/N) dodged and returned tenfold until she was on the ground bleeding out. When Ryuko looked at (Y/N)'s face, he seemed sad.

Nanon + Sanageyama: Lady Satsuki!

(Y/N): Neither of you pose a challenge to me.

He then turned towards them and punched them to the other side of the arena. Ryuko tried stabbing at (Y/N) but he dodged and kneed her in the gut. He then picked Satsuki up by the face with his right arm and jumped to the ground.

Ragyo: Do it (Y/N).

Ryuko: No!

Sanageyama: Lady Satsuki!

Nanon: Satsuki!

(Y/N) then slammed her head against the ground multiple times until there was a crater made just from bashing her skull into the ground. He put both his hands on the ground in the crater and after a flash of light, he closed it with Satsuki still inside, trapping her underground.

(Y/N): She is finished.

He then jumped back up the tower. He started hitting Ryuko until she de-transformed, he then threw her Scissor Blade.

Ragyo: Now, (Y/N), get my daughter out of those unfashionable clothes.

Ryuko: No!

Senketsu: (Y/N), don't!

(Y/N) then painfully stripped Ryuko of Senketsu and something fell out of one of Senketsu's pockets.

Ryuko: STOP!


After a few moments Senketsu was completely removed from Ryuko.

Ryuko: S-Senketsu!

Senketsu: R-R-...Ryuko

(Y/N) then tossed Ryuko to Ragyo and she held her daughter up.

Ragyo: Now destroy that trash kamui!

(Y/N): Yes mam...

He then tossed Senketsu in the air. He quickly put on his Flame Alchemy Gloves and snapped with both hands. A huge pillar of fire appeared and engulfed Senketsu. Senketsu burned as he fell to the ground near where Satsuki was buried.

Ryuko: SENKETSU!!!!!!

(Y/N) then snapped again putting out nearby fires caused by the massive pillar of flame.

Ragyo: Wonderful! Simply wonderful! Your alchemy is truly the greatest form of art.

Nui: Amazing!


(Y/N) then de-transformed and put his gloves away. Suddenly, many Life Fibers started pulling Ryuko while (Y/N) watched in silence.

Ragyo: If you're going to wear clothes, you should make them the very best.

Ryuko: Stop it!

Ragyo: Godrobe Junketsu! That is the garment that suits you.

Suddenly a bright blue light shined as Junketsu closed in around Ryuko. She was forced through the arms of the uniform.

Ragyo: Entrust your heart to Junketsu, Ryuko~

With a flash of light, Ragyo weaved her stitching into Ryuko's mind. Memories of Ryuko's past were changed to be with Ragyo. Ryuko was now Ragyo's perfect child.

Ryuko:... Mama?

Ragyo: Yes, that is your happiness, the good fortune of being worn by clothing!

With one final flash of light, Ryuko and Junketsu finally became one with each other. The old Ryuko was gone.

Ryuko: Ah...

Nui: My! My! You look amazing Ryuko!

Ragyo: Indeed~ You look extravagant, my daughter.

Ryuko: Thank you... Mother.

Ryuko then went over to Nui and picked her up and brought her to her face.

Nui: You're not still mad about your father, are you?

Ryuko then brought Nui into a kiss. Ragyo smiled at her daughter as she released Nui. Ryuko then turned her attention to (Y/N) who wasn't paying attention. He was looking down to where Senketsu fell.

Ryuko: I've been waiting for this one for a long time.

She then noticed something on the ground. The same thing that fell out of Senketsu's pocket. The Philosopher's Stone that Ryuko found at her house. She then picked it up and got an idea.

(Y/N): Hey, give me that.

Ryuko: Your going to have to take it from me~

She then put it in her mouth and brought (Y/N) in for a kiss. After a few moments they released and the stone was now with (Y/N).

(Y/N): You're one messed up bitch.

Ryuko: Can say the same about you, Alchemy boy~

Ragyo: He can be yours if you so wish.

Ryuko: Thank you mother~

Rei: Forgive me, I could not catch Satsuki or her conspirators, but we managed to track them back to their ship.

Ryuko:...Satsuki? I thought (Y/N)...

Nui: It seems she was somehow able to survive and escape.

Ragyo: Go Ryuko. It seems I'm going to have to have a word with our Alchemist~

Ryuko: I gotcha Mother.

Ryuko left and it was now just (Y/N), Ragyo, Nui and Rei.

Ragyo: It seems you've betrayed us (Y/N). You can make it up to me by going on and killing those who oppose us. If you don't... I can't say Amestris will be on the map for much longer.

(Y/N): *Sigh* Fine. I wanted a fight against everyone at once anyway.

Chapter 21 End

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