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"Can I take an off for today? I've something important

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"Can I take an off for today? I've something important.."
Yena said, unsure if Mark would be fine with her being absent at her part time job for the day.

"Sure Yena, be back before 10 though"
"I'll try..?"
Mark gave her a nod before they part ways.

The blue sky was dotted with fluffy white clouds, dappled sun shining- roads shimmered with the daylight beaming down on the people as the gentle breeze brushed her bare hands, the warmth never leaving her body and a smile never leaving her face- happy that she could finally visit her father, who lived in the countryside, after a long time- her only family.

"I missed you my dear"
Jonghyuk, Yena's father said as his face brightened upon seeing his daughter.

"Me too dad"
Yena crouched in front of his wheel chair- smiling at her father as he gently pat her head.

"Did you move again?"
Yena wordlessly nodded, grabbing his medical report file as she went through the test results.

"I'm doing great? Nonsense! Are you even taking medications at the right time?"
"I am Yena, don't worry"
"Don't lie. I better talk to Johnny about this"
"Johnny is actually of great help, it's just I get lazy at times"
Yena sighed, placing her hand on his that was clutching the arms of the wheelchair he was placed in, as she spoke.

"Please don't neglect your health- it always comes first, please"
"I keep saying that too"
Yena diverted her attention upon hearing the voice and a smile formed on her lips seeing Johnny- Jonghyuk's personal caretaker ever since he had been admitted in the hospital.

"Hey, how have you been?"
"Perfect. How's my sis doing?"
Jonghyuk smiled as he watched the two converse.

"I know you barely have any time to care about yourself. I hate to make you work for my bills- sorry sweetheart"
"It's alright dad, don't worry"
Yena smiled at him reassuringly.

"Don't worry? Look you've lost a lot of weight. Didn't she Johnny?"
"Well umm.. your boots keep you steady on ground don't they?"
"Haha, funny"
Yena rolled her eyes, smacking his arm lightly earning a laugh from the two.

Standing up, she took over the medications from Johnny.
"I'll do it for now"
Nodding, Johnny exited the room, leaving the two alone.
The two fell into a conversation of their own, catching up on everything they had missed all along.

"It's past 9?! I should be there before 10–"
Yena pressed her lips into a thin line, stopping herself from completing her sentence.

"Ah Yena, where do you live now?"
Yena froze upon hearing his question- exactly what she did not want him to know.

"Don't get near Ulsan, it's not safe, okay?"
Hesitantly she nodded in response- little did he know it was exactly where she lived.

"You're leaving?"
Yena gave Johnny a nod as she grabbed her bag before walking over to her father one last time and crouched down in front of him.

"I'll visit at the earliest dad, take care"
Nodding, Jonghyuk placed a kiss on her forehead earning a smile from Yena.

"Take care dear"
He mumbled and standing up, she waved at Johnny.
"Take care you two, bye"

With that, she left the hospital- heading back home with a smile on her face, pleased that things were going pretty decent in her life, but that smile did not linger on her lips for longer..

With that, she left the hospital- heading back home with a smile on her face, pleased that things were going pretty decent in her life, but that smile did not linger on her lips for longer

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Something's up y'all 👀

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